- package json_test
- import (
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/json"
- )
- func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
- s := "string"
- sPtr := &s
- i64 := int64(64)
- ti := time.Date(2020, 6, 2, 18, 5, 13, 4346374, time.FixedZone("UTC+2", 2*60*60))
- car := &Car{Wheels: 4}
- boat := Boat{Sail: true}
- testcases := map[string]struct {
- value interface{}
- output string
- }{
- "nil": {nil, `null`},
- "string": {"foo", `"foo"`},
- "float32": {float32(3.14), `3.14`},
- "float32 neg": {float32(-3.14), `-3.14`},
- "float64": {float64(3.14), `3.14`},
- "float64 neg": {float64(-3.14), `-3.14`},
- "int32": {int32(32), `32`},
- "int64": {int64(64), `"64"`},
- "int64 neg": {int64(-64), `"-64"`},
- "int64 ptr": {&i64, `"64"`},
- "uint64": {uint64(64), `"64"`},
- "time": {ti, `"2020-06-02T16:05:13.004346374Z"`},
- "time empty": {time.Time{}, `"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"`},
- "time ptr": {&ti, `"2020-06-02T16:05:13.004346374Z"`},
- "customptr": {CustomPtr{Value: "x"}, `{"Value":"x"}`}, // same as encoding/json
- "customptr ptr": {&CustomPtr{Value: "x"}, `"custom"`},
- "customvalue": {CustomValue{Value: "x"}, `"custom"`},
- "customvalue ptr": {&CustomValue{Value: "x"}, `"custom"`},
- "slice nil": {[]int(nil), `null`},
- "slice empty": {[]int{}, `[]`},
- "slice bytes": {[]byte{1, 2, 3}, `"AQID"`},
- "slice int64": {[]int64{1, 2, 3}, `["1","2","3"]`},
- "slice int64 ptr": {[]*int64{&i64, nil}, `["64",null]`},
- "array bytes": {[3]byte{1, 2, 3}, `"AQID"`},
- "array int64": {[3]int64{1, 2, 3}, `["1","2","3"]`},
- "map nil": {map[string]int64(nil), `{}`}, // retain Amino compatibility
- "map empty": {map[string]int64{}, `{}`},
- "map int64": {map[string]int64{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, `{"a":"1","b":"2","c":"3"}`},
- "car": {car, `{"type":"vehicle/car","value":{"Wheels":4}}`},
- "car value": {*car, `{"type":"vehicle/car","value":{"Wheels":4}}`},
- "car iface": {Vehicle(car), `{"type":"vehicle/car","value":{"Wheels":4}}`},
- "car nil": {(*Car)(nil), `null`},
- "boat": {boat, `{"type":"vehicle/boat","value":{"Sail":true}}`},
- "boat ptr": {&boat, `{"type":"vehicle/boat","value":{"Sail":true}}`},
- "boat iface": {Vehicle(boat), `{"type":"vehicle/boat","value":{"Sail":true}}`},
- "key public": {PublicKey{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, `{"type":"key/public","value":"AQIDBAUGBwg="}`},
- "tags": {
- Tags{JSONName: "name", OmitEmpty: "foo", Hidden: "bar", Tags: &Tags{JSONName: "child"}},
- `{"name":"name","OmitEmpty":"foo","tags":{"name":"child"}}`,
- },
- "tags empty": {Tags{}, `{"name":""}`},
- // The encoding of the Car and Boat fields do not have type wrappers, even though they get
- // type wrappers when encoded directly (see "car" and "boat" tests). This is to retain the
- // same behavior as Amino. If the field was a Vehicle interface instead, it would get
- // type wrappers, as seen in the Vehicles field.
- "struct": {
- Struct{
- Bool: true, Float64: 3.14, Int32: 32, Int64: 64, Int64Ptr: &i64,
- String: "foo", StringPtrPtr: &sPtr, Bytes: []byte{1, 2, 3},
- Time: ti, Car: car, Boat: boat, Vehicles: []Vehicle{car, boat},
- Child: &Struct{Bool: false, String: "child"}, private: "private",
- },
- `{
- "Bool":true, "Float64":3.14, "Int32":32, "Int64":"64", "Int64Ptr":"64",
- "String":"foo", "StringPtrPtr": "string", "Bytes":"AQID",
- "Time":"2020-06-02T16:05:13.004346374Z",
- "Car":{"Wheels":4},
- "Boat":{"Sail":true},
- "Vehicles":[
- {"type":"vehicle/car","value":{"Wheels":4}},
- {"type":"vehicle/boat","value":{"Sail":true}}
- ],
- "Child":{
- "Bool":false, "Float64":0, "Int32":0, "Int64":"0", "Int64Ptr":null,
- "String":"child", "StringPtrPtr":null, "Bytes":null,
- "Time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "Car":null, "Boat":{"Sail":false}, "Vehicles":null, "Child":null
- }
- }`,
- },
- }
- for name, tc := range testcases {
- tc := tc
- t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
- bz, err := json.Marshal(tc.value)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- assert.JSONEq(t, tc.output, string(bz))
- })
- }
- }