- package blocks
- import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "sync"
- "sync/atomic"
- "time"
- . "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/binary"
- . "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/common"
- db_ "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/db"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p"
- )
- var dbKeyState = []byte("state")
- const (
- blocksInfoCh = byte(0x10) // For requests & cancellations
- blocksDataCh = byte(0x11) // For data
- msgTypeUnknown = Byte(0x00)
- msgTypeState = Byte(0x01)
- msgTypeRequest = Byte(0x02)
- msgTypeData = Byte(0x03)
- maxRequestsPerPeer = 2 // Maximum number of outstanding requests from peer.
- maxRequestsPerData = 2 // Maximum number of outstanding requests of some data.
- maxRequestAheadBlock = 5 // Maximum number of blocks to request ahead of current verified. Must be >= 1
- defaultRequestTimeoutS =
- timeoutRepeatTimerMS = 1000 // Handle timed out requests periodically
- )
- /*
- TODO: keep a heap of dataRequests * their corresponding timeouts.
- timeout dataRequests and update the peerState,
- TODO: need to keep track of progress, blocks are too large. or we need to chop into chunks.
- TODO: need to validate blocks. :/
- TODO: actually save the block.
- */
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const (
- dataTypeBlock = byte(0x00)
- // TODO: allow for more types, such as specific transactions
- )
- type dataKey struct {
- dataType byte
- height uint64
- }
- func newDataKey(dataType byte, height uint64) dataKey {
- return dataKey{dataType, height}
- }
- func readDataKey(r io.Reader) dataKey {
- return dataKey{
- dataType: ReadByte(r),
- height: ReadUInt64(r),
- }
- }
- func (dk dataKey) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
- n, err = WriteTo(dk.dataType, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteTo(dk.height, w, n, err)
- return
- }
- func (dk dataKey) String() string {
- switch dataType {
- case dataTypeBlock:
- return dataKeyfmt.Sprintf("B%v", height)
- default:
- Panicf("Unknown datatype %X", dataType)
- return "" // should not happen
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type BlockManager struct {
- db *db_.LevelDB
- sw *p2p.Switch
- swEvents chan interface{}
- state *blockManagerState
- timeoutTimer *RepeatTimer
- quit chan struct{}
- started uint32
- stopped uint32
- }
- func NewBlockManager(sw *p2p.Switch, db *db_.LevelDB) *BlockManager {
- swEvents := make(chan interface{})
- sw.AddEventListener("BlockManager.swEvents", swEvents)
- bm := &BlockManager{
- db: db,
- sw: sw,
- swEvents: swEvents,
- state: newBlockManagerState(),
- timeoutTimer: NewRepeatTimer(timeoutRepeatTimerMS * time.Second),
- quit: make(chan struct{}),
- }
- bm.loadState()
- return bm
- }
- func (bm *BlockManager) Start() {
- if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&bm.started, 0, 1) {
- log.Info("Starting BlockManager")
- go bm.switchEventsHandler()
- go bm.blocksInfoHandler()
- go bm.blocksDataHandler()
- go bm.requestTimeoutHandler()
- }
- }
- func (bm *BlockManager) Stop() {
- if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&bm.stopped, 0, 1) {
- log.Info("Stopping BlockManager")
- close(bm.quit)
- close(bm.swEvents)
- }
- }
- // NOTE: assumes that data is already validated.
- // "request" is optional, it's the request response that supplied
- // the data.
- func (bm *BlockManager) StoreBlock(block *Block, origin *dataRequest) {
- dataKey := newDataKey(dataTypeBlock, uint64(block.Header.Height))
- // XXX actually save the block.
- canceled, newHeight := bm.state.didGetDataFromPeer(dataKey, origin.peer)
- // Notify peers that the request has been canceled.
- for _, request := range canceled {
- msg := &requestMessage{
- key: dataKey,
- type_: requestTypeCanceled,
- }
- tm := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeRequest, msg}
- request.peer.TrySend(blocksInfoCh, tm.Bytes())
- }
- // If we have new data that extends our contiguous range, then announce it.
