- package multisig
- import (
- "math/rand"
- "testing"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/ed25519"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/secp256k1"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/sr25519"
- )
- // This tests multisig functionality, but it expects the first k signatures to be valid
- // TODO: Adapt it to give more flexibility about first k signatures being valid
- func TestThresholdMultisigValidCases(t *testing.T) {
- pkSet1, sigSet1 := generatePubKeysAndSignatures(5, []byte{1, 2, 3, 4})
- cases := []struct {
- msg []byte
- k int
- pubkeys []crypto.PubKey
- signingIndices []int
- // signatures should be the same size as signingIndices.
- signatures [][]byte
- passAfterKSignatures []bool
- }{
- {
- msg: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4},
- k: 2,
- pubkeys: pkSet1,
- signingIndices: []int{0, 3, 1},
- signatures: sigSet1,
- passAfterKSignatures: []bool{false},
- },
- }
- for tcIndex, tc := range cases {
- multisigKey := NewPubKeyMultisigThreshold(tc.k, tc.pubkeys)
- multisignature := NewMultisig(len(tc.pubkeys))
- for i := 0; i < tc.k-1; i++ {
- signingIndex := tc.signingIndices[i]
- require.NoError(
- t,
- multisignature.AddSignatureFromPubKey(tc.signatures[signingIndex], tc.pubkeys[signingIndex], tc.pubkeys),
- )
- require.False(
- t,
- multisigKey.VerifyBytes(tc.msg, multisignature.Marshal()),
- "multisig passed when i < k, tc %d, i %d", tcIndex, i,
- )
- require.NoError(
- t,
- multisignature.AddSignatureFromPubKey(tc.signatures[signingIndex], tc.pubkeys[signingIndex], tc.pubkeys),
- )
- require.Equal(
- t,
- i+1,
- len(multisignature.Sigs),
- "adding a signature for the same pubkey twice increased signature count by 2, tc %d", tcIndex,
- )
- }
- require.False(
- t,
- multisigKey.VerifyBytes(tc.msg, multisignature.Marshal()),
- "multisig passed with k - 1 sigs, tc %d", tcIndex,
- )
- require.NoError(
- t,
- multisignature.AddSignatureFromPubKey(
- tc.signatures[tc.signingIndices[tc.k]],
- tc.pubkeys[tc.signingIndices[tc.k]],
- tc.pubkeys,
- ),
- )
- require.True(
- t,
- multisigKey.VerifyBytes(tc.msg, multisignature.Marshal()),
- "multisig failed after k good signatures, tc %d", tcIndex,
- )
- for i := tc.k + 1; i < len(tc.signingIndices); i++ {
- signingIndex := tc.signingIndices[i]
- require.NoError(
- t,
- multisignature.AddSignatureFromPubKey(tc.signatures[signingIndex], tc.pubkeys[signingIndex], tc.pubkeys),
- )
- require.Equal(
- t,
- tc.passAfterKSignatures[i-tc.k-1],
- multisigKey.VerifyBytes(tc.msg, multisignature.Marshal()),
- "multisig didn't verify as expected after k sigs, tc %d, i %d", tcIndex, i,
- )
- require.NoError(
- t,
- multisignature.AddSignatureFromPubKey(tc.signatures[signingIndex], tc.pubkeys[signingIndex], tc.pubkeys),
- )
- require.Equal(
- t,
- i+1,
- len(multisignature.Sigs),
- "adding a signature for the same pubkey twice increased signature count by 2, tc %d", tcIndex,
- )
- }
- }
- }
- // TODO: Fully replace this test with table driven tests
- func TestThresholdMultisigDuplicateSignatures(t *testing.T) {
- msg := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
- pubkeys, sigs := generatePubKeysAndSignatures(5, msg)
- multisigKey := NewPubKeyMultisigThreshold(2, pubkeys)
- multisignature := NewMultisig(5)
- require.False(t, multisigKey.VerifyBytes(msg, multisignature.Marshal()))
- multisignature.AddSignatureFromPubKey(sigs[0], pubkeys[0], pubkeys)
- // Add second signature manually
- multisignature.Sigs = append(multisignature.Sigs, sigs[0])
- require.False(t, multisigKey.VerifyBytes(msg, multisignature.Marshal()))
- }
- // TODO: Fully replace this test with table driven tests
- func TestMultiSigPubKeyEquality(t *testing.T) {
- msg := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}
- pubkeys, _ := generatePubKeysAndSignatures(5, msg)
- multisigKey := NewPubKeyMultisigThreshold(2, pubkeys)
- var unmarshalledMultisig PubKey
- cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryBare(multisigKey.Bytes(), &unmarshalledMultisig)
- require.True(t, multisigKey.Equals(unmarshalledMultisig))
- // Ensure that reordering pubkeys is treated as a different pubkey
- pubkeysCpy := make([]crypto.PubKey, 5)
- copy(pubkeysCpy, pubkeys)
- pubkeysCpy[4] = pubkeys[3]
- pubkeysCpy[3] = pubkeys[4]
- multisigKey2 := NewPubKeyMultisigThreshold(2, pubkeysCpy)
- require.False(t, multisigKey.Equals(multisigKey2))
- }
- func TestAddress(t *testing.T) {
- msg := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}
- pubkeys, _ := generatePubKeysAndSignatures(5, msg)
- multisigKey := NewPubKeyMultisigThreshold(2, pubkeys)
- require.Len(t, multisigKey.Address().Bytes(), 20)
- }
- func TestPubKeyMultisigThresholdAminoToIface(t *testing.T) {
- msg := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}
- pubkeys, _ := generatePubKeysAndSignatures(5, msg)
- multisigKey := NewPubKeyMultisigThreshold(2, pubkeys)
- ab, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(multisigKey)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- // like other crypto.Pubkey implementations (e.g. ed25519.PubKey),
- // PubKey should be deserializable into a crypto.PubKey:
- var pubKey crypto.PubKey
- err = cdc.UnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(ab, &pubKey)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.Equal(t, multisigKey, pubKey)
- }
- func generatePubKeysAndSignatures(n int, msg []byte) (pubkeys []crypto.PubKey, signatures [][]byte) {
- pubkeys = make([]crypto.PubKey, n)
- signatures = make([][]byte, n)
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- var privkey crypto.PrivKey
- switch rand.Int63() % 3 {
- case 0:
- privkey = ed25519.GenPrivKey()
- case 1:
- privkey = secp256k1.GenPrivKey()
- case 2:
- privkey = sr25519.GenPrivKey()
- }
- pubkeys[i] = privkey.PubKey()
- signatures[i], _ = privkey.Sign(msg)
- }
- return
- }