- -------------------------- MODULE LCDetector_003_draft -----------------------------
- (**
- * This is a specification of the light client detector module.
- * It follows the English specification:
- *
- * https://github.com/tendermint/spec/blob/master/rust-spec/lightclient/detection/detection_003_reviewed.md
- *
- * The assumptions made in this specification:
- *
- * - light client connects to one primary and one secondary peer
- *
- * - the light client has its own local clock that can drift from the reference clock
- * within the envelope [refClock - CLOCK_DRIFT, refClock + CLOCK_DRIFT].
- * The local clock may increase as well as decrease in the the envelope
- * (similar to clock synchronization).
- *
- * - the ratio of the faulty validators is set as the parameter.
- *
- * Igor Konnov, Josef Widder, 2020
- *)
- EXTENDS Integers
- \* the parameters of Light Client
- AllNodes,
- (* a set of all nodes that can act as validators (correct and faulty) *)
- (* an index of the block header that the light client trusts by social consensus *)
- (* an index of the block header that the light client tries to verify *)
- (* the period within which the validators are trusted *)
- (* the assumed precision of the clock *)
- (* the actual clock drift, which under normal circumstances should not
- be larger than CLOCK_DRIFT (otherwise, there will be a bug) *)
- (* a pair <<a, b>> that limits that ratio of faulty validator in the blockchain
- from above (exclusive). Tendermint security model prescribes 1 / 3. *)
- blockchain, (* the reference blockchain *)
- localClock, (* the local clock of the light client *)
- refClock, (* the reference clock in the reference blockchain *)
- Faulty, (* the set of faulty validators *)
- state, (* the state of the light client detector *)
- fetchedLightBlocks1, (* a function from heights to LightBlocks *)
- fetchedLightBlocks2, (* a function from heights to LightBlocks *)
- fetchedLightBlocks1b, (* a function from heights to LightBlocks *)
- commonHeight, (* the height that is trusted in CreateEvidenceForPeer *)
- nextHeightToTry, (* the index in CreateEvidenceForPeer *)
- evidences (* a set of evidences *)
- vars == <<state, blockchain, localClock, refClock, Faulty,
- fetchedLightBlocks1, fetchedLightBlocks2, fetchedLightBlocks1b,
- commonHeight, nextHeightToTry, evidences >>
- \* (old) type annotations in Apalache
- a <: b == a
- \* instantiate a reference chain
- BC == INSTANCE Blockchain_003_draft
- \* use the light client API
- LC == INSTANCE LCVerificationApi_003_draft
- \* evidence type
- ET == [peer |-> STRING, conflictingBlock |-> BC!LBT, commonHeight |-> Int]
- \* is the algorithm in the terminating state
- IsTerminated ==
- state \in { <<"NoEvidence", "PRIMARY">>,
- <<"NoEvidence", "SECONDARY">>,
- <<"FaultyPeer", "PRIMARY">>,
- <<"FaultyPeer", "SECONDARY">>,
- <<"FoundEvidence", "PRIMARY">> }
- (********************************* Initialization ******************************)
- \* initialization for the light blocks data structure
- InitLightBlocks(lb, Heights) ==
- \* BC!LightBlocks is an infinite set, as time is not restricted.
- \* Hence, we initialize the light blocks by picking the sets inside.
- \E vs, nextVS, lastCommit, commit \in [Heights -> SUBSET AllNodes]:
- \* although [Heights -> Int] is an infinite set,
- \* Apalache needs just one instance of this set, so it does not complain.
- \E timestamp \in [Heights -> Int]:
- LET hdr(h) ==
- [height |-> h,
- time |-> timestamp[h],
- VS |-> vs[h],
- NextVS |-> nextVS[h],
- lastCommit |-> lastCommit[h]]
- IN
- LET lightHdr(h) ==
- [header |-> hdr(h), Commits |-> commit[h]]
- IN
- lb = [ h \in Heights |-> lightHdr(h) ]
- \* initialize the detector algorithm
- Init ==
- \* initialize the blockchain to TARGET_HEIGHT + 1
- /\ BC!InitToHeight(FAULTY_RATIO)
- /\ \E tm \in Int:
- tm >= 0 /\ LC!IsLocalClockWithinDrift(tm, refClock) /\ localClock = tm
- \* start with the secondary looking for evidence
- /\ state = <<"Init", "SECONDARY">> /\ commonHeight = 0 /\ nextHeightToTry = 0
- /\ evidences = {} <: {ET}
- \* Precompute a possible result of light client verification for the primary.
- \* It is the input to the detection algorithm.
- /\ TRUSTED_HEIGHT \in Heights1
- /\ TARGET_HEIGHT \in Heights1
- /\ InitLightBlocks(fetchedLightBlocks1, Heights1)
- \* As we have a non-deterministic scheduler, for every trace that has
- \* an unverified block, there is a filtered trace that only has verified
- \* blocks. This is a deep observation.
- /\ LET status == [h \in Heights1 |-> "StateVerified"] IN
- LC!VerifyToTargetPost(blockchain, IS_PRIMARY_CORRECT,
- fetchedLightBlocks1, status,
- \* initialize the other data structures to the default values
- /\ LET trustedBlock == blockchain[TRUSTED_HEIGHT]
- trustedLightBlock == [header |-> trustedBlock, Commits |-> AllNodes]
- IN
- /\ fetchedLightBlocks2 = [h \in {TRUSTED_HEIGHT} |-> trustedLightBlock]
- /\ fetchedLightBlocks1b = [h \in {TRUSTED_HEIGHT} |-> trustedLightBlock]
- (********************************* Transitions ******************************)
- \* a block should contain a copy of the block from the reference chain,
- \* with a matching commit
- CopyLightBlockFromChain(block, height) ==
- LET ref == blockchain[height]
- lastCommit ==
- THEN blockchain[height + 1].lastCommit
- \* for the ultimate block, which we never use,
- ELSE blockchain[height].VS
- IN
- block = [header |-> ref, Commits |-> lastCommit]
- \* Either the primary is correct and the block comes from the reference chain,
- \* or the block is produced by a faulty primary.
- \*
- \* [LCV-FUNC-FETCH.1::TLA.1]
- FetchLightBlockInto(isPeerCorrect, block, height) ==
- IF isPeerCorrect
- THEN CopyLightBlockFromChain(block, height)
- ELSE BC!IsLightBlockAllowedByDigitalSignatures(height, block)
- (**
- * Pick the next height, for which there is a block.
- *)
- PickNextHeight(fetchedBlocks, height) ==
- LET largerHeights == { h \in DOMAIN fetchedBlocks: h > height } IN
- IF largerHeights = ({} <: {Int})
- THEN -1
- ELSE CHOOSE h \in largerHeights:
- \A h2 \in largerHeights: h <= h2
- (**
- * Check, whether the target header matches at the secondary and primary.
- *)
- CompareLast ==
- /\ state = <<"Init", "SECONDARY">>
- \* fetch a block from the secondary:
- \* non-deterministically pick a block that matches the constraints
- /\ \E latest \in BC!LightBlocks:
- \* for the moment, we ignore the possibility of a timeout when fetching a block
- /\ FetchLightBlockInto(IS_SECONDARY_CORRECT, latest, TARGET_HEIGHT)
- /\ IF latest.header = fetchedLightBlocks1[TARGET_HEIGHT].header
- THEN \* if the headers match, CreateEvidence is not called
- /\ state' = <<"NoEvidence", "SECONDARY">>
- \* save the retrieved block for further analysis
- /\ fetchedLightBlocks2' =
- [h \in (DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks2) \union {TARGET_HEIGHT} |->
- IF h = TARGET_HEIGHT THEN latest ELSE fetchedLightBlocks2[h]]
- /\ UNCHANGED <<commonHeight, nextHeightToTry>>
- ELSE \* prepare the parameters for CreateEvidence
- /\ commonHeight' = TRUSTED_HEIGHT
- /\ nextHeightToTry' = PickNextHeight(fetchedLightBlocks1, TRUSTED_HEIGHT)
- /\ state' = IF nextHeightToTry' >= 0
- THEN <<"CreateEvidence", "SECONDARY">>
- ELSE <<"FaultyPeer", "SECONDARY">>
- /\ UNCHANGED fetchedLightBlocks2
- /\ UNCHANGED <<blockchain, Faulty,
- fetchedLightBlocks1, fetchedLightBlocks1b, evidences>>
- \* the actual loop in CreateEvidence
- CreateEvidence(peer, isPeerCorrect, refBlocks, targetBlocks) ==
- /\ state = <<"CreateEvidence", peer>>
- \* precompute a possible result of light client verification for the secondary
- \* we have to introduce HeightRange, because Apalache can only handle a..b
- \* for constant a and b
- /\ LET HeightRange == { h \in TRUSTED_HEIGHT..TARGET_HEIGHT:
- commonHeight <= h /\ h <= nextHeightToTry } IN
- \E HeightsRange \in SUBSET(HeightRange):
- /\ commonHeight \in HeightsRange /\ nextHeightToTry \in HeightsRange
- /\ InitLightBlocks(targetBlocks, HeightsRange)
- \* As we have a non-deterministic scheduler, for every trace that has
- \* an unverified block, there is a filtered trace that only has verified
- \* blocks. This is a deep observation.
- /\ \E result \in {"finishedSuccess", "finishedFailure"}:
- LET targetStatus == [h \in HeightsRange |-> "StateVerified"] IN
- \* call VerifyToTarget for (commonHeight, nextHeightToTry).
- /\ LC!VerifyToTargetPost(blockchain, isPeerCorrect,
- targetBlocks, targetStatus,
- commonHeight, nextHeightToTry, result)
- \* case 1: the peer has failed (or the trusting period has expired)
- /\ \/ /\ result /= "finishedSuccess"
- /\ state' = <<"FaultyPeer", peer>>
- /\ UNCHANGED <<commonHeight, nextHeightToTry, evidences>>
- \* case 2: success
- \/ /\ result = "finishedSuccess"
- /\ LET block1 == refBlocks[nextHeightToTry] IN
- LET block2 == targetBlocks[nextHeightToTry] IN
- IF block1.header /= block2.header
- THEN \* the target blocks do not match
- /\ state' = <<"FoundEvidence", peer>>
- /\ evidences' = evidences \union
- {[peer |-> peer,
- conflictingBlock |-> block1,
- commonHeight |-> commonHeight]}
- /\ UNCHANGED <<commonHeight, nextHeightToTry>>
- ELSE \* the target blocks match
- /\ nextHeightToTry' = PickNextHeight(refBlocks, nextHeightToTry)
- /\ commonHeight' = nextHeightToTry
- /\ state' = IF nextHeightToTry' >= 0
- THEN state
- ELSE <<"NoEvidence", peer>>
- /\ UNCHANGED evidences
- SwitchToPrimary ==
- /\ state = <<"FoundEvidence", "SECONDARY">>
- /\ nextHeightToTry' = PickNextHeight(fetchedLightBlocks2, commonHeight)
- /\ state' = <<"CreateEvidence", "PRIMARY">>
- /\ UNCHANGED <<blockchain, refClock, Faulty, localClock,
- fetchedLightBlocks1, fetchedLightBlocks2, fetchedLightBlocks1b,
- commonHeight, evidences >>
- CreateEvidenceForSecondary ==
- fetchedLightBlocks1, fetchedLightBlocks2')
- /\ UNCHANGED <<blockchain, refClock, Faulty, localClock,
- fetchedLightBlocks1, fetchedLightBlocks1b>>
- CreateEvidenceForPrimary ==
- /\ CreateEvidence("PRIMARY", IS_PRIMARY_CORRECT,
- fetchedLightBlocks2,
- fetchedLightBlocks1b')
- /\ UNCHANGED <<blockchain, Faulty,
- fetchedLightBlocks1, fetchedLightBlocks2>>
- (*
- The local and global clocks can be updated. They can also drift from each other.
- Note that the local clock can actually go backwards in time.
- However, it still stays in the drift envelope
- of [refClock - REAL_CLOCK_DRIFT, refClock + REAL_CLOCK_DRIFT].
- *)
- AdvanceClocks ==
- /\ \E tm \in Int:
- tm >= refClock /\ refClock' = tm
- /\ \E tm \in Int:
- /\ tm >= localClock
- /\ LC!IsLocalClockWithinDrift(tm, refClock')
- /\ localClock' = tm
- (**
- Execute AttackDetector for one secondary.
- *)
- Next ==
- /\ AdvanceClocks
- /\ \/ CompareLast
- \/ CreateEvidenceForSecondary
- \/ SwitchToPrimary
- \/ CreateEvidenceForPrimary
- \* simple invariants to see the progress of the detector
- NeverNoEvidence == state[1] /= "NoEvidence"
- NeverFoundEvidence == state[1] /= "FoundEvidence"
- NeverFaultyPeer == state[1] /= "FaultyPeer"
- NeverCreateEvidence == state[1] /= "CreateEvidence"
- NeverFoundEvidencePrimary == state /= <<"FoundEvidence", "PRIMARY">>
- NeverReachTargetHeight == nextHeightToTry < TARGET_HEIGHT
- EvidenceWhenFaultyInv ==
- (state[1] = "FoundEvidence") => (~IS_PRIMARY_CORRECT \/ ~IS_SECONDARY_CORRECT)
- NoEvidenceForCorrectInv ==
- (**
- * If we find an evidence by peer A, peer B has ineded given us a corrupted
- * header following the common height. Also, we have a verification trace by peer A.
- *)
- CommonHeightOnEvidenceInv ==
- \A e \in evidences:
- LET conflicting == e.conflictingBlock IN
- LET conflictingHeader == conflicting.header IN
- \* the evidence by suspectingPeer can be verified by suspectingPeer in one step
- LET SoundEvidence(suspectingPeer, peerBlocks) ==
- \/ e.peer /= suspectingPeer
- \* the conflicting block from another peer verifies against the common height
- \/ /\ "SUCCESS" =
- LC!ValidAndVerifiedUntimed(peerBlocks[e.commonHeight], conflicting)
- \* and the headers of the same height by the two peers do not match
- /\ peerBlocks[conflictingHeader.height].header /= conflictingHeader
- IN
- /\ SoundEvidence("PRIMARY", fetchedLightBlocks1b)
- /\ SoundEvidence("SECONDARY", fetchedLightBlocks2)
- (**
- * If the light client does not find an evidence,
- * then there is no attack on the light client.
- *)
- AccuracyInv ==
- (LC!InTrustingPeriodLocal(fetchedLightBlocks1[TARGET_HEIGHT].header)
- /\ state = <<"NoEvidence", "SECONDARY">>)
- =>
- (fetchedLightBlocks1[TARGET_HEIGHT].header = blockchain[TARGET_HEIGHT]
- /\ fetchedLightBlocks2[TARGET_HEIGHT].header = blockchain[TARGET_HEIGHT])
- (**
- * The primary reports a corrupted block at the target height. If the secondary is
- * correct and the algorithm has terminated, we should get the evidence.
- * This property is violated due to clock drift. VerifyToTarget may fail with
- * the correct secondary within the trusting period (due to clock drift, locally
- * we think that we are outside of the trusting period).
- *)
- PrecisionInvGrayZone ==
- (/\ fetchedLightBlocks1[TARGET_HEIGHT].header /= blockchain[TARGET_HEIGHT]
- /\ BC!InTrustingPeriod(blockchain[TRUSTED_HEIGHT])
- /\ IsTerminated)
- =>
- evidences /= {} <: {ET}
- (**
- * The primary reports a corrupted block at the target height. If the secondary is
- * correct and the algorithm has terminated, we should get the evidence.
- * This invariant does not fail, as we are using the local clock to check the trusting
- * period.
- *)
- PrecisionInvLocal ==
- (/\ fetchedLightBlocks1[TARGET_HEIGHT].header /= blockchain[TARGET_HEIGHT]
- /\ LC!InTrustingPeriodLocalSurely(blockchain[TRUSTED_HEIGHT])
- /\ IsTerminated)
- =>
- evidences /= {} <: {ET}
- ====================================================================================