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  1. ---
  2. order: 2
  3. ---
  4. # Using Tendermint
  5. This is a guide to using the `tendermint` program from the command line.
  6. It assumes only that you have the `tendermint` binary installed and have
  7. some rudimentary idea of what Tendermint and ABCI are.
  8. You can see the help menu with `tendermint --help`, and the version
  9. number with `tendermint version`.
  10. ## Directory Root
  11. The default directory for blockchain data is `~/.tendermint`. Override
  12. this by setting the `TMHOME` environment variable.
  13. ## Initialize
  14. Initialize the root directory by running:
  15. ```
  16. tendermint init
  17. ```
  18. This will create a new private key (`priv_validator_key.json`), and a
  19. genesis file (`genesis.json`) containing the associated public key, in
  20. `$TMHOME/config`. This is all that's necessary to run a local testnet
  21. with one validator.
  22. For more elaborate initialization, see the tesnet command:
  23. ```
  24. tendermint testnet --help
  25. ```
  26. ### Genesis
  27. The `genesis.json` file in `$TMHOME/config/` defines the initial
  28. TendermintCore state upon genesis of the blockchain ([see
  29. definition](
  30. #### Fields
  31. - `genesis_time`: Official time of blockchain start.
  32. - `chain_id`: ID of the blockchain. This must be unique for
  33. every blockchain. If your testnet blockchains do not have unique
  34. chain IDs, you will have a bad time. The ChainID must be less than 50 symbols.
  35. - `consensus_params`
  36. - `block`
  37. - `time_iota_ms`: Minimum time increment between consecutive blocks (in
  38. milliseconds). If the block header timestamp is ahead of the system clock,
  39. decrease this value.
  40. - `validators`: List of initial validators. Note this may be overridden entirely by the
  41. application, and may be left empty to make explicit that the
  42. application will initialize the validator set with ResponseInitChain.
  43. - `pub_key`: The first element specifies the `pub_key` type. 1
  44. == Ed25519. The second element are the pubkey bytes.
  45. - `power`: The validator's voting power.
  46. - `name`: Name of the validator (optional).
  47. - `app_hash`: The expected application hash (as returned by the
  48. `ResponseInfo` ABCI message) upon genesis. If the app's hash does
  49. not match, Tendermint will panic.
  50. - `app_state`: The application state (e.g. initial distribution
  51. of tokens).
  52. #### Sample genesis.json
  53. ```
  54. {
  55. "genesis_time": "2018-11-13T18:11:50.277637Z",
  56. "chain_id": "test-chain-s4ui7D",
  57. "consensus_params": {
  58. "block": {
  59. "max_bytes": "22020096",
  60. "max_gas": "-1",
  61. "time_iota_ms": "1000"
  62. },
  63. "evidence": {
  64. "max_age_num_blocks": "100000"
  65. "max_age_duration": "10000"
  66. },
  67. "validator": {
  68. "pub_key_types": [
  69. "ed25519"
  70. ]
  71. }
  72. },
  73. "validators": [
  74. {
  75. "address": "39C04A480B54AB258A45355A5E48ADDED9956C65",
  76. "pub_key": {
  77. "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
  78. "value": "DMEMMj1+thrkUCGocbvvKzXeaAtRslvX9MWtB+smuIA="
  79. },
  80. "power": "10",
  81. "name": ""
  82. }
  83. ],
  84. "app_hash": ""
  85. }
  86. ```
  87. ## Run
  88. To run a Tendermint node, use:
  89. ```sh
  90. tendermint node
  91. ```
  92. By default, Tendermint will try to connect to an ABCI application on
  93. ``. If you have the `kvstore` ABCI app installed, run it in
  94. another window. If you don't, kill Tendermint and run an in-process version of
  95. the `kvstore` app:
