- ---
- ###
- ### Tendermint installation
- ###
- ## This file shows and sets the global defaults for the role variables.
- ##
- ## install
- ##
- ## service variable defines which service is going to be managed. It can be set to basecoind or ethermint.
- service: basecoind
- ## release_install indicates if the install role should look for a privately built binary after installing the service package. If set to false, the privately built binary in the GOPATH is going to override the binary on the target systems.
- #release_install: true
- ## binary stores the path to the privately built service binary, if there is any. By default it uses the GOPATH environment variable.
- #binary: "{{ lookup('env','GOPATH') | default('') }}/bin/{{service}}"
- ##
- ## config
- ##
- ## tendermint_genesis_file contains the path and filename to a previously generated genesis.json for the underlying tendermint service. If undefined, the json file is dynamically generated.
- #tendermint_genesis_file: "<undefined>"
- ## service_genesis_file contains the path and filename to a previously generated genesis.json for the service. If undefined, the json file is dynamically generated.
- #service_genesis_file: "<undefined>"
- ## testnet_name is used to find seed IPs and public keys and set the chain_id in genesis.json and config.toml
- #testnet_name: testnet1
- ## app_options_file contains a path and filename which will be included in a generated service genesis.json file on all nodes. The content will be dumped into the app_options dictionary in the service genesis.json..
- #app_options_file: "app_options_files/dev_money"
- ## Internal use only. validators indicates if the nodes are validator nodes. The tendermint genesis.json will contain their public keys.
- #validators: true
- ## Internal use only. seeds contain the list of servers (with ports) that are validators in a testnet. Only effective if validators == false. If validators == true, then all nodes will be automatically included here.
- #seeds: ""