- if newHeight {
- bm.sw.Broadcast(blocksInfoCh, bm.state.makeStateMessage())
- }
- }
- func (bm *BlockManager) LoadBlock(height uint64) *Block {
- panic("not yet implemented")
- }
- // Handle peer new/done events
- func (bm *BlockManager) switchEventsHandler() {
- for {
- swEvent, ok := <-bm.swEvents
- if !ok {
- break
- }
- switch swEvent.(type) {
- case p2p.SwitchEventNewPeer:
- event := swEvent.(p2p.SwitchEventNewPeer)
- // Create peerState for event.Peer
- bm.state.createEntryForPeer(event.Peer)
- // Share our state with event.Peer
- msg := &stateMessage{
- lastBlockHeight: UInt64(bm.state.lastBlockHeight),
- }
- tm := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeRequest, msg}
- event.Peer.TrySend(blocksInfoCh, tm.Bytes())
- case p2p.SwitchEventDonePeer:
- event := swEvent.(p2p.SwitchEventDonePeer)
- // Delete peerState for event.Peer
- bm.state.deleteEntryForPeer(event.Peer)
- default:
- log.Warning("Unhandled switch event type")
- }
- }
- }
- // Handle requests/cancellations from the blocksInfo channel
- func (bm *BlockManager) blocksInfoHandler() {
- for {
- inMsg, ok := bm.sw.Receive(blocksInfoCh)
- if !ok {
- break // Client has stopped
- }
- msg := decodeMessage(inMsg.Bytes)
- log.Info("blocksInfoHandler received %v", msg)
- switch msg.(type) {
- case *stateMessage:
- m := msg.(*stateMessage)
- peerState := bm.getPeerState(inMsg.MConn.Peer)
- if peerState == nil {
- continue // peer has since been disconnected.
- }
- newDataTypes := peerState.applyStateMessage(m)
- // Consider requesting data.
- // Does the peer claim to have something we want?
- for _, newDataType := range newDataTypes {
- // Are we already requesting too much data from peer?
- if !peerState.canRequestMore() {
- break FOR_LOOP
- }
- for _, wantedKey := range bm.state.nextWantedKeysForType(newDataType) {
- if !peerState.hasData(wantedKey) {
- break FOR_LOOP
- }
- // Request wantedKey from peer.
- msg := &requestMessage{
- key: dataKey,
- type_: requestTypeFetch,
- }
- tm := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeRequest, msg}
- sent := inMsg.MConn.Peer.TrySend(blocksInfoCh, tm.Bytes())
- if sent {
- // Log the request
- request := &dataRequest{
- peer: inMsg.MConn.Peer,
- key: wantedKey,
- time: time.Now(),
- timeout: time.Now().Add(defaultRequestTimeout
- }
- bm.state.addDataRequest(request)
- }
- }
- }
- case *requestMessage:
- m := msg.(*requestMessage)
- switch m.type_ {
- case requestTypeFetch:
- // TODO: prevent abuse.
- if !inMsg.MConn.Peer.CanSend(blocksDataCh) {
- msg := &requestMessage{
- key: dataKey,
- type_: requestTypeTryAgain,
- }
- tm := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeRequest, msg}
- sent := inMsg.MConn.Peer.TrySend(blocksInfoCh, tm.Bytes())
- } else {
- // If we don't have it, log and ignore.
- block := bm.LoadBlock(m.key.height)
- if block == nil {
- log.Warning("Peer %v asked for nonexistant block %v", inMsg.MConn.Peer, m.key)
- }
- // Send the data.
- msg := &dataMessage{
- key: dataKey,
- bytes: BinaryBytes(block),
- }
- tm := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeData, msg}
- inMsg.MConn.Peer.TrySend(blocksDataCh, tm.Bytes())
- }
- case requestTypeCanceled:
- // TODO: handle
- // This requires modifying mconnection to keep track of item keys.
- case requestTypeTryAgain:
- // TODO: handle
- default:
- log.Warning("Invalid request: %v", m)
- // Ignore.
- }
- default:
- // should not happen
- Panicf("Unknown message %v", msg)
- // bm.sw.StopPeerForError(inMsg.MConn.Peer, errInvalidMessage)
- }
- }
- // Cleanup
- }
- // Handle receiving data from the blocksData channel
- func (bm *BlockManager) blocksDataHandler() {
- for {
- inMsg, ok := bm.sw.Receive(blocksDataCh)
- if !ok {
- break // Client has stopped
- }
- msg := decodeMessage(inMsg.Bytes)
- log.Info("blocksDataHandler received %v", msg)
- switch msg.(type) {
- case *dataMessage:
- // See if we want the data.
- // Validate data.
- // Add to db.
- // Update state & broadcast as necessary.
- default:
- // Ignore unknown message
- // bm.sw.StopPeerForError(inMsg.MConn.Peer, errInvalidMessage)
- }
- }
- // Cleanup
- }
- // Handle timed out requests by requesting from others.
- func (bm *BlockManager) requestTimeoutHandler() {
- for {
- _, ok := <-bm.timeoutTimer
- if !ok {
- break
- }
- // Iterate over requests by time and handle timed out requests.
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // blockManagerState keeps track of which block parts are stored locally.
- // It's also persisted via JSON in the db.
- type blockManagerState struct {
- mtx sync.Mutex
- lastBlockHeight uint64 // Last contiguous header height
- otherBlockHeights map[uint64]struct{}
- requestsByKey map[dataKey][]*dataRequest
- requestsByTimeout *Heap // Could be a linkedlist, but more flexible.
- peerStates map[string]*peerState
- }
- func newBlockManagerState() *blockManagerState {
- return &blockManagerState{
- requestsByKey: make(map[dataKey][]*dataRequest),
- requestsByTimeout: NewHeap(),
- peerStates: make(map[string]*peerState),
- }
- }
- type blockManagerStateJSON struct {
- LastBlockHeight uint64 // Last contiguous header height
- OtherBlockHeights map[uint64]struct{}
- }
- func (bms *BlockManagerState) loadState(db _db.LevelDB) {
- bms.mtx.Lock()
- defer bms.mtx.Unlock()
- stateBytes := db.Get(dbKeyState)
- if stateBytes == nil {
- log.Info("New BlockManager with no state")
- } else {
- bmsJSON := &blockManagerStateJSON{}
- err := json.Unmarshal(stateBytes, bmsJSON)
- if err != nil {
- Panicf("Could not unmarshal state bytes: %X", stateBytes)
- }
- bms.lastBlockHeight = bmsJSON.LastBlockHeight
- bms.otherBlockHeights = bmsJSON.OtherBlockHeights
- }
- }
- func (bms *BlockManagerState) saveState(db _db.LevelDB) {
- bms.mtx.Lock()
- defer bms.mtx.Unlock()
- bmsJSON := &blockManagerStateJSON{
- LastBlockHeight: bms.lastBlockHeight,
- OtherBlockHeights: bms.otherBlockHeights,
- }
- stateBytes, err := json.Marshal(bmsJSON)
- if err != nil {
- panic("Could not marshal state bytes")
- }
- db.Set(dbKeyState, stateBytes)
- }
- func (bms *blockManagerState) makeStateMessage() *stateMessage {
- bms.mtx.Lock()
- defer bms.mtx.Unlock()
- return &stateMessage{
- lastBlockHeight: UInt64(bms.lastBlockHeight),
- }
- }
- func (bms *blockManagerState) createEntryForPeer(peer *peer) {
- bms.mtx.Lock()
- defer bms.mtx.Unlock()
- bms.peerStates[peer.Key] = &peerState{peer: peer}
- }
- func (bms *blockManagerState) deleteEntryForPeer(peer *peer) {
- bms.mtx.Lock()
- defer bms.mtx.Unlock()
- delete(bms.peerStates, peer.Key)
- }
- func (bms *blockManagerState) getPeerState(peer *Peer) {
- bms.mtx.Lock()
- defer bms.mtx.Unlock()
- return bms.peerStates[peer.Key]
- }
- func (bms *blockManagerState) addDataRequest(newRequest *dataRequest) {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- bms.requestsByKey[newRequest.key] = append(bms.requestsByKey[newRequest.key], newRequest)
- bms.requestsByTimeout.Push(newRequest) // XXX
- peerState, ok := bms.peerStates[newRequest.peer.Key]
- ps.mtx.Unlock()
- if ok {
- peerState.addDataRequest(newRequest)
- }
- }
- func (bms *blockManagerState) didGetDataFromPeer(key dataKey, peer *p2p.Peer) (canceled []*dataRequest, newHeight bool) {
- bms.mtx.Lock()
- defer bms.mtx.Unlock()
- if key.dataType != dataTypeBlock {
- Panicf("Unknown datatype %X", key.dataType)
- }
- // Adjust lastBlockHeight/otherBlockHeights.
- height := key.height
- if bms.lastBlockHeight == height-1 {
- bms.lastBlockHeight = height
- height++
- for _, ok := bms.otherBlockHeights[height]; ok; {
- delete(bms.otherBlockHeights, height)
- bms.lastBlockHeight = height
- height++
- }
- newHeight = true
- }
- // Remove dataRequests
- requests := bms.requestsByKey[key]
- for _, request := range requests {
- peerState, ok := bms.peerStates[peer.Key]
- if ok {
- peerState.removeDataRequest(request)
- }
- if request.peer == peer {
- continue
- }
- canceled = append(canceled, request)
- }
- delete(bms.requestsByKey, key)
- return canceled, newHeight
- }
- // Returns at most maxRequestAheadBlock dataKeys that we don't yet have &
- // aren't already requesting from maxRequestsPerData peers.
- func (bms *blockManagerState) nextWantedKeysForType(dataType byte) []dataKey {
- bms.mtx.Lock()
- defer bms.mtx.Unlock()
- var keys []dataKey
- switch dataType {
- case dataTypeBlock:
- for h := bms.lastBlockHeight + 1; h <= bms.lastBlockHeight+maxRequestAheadBlock; h++ {
- if _, ok := bms.otherBlockHeights[h]; !ok {
- key := newDataKey(dataTypeBlock, h)
- if len(bms.requestsByKey[key]) < maxRequestsPerData {
- keys = append(keys, key)
- }
- }
- }
- return keys
- default:
- Panicf("Unknown datatype %X", dataType)
- return
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // dataRequest keeps track of each request for a given peice of data & peer.