  96. ```sh
  97. tendermint node --proxy_app=kvstore
  98. ```
  99. After a few seconds, you should see blocks start streaming in. Note that blocks
  100. are produced regularly, even if there are no transactions. See _No Empty
  101. Blocks_, below, to modify this setting.
  102. Tendermint supports in-process versions of the `counter`, `kvstore`, and `noop`
  103. apps that ship as examples with `abci-cli`. It's easy to compile your app
  104. in-process with Tendermint if it's written in Go. If your app is not written in
  105. Go, run it in another process, and use the `--proxy_app` flag to specify the
  106. address of the socket it is listening on, for instance:
  107. ```sh
  108. tendermint node --proxy_app=/var/run/abci.sock
  109. ```
  110. You can find out what flags are supported by running `tendermint node --help`.
  111. ## Transactions
  112. To send a transaction, use `curl` to make requests to the Tendermint RPC
  113. server, for example:
  114. ```
  115. curl http://localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx=\"abcd\"
  116. ```
  117. We can see the chain's status at the `/status` end-point:
  118. ```
  119. curl http://localhost:26657/status | json_pp
  120. ```
  121. and the `latest_app_hash` in particular:
  122. ```
  123. curl http://localhost:26657/status | json_pp | grep latest_app_hash
  124. ```
  125. <!-- markdown-link-check-disable -->
  126. Visit http://localhost:26657 in your browser to see the list of other
  127. endpoints. Some take no arguments (like `/status`), while others specify
  128. the argument name and use `_` as a placeholder.
  129. <!-- markdown-link-check-enable -->
  130. ::: tip
  131. Find the RPC Documentation [here](
  132. :::
  133. ### Formatting
  134. The following nuances when sending/formatting transactions should be
  135. taken into account:
  136. With `GET`:
  137. To send a UTF8 string byte array, quote the value of the tx pramater:
  138. ```
  139. curl 'http://localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="hello"'
  140. ```
  141. which sends a 5 byte transaction: "h e l l o" \[68 65 6c 6c 6f\].
  142. Note the URL must be wrapped with single quoes, else bash will ignore
  143. the double quotes. To avoid the single quotes, escape the double quotes:
  144. ```
  145. curl http://localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx=\"hello\"
  146. ```
  147. Using a special character:
  148. ```
  149. curl 'http://localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="€5"'
  150. ```
  151. sends a 4 byte transaction: "€5" (UTF8) \[e2 82 ac 35\].
  152. To send as raw hex, omit quotes AND prefix the hex string with `0x`:
  153. ```
  154. curl http://localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx=0x01020304
  155. ```
  156. which sends a 4 byte transaction: \[01 02 03 04\].
  157. With `POST` (using `json`), the raw hex must be `base64` encoded:
  158. ```
  159. curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"anything","method":"broadcast_tx_commit","params": {"tx": "AQIDBA=="}}' -H 'content-type:text/plain;' http://localhost:26657
  160. ```
  161. which sends the same 4 byte transaction: \[01 02 03 04\].
  162. Note that raw hex cannot be used in `POST` transactions.
  163. ## Reset
  164. ::: warning
  165. **UNSAFE** Only do this in development and only if you can
  166. afford to lose all blockchain data!
  167. :::
  168. To reset a blockchain, stop the node and run:
  169. ```
  170. tendermint unsafe_reset_all
  171. ```
  172. This command will remove the data directory and reset private validator and
  173. address book files.
  174. ## Configuration
  175. Tendermint uses a `config.toml` for configuration. For details, see [the
  176. config specification](./
  177. Notable options include the socket address of the application
  178. (`proxy_app`), the listening address of the Tendermint peer
  179. (`p2p.laddr`), and the listening address of the RPC server
  180. (`rpc.laddr`).
  181. Some fields from the config file can be overwritten with flags.
  182. ## No Empty Blocks
  183. While the default behaviour of `tendermint` is still to create blocks
  184. approximately once per second, it is possible to disable empty blocks or
  185. set a block creation interval. In the former case, blocks will be
  186. created when there are new transactions or when the AppHash changes.
  187. To configure Tendermint to not produce empty blocks unless there are
  188. transactions or the app hash changes, run Tendermint with this
  189. additional flag:
  190. ```
  191. tendermint node --consensus.create_empty_blocks=false
  192. ```
  193. or set the configuration via the `config.toml` file:
  194. ```
  195. [consensus]
  196. create_empty_blocks = false
  197. ```
  198. Remember: because the default is to _create empty blocks_, avoiding
  199. empty blocks requires the config option to be set to `false`.
  200. The block interval setting allows for a delay (in time.Duration format [ParseDuration]( between the
  201. creation of each new empty block. It can be set with this additional flag:
  202. ```
  203. --consensus.create_empty_blocks_interval="5s"
  204. ```
  205. or set the configuration via the `config.toml` file:
  206. ```
  207. [consensus]
  208. create_empty_blocks_interval = "5s"
  209. ```
  210. With this setting, empty blocks will be produced every 5s if no block
  211. has been produced otherwise, regardless of the value of
  212. `create_empty_blocks`.
  213. ## Broadcast API
  214. Earlier, we used the `broadcast_tx_commit` endpoint to send a
  215. transaction. When a transaction is sent to a Tendermint node, it will
  216. run via `CheckTx` against the application. If it passes `CheckTx`, it
  217. will be included in the mempool, broadcasted to other peers, and
  218. eventually included in a block.
  219. Since there are multiple phases to processing a transaction, we offer
  220. multiple endpoints to broadcast a transaction:
  221. ```
  222. /broadcast_tx_async
  223. /broadcast_tx_sync
  224. /broadcast_tx_commit
  225. ```
  226. These correspond to no-processing, processing through the mempool, and
  227. processing through a block, respectively. That is, `broadcast_tx_async`,
  228. will return right away without waiting to hear if the transaction is
  229. even valid, while `broadcast_tx_sync` will return with the result of
  230. running the transaction through `CheckTx`. Using `broadcast_tx_commit`
  231. will wait until the transaction is committed in a block or until some
  232. timeout is reached, but will return right away if the transaction does
  233. not pass `CheckTx`. The return value for `broadcast_tx_commit` includes
  234. two fields, `check_tx` and `deliver_tx`, pertaining to the result of
  235. running the transaction through those ABCI messages.
  236. The benefit of using `broadcast_tx_commit` is that the request returns
  237. after the transaction is committed (i.e. included in a block), but that
  238. can take on the order of a second. For a quick result, use
  239. `broadcast_tx_sync`, but the transaction will not be committed until
  240. later, and by that point its effect on the state may change.
  241. Note the mempool does not provide strong guarantees - just because a tx passed
  242. CheckTx (ie. was accepted into the mempool), doesn't mean it will be committed,
  243. as nodes with the tx in their mempool may crash before they get to propose.
  244. For more information, see the [mempool
  245. write-ahead-log](../tendermint-core/
  246. ## Tendermint Networks
  247. When `tendermint init` is run, both a `genesis.json` and
  248. `priv_validator_key.json` are created in `~/.tendermint/config`. The
  249. `genesis.json` might look like:
  250. ```
  251. {
  252. "validators" : [
  253. {
  254. "pub_key" : {
  255. "value" : "h3hk+QE8c6QLTySp8TcfzclJw/BG79ziGB/pIA+DfPE=",
  256. "type" : "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519"
  257. },
  258. "power" : 10,
  259. "name" : ""
  260. }
  261. ],
  262. "app_hash" : "",
  263. "chain_id" : "test-chain-rDlYSN",
  264. "genesis_time" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  265. }
  266. ```
  267. And the `priv_validator_key.json`:
  268. ```
  269. {
  270. "last_step" : 0,
  271. "last_round" : "0",
  272. "address" : "B788DEDE4F50AD8BC9462DE76741CCAFF87D51E2",
  273. "pub_key" : {
  274. "value" : "h3hk+QE8c6QLTySp8TcfzclJw/BG79ziