- syntax = "proto3";
- package types;
- // For more information on gogo.proto, see:
- // https://github.com/gogo/protobuf/blob/master/extensions.md
- import "github.com/gogo/protobuf/gogoproto/gogo.proto";
- import "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common/types.proto";
- // This file is copied from http://github.com/tendermint/abci
- // NOTE: When using custom types, mind the warnings.
- // https://github.com/gogo/protobuf/blob/master/custom_types.md#warnings-and-issues
- //----------------------------------------
- // Request types
- message Request {
- oneof value {
- RequestEcho echo = 2;
- RequestFlush flush = 3;
- RequestInfo info = 4;
- RequestSetOption set_option = 5;
- RequestInitChain init_chain = 6;
- RequestQuery query = 7;
- RequestBeginBlock begin_block = 8;
- RequestCheckTx check_tx = 9;
- RequestDeliverTx deliver_tx = 19;
- RequestEndBlock end_block = 11;
- RequestCommit commit = 12;
- }
- }
- message RequestEcho {
- string message = 1;
- }
- message RequestFlush {
- }
- message RequestInfo {
- string version = 1;
- }
- // nondeterministic
- message RequestSetOption {
- string key = 1;
- string value = 2;
- }
- message RequestInitChain {
- repeated Validator validators = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
- bytes app_state_bytes = 2;
- }
- message RequestQuery {
- bytes data = 1;
- string path = 2;
- int64 height = 3;
- bool prove = 4;
- }
- message RequestBeginBlock {
- bytes hash = 1;
- Header header = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
- repeated int32 absent_validators = 3;
- repeated Evidence byzantine_validators = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
- }
- message RequestCheckTx {
- bytes tx = 1;
- }
- message RequestDeliverTx {
- bytes tx = 1;
- }
- message RequestEndBlock {
- int64 height = 1;
- }
- message RequestCommit {
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // Response types
- message Response {
- oneof value {
- ResponseException exception = 1;
- ResponseEcho echo = 2;
- ResponseFlush flush = 3;
- ResponseInfo info = 4;
- ResponseSetOption set_option = 5;
- ResponseInitChain init_chain = 6;
- ResponseQuery query = 7;
- ResponseBeginBlock begin_block = 8;
- ResponseCheckTx check_tx = 9;
- ResponseDeliverTx deliver_tx = 10;
- ResponseEndBlock end_block = 11;
- ResponseCommit commit = 12;
- }
- }
- // nondeterministic
- message ResponseException {
- string error = 1;
- }
- message ResponseEcho {
- string message = 1;
- }
- message ResponseFlush {
- }
- message ResponseInfo {
- string data = 1;
- string version = 2;
- int64 last_block_height = 3;
- bytes last_block_app_hash = 4;
- }
- // nondeterministic
- message ResponseSetOption {
- uint32 code = 1;
- // bytes data = 2;
- string log = 3;
- string info = 4;
- }
- message ResponseInitChain {
- }
- message ResponseQuery {
- uint32 code = 1;
- // bytes data = 2; // use "value" instead.
- string log = 3; // nondeterministic
- string info = 4; // nondeterministic
- int64 index = 5;
- bytes key = 6;
- bytes value = 7;
- bytes proof = 8;
- int64 height = 9;
- }
- message ResponseBeginBlock {
- }
- message ResponseCheckTx {
- uint32 code = 1;
- bytes data = 2;
- string log = 3; // nondeterministic
- string info = 4; // nondeterministic
- int64 gas_wanted = 5;
- // int64 gas_used = 6;
- repeated common.KVPair tags = 7 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.jsontag)="tags,omitempty"];
- common.KI64Pair fee = 8 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
- }
- message ResponseDeliverTx {
- uint32 code = 1;
- bytes data = 2;
- string log = 3; // nondeterministic
- string info = 4; // nondeterministic
- int64 gas_wanted = 5;
- int64 gas_used = 6;
- repeated common.KVPair tags = 7 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.jsontag)="tags,omitempty"];
- // common.KI64Pair fee = 8;
- }
- message ResponseEndBlock {
- repeated Validator validator_updates = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
- ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 2;
- }
- message ResponseCommit {
- // reserve 1
- bytes data = 2;
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // Misc.
- // ConsensusParams contains all consensus-relevant parameters
- // that can be adjusted by the abci app
- message ConsensusParams {
- BlockSize block_size = 1;
- TxSize tx_size = 2;
- BlockGossip block_gossip = 3;
- }
- // BlockSize contain limits on the block size.
- message BlockSize {
- int32 max_bytes = 1;
- int32 max_txs = 2;
- int64 max_gas = 3;
- }
- // TxSize contain limits on the tx size.
- message TxSize {
- int32 max_bytes = 1;
- int64 max_gas = 2;
- }
- // BlockGossip determine consensus critical
- // elements of how blocks are gossiped
- message BlockGossip {
- // Note: must not be 0
- int32 block_part_size_bytes = 1;
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // Blockchain Types
- message Header {
- string chain_id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname)="ChainID"];
- int64 height = 2;
- int64 time = 3;
- int32 num_txs = 4;
- BlockID last_block_id = 5 [(gogoproto.customname)="LastBlockID", (gogoproto.nullable)=false];
- bytes last_commit_hash = 6;
- bytes data_hash = 7;
- bytes validators_hash = 8;
- bytes app_hash = 9;
- }
- message BlockID {
- bytes hash = 1;
- PartSetHeader parts = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
- }
- message PartSetHeader {
- int32 total = 1;
- bytes hash = 2;
- }
- message Validator {
- bytes pub_key = 1;
- int64 power = 2;
- }
- message Evidence {
- bytes pub_key = 1;
- int64 height = 2;
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // Service Definition
- service ABCIApplication {
- rpc Echo(RequestEcho) returns (ResponseEcho) ;
- rpc Flush(RequestFlush) returns (ResponseFlush);
- rpc Info(RequestInfo) returns (ResponseInfo);
- rpc SetOption(RequestSetOption) returns (ResponseSetOption);
- rpc DeliverTx(RequestDeliverTx) returns (ResponseDeliverTx);
- rpc CheckTx(RequestCheckTx) returns (ResponseCheckTx);
- rpc Query(RequestQuery) returns (ResponseQuery);
- rpc Commit(RequestCommit) returns (ResponseCommit);
- rpc InitChain(RequestInitChain) returns (ResponseInitChain);
- rpc BeginBlock(RequestBeginBlock) returns (ResponseBeginBlock);
- rpc EndBlock(RequestEndBlock) returns (ResponseEndBlock);
- }