- type dataRequest struct {
- peer *p2p.Peer
- key dataKey
- time time.Time
- timeout time.Time
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type peerState struct {
- mtx sync.Mutex
- peer *Peer
- lastBlockHeight uint64 // Last contiguous header height
- requests []*dataRequest // Active requests
- // XXX we need to
- }
- // Returns which dataTypes are new as declared by stateMessage.
- func (ps *peerState) applyStateMessage(msg *stateMessage) []byte {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- var newTypes []byte
- if uint64(msg.lastBlockHeight) > ps.lastBlockHeight {
- newTypes = append(newTypes, dataTypeBlock)
- ps.lastBlockHeight = uint64(msg.lastBlockHeight)
- } else {
- log.Info("Strange, peer declares a regression of %X", dataTypeBlock)
- }
- return newTypes
- }
- func (ps *peerState) hasData(key dataKey) bool {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- switch key.dataType {
- case dataTypeBlock:
- return key.height <= ps.lastBlockHeight
- default:
- Panicf("Unknown datatype %X", dataType)
- return false // should not happen
- }
- }
- func (ps *peerState) addDataRequest(newRequest *dataRequest) {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- for _, request := range ps.requests {
- if request.key == newRequest.key {
- return
- }
- }
- ps.requests = append(ps.requests, newRequest)
- return newRequest
- }
- func (ps *peerState) remoteDataRequest(key dataKey) bool {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- filtered := []*dataRequest{}
- removed := false
- for _, request := range ps.requests {
- if request.key == key {
- removed = true
- } else {
- filtered = append(filtered, request)
- }
- }
- ps.requests = filtered
- return removed
- }
- func (ps *peerState) canRequestMore() bool {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- return len(ps.requests) < maxRequestsPerPeer
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* Messages */
- // TODO: check for unnecessary extra bytes at the end.
- func decodeMessage(bz ByteSlice) (msg interface{}) {
- // log.Debug("decoding msg bytes: %X", bz)
- switch Byte(bz[0]) {
- case msgTypeState:
- return &stateMessage{}
- case msgTypeRequest:
- return readRequestMessage(bytes.NewReader(bz[1:]))
- case msgTypeData:
- return readDataMessage(bytes.NewReader(bz[1:]))
- default:
- return nil
- }
- }
- /*
- A stateMessage declares what (contiguous) blocks & headers are known.
- */
- type stateMessage struct {
- lastBlockHeight UInt64 // Last contiguous block height
- }
- func readStateMessage(r io.Reader) *stateMessage {
- return &stateMessage{
- lastBlockHeight: ReadUInt64(r),
- }
- }
- func (m *stateMessage) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
- n, err = WriteTo(msgTypeState, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteTo(m.lastBlockHeight, w, n, err)
- return
- }
- func (m *stateMessage) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("[State B:%v]", m.lastBlockHeight)
- }
- /*
- A requestMessage requests a block and/or header at a given height.
- */
- type requestMessage struct {
- key dataKey
- type_ Byte
- }
- const (
- requestTypeFetch = Byte(0x01)
- requestTypeCanceled = Byte(0x02)
- requestTypeTryAgain = Byte(0x03)
- )
- func readRequestMessage(r io.Reader) *requestMessage {
- return &requestMessage{
- key: ReadDataKey(r),
- type_: ReadByte(r),
- }
- }
- func (m *requestMessage) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
- n, err = WriteTo(msgTypeRequest, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteTo(m.key, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteTo(m.type_, w, n, err)
- return
- }
- func (m *requestMessage) String() string {
- switch m.type_ {
- case requestTypeByte:
- return fmt.Sprintf("[Request(fetch) %v]", m.key)
- case requestTypeCanceled:
- return fmt.Sprintf("[Request(canceled) %v]", m.key)
- case requestTypeTryAgain:
- return fmt.Sprintf("[Request(tryagain) %v]", m.key)
- default:
- return fmt.Sprintf("[Request(invalid) %v]", m.key)
- }
- }
- /*
- A dataMessage contains block data, maybe requested.
- The data can be a Validation, Txs, or whole Block object.
- */
- type dataMessage struct {
- key dataKey
- bytes ByteSlice
- }
- func readDataMessage(r io.Reader) *dataMessage {
- return &dataMessage{
- key: readDataKey(r),
- bytes: readByteSlice(r),
- }
- }
- func (m *dataMessage) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
- n, err = WriteTo(msgTypeData, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteTo(m.key, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteTo(m.bytes, w, n, err)
- return
- }
- func (m *dataMessage) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("[Data %v]", m.key)
- }