- package common
- import (
- "fmt"
- "runtime"
- )
- //----------------------------------------
- // Convenience methods
- // ErrorWrap will just call .TraceFrom(), or create a new *cmnError.
- func ErrorWrap(cause interface{}, format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
- msg := Fmt(format, args...)
- if causeCmnError, ok := cause.(*cmnError); ok {
- return causeCmnError.TraceFrom(1, msg)
- }
- // NOTE: cause may be nil.
- // NOTE: do not use causeCmnError here, not the same as nil.
- return newError(msg, cause, cause).Stacktrace()
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // Error & cmnError
- /*
- Usage:
- ```go
- // Error construction
- var someT = errors.New("Some err type")
- var err1 error = NewErrorWithT(someT, "my message")
- ...
- // Wrapping
- var err2 error = ErrorWrap(err1, "another message")
- if (err1 != err2) { panic("should be the same")
- ...
- // Error handling
- switch err2.T() {
- case someT: ...
- default: ...
- }
- ```
- */
- type Error interface {
- Error() string
- Message() string
- Stacktrace() Error
- Trace(format string, args ...interface{}) Error
- TraceFrom(offset int, format string, args ...interface{}) Error
- Cause() interface{}
- WithT(t interface{}) Error
- T() interface{}
- Format(s fmt.State, verb rune)
- }
- // New Error with no cause where the type is the format string of the message..
- func NewError(format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
- msg := Fmt(format, args...)
- return newError(msg, nil, format)
- }
- // New Error with specified type and message.
- func NewErrorWithT(t interface{}, format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
- msg := Fmt(format, args...)
- return newError(msg, nil, t)
- }
- // NOTE: The name of a function "NewErrorWithCause()" implies that you are
- // creating a new Error, yet, if the cause is an Error, creating a new Error to
- // hold a ref to the old Error is probably *not* what you want to do.
- // So, use ErrorWrap(cause, format, a...) instead, which returns the same error
- // if cause is an Error.
- // IF you must set an Error as the cause of an Error,
- // then you can use the WithCauser interface to do so manually.
- // e.g. (error).(tmlibs.WithCauser).WithCause(causeError)
- type WithCauser interface {
- WithCause(cause interface{}) Error
- }
- type cmnError struct {
- msg string // first msg which also appears in msg
- cause interface{} // underlying cause (or panic object)
- t interface{} // for switching on error
- msgtraces []msgtraceItem // all messages traced
- stacktrace []uintptr // first stack trace
- }
- var _ WithCauser = &cmnError{}
- var _ Error = &cmnError{}
- // NOTE: do not expose.
- func newError(msg string, cause interface{}, t interface{}) *cmnError {
- return &cmnError{
- msg: msg,
- cause: cause,
- t: t,
- msgtraces: nil,
- stacktrace: nil,
- }
- }
- func (err *cmnError) Message() string {
- return err.msg
- }
- func (err *cmnError) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
- }
- // Captures a stacktrace if one was not already captured.
- func (err *cmnError) Stacktrace() Error {
- if err.stacktrace == nil {
- var offset = 3
- var depth = 32
- err.stacktrace = captureStacktrace(offset, depth)
- }
- return err
- }
- // Add tracing information with msg.
- func (err *cmnError) Trace(format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
- msg := Fmt(format, args...)
- return err.doTrace(msg, 0)
- }
- // Same as Trace, but traces the line `offset` calls out.
- // If n == 0, the behavior is identical to Trace().
- func (err *cmnError) TraceFrom(offset int, format string, args ...interface{}) Error {
- msg := Fmt(format, args...)
- return err.doTrace(msg, offset)
- }
- // Return last known cause.
- // NOTE: The meaning of "cause" is left for the caller to define.
- // There exists no "canonical" definition of "cause".
- // Instead of blaming, try to handle it, or organize it.
- func (err *cmnError) Cause() interface{} {
- return err.cause
- }
- // Overwrites the Error's cause.
- func (err *cmnError) WithCause(cause interface{}) Error {
- err.cause = cause
- return err
- }
- // Overwrites the Error's type.
- func (err *cmnError) WithT(t interface{}) Error {
- err.t = t
- return err
- }
- // Return the "type" of this message, primarily for switching
- // to handle this Error.
- func (err *cmnError) T() interface{} {
- return err.t
- }
- func (err *cmnError) doTrace(msg string, n int) Error {
- pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(n + 2) // +1 for doTrace(). +1 for the caller.
- // Include file & line number & msg.
- // Do not include the whole stack trace.
- err.msgtraces = append(err.msgtraces, msgtraceItem{
- pc: pc,
- msg: msg,
- })
- return err
- }
- func (err *cmnError) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
- switch verb {
- case 'p':
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%p", &err)))
- default:
- if s.Flag('#') {
- s.Write([]byte("--= Error =--\n"))
- // Write msg.
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Message: %#s\n", err.msg)))
- // Write cause.
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Cause: %#v\n", err.cause)))
- // Write type.
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("T: %#v\n", err.t)))
- // Write msg trace items.
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Msg Traces:\n")))
- for i, msgtrace := range err.msgtraces {
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(" %4d %s\n", i, msgtrace.String())))
- }
- // Write stack trace.
- if err.stacktrace != nil {
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Stack Trace:\n")))
- for i, pc := range err.stacktrace {
- fnc := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
- file, line := fnc.FileLine(pc)
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(" %4d %s:%d\n", i, file, line)))
- }
- }
- s.Write([]byte("--= /Error =--\n"))
- } else {
- // Write msg.
- if err.cause != nil {
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Error{`%s` (cause: %v)}", err.msg, err.cause))) // TODO tick-esc?
- } else {
- s.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Error{`%s`}", err.msg))) // TODO tick-esc?
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // stacktrace & msgtraceItem
- func captureStacktrace(offset int, depth int) []uintptr {
- var pcs = make([]uintptr, depth)
- n := runtime.Callers(offset, pcs)
- return pcs[0:n]
- }
- type msgtraceItem struct {
- pc uintptr
- msg string
- }
- func (mti msgtraceItem) String() string {
- fnc := runtime.FuncForPC(mti.pc)
- file, line := fnc.FileLine(mti.pc)
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d - %s",
- file, line,
- mti.msg,
- )
- }
- //----------------------------------------
- // Panic wrappers
- // A panic resulting from a sanity check means there is a programmer error
- // and some guarantee is not satisfied.
- func PanicSanity(v interface{}) {
- panic(Fmt("Panicked on a Sanity Check: %v", v))
- }
- // A panic here means something has gone horribly wrong, in the form of data corruption or
- // failure of the operating system. In a correct/healthy system, these should never fire.
- // If they do, it's indicative of a much more serious problem.
- func PanicCrisis(v interface{}) {
- panic(Fmt("Panicked on a Crisis: %v", v))
- }
- // Indicates a failure of consensus. Someone was malicious or something has
- // gone horribly wrong. These should really boot us into an "emergency-recover" mode
- func PanicConsensus(v interface{}) {
- panic(Fmt("Panicked on a Consensus Failure: %v", v))
- }
- // For those times when we're not sure if we should panic
- func PanicQ(v interface{}) {
- panic(Fmt("Panicked questionably: %v", v))
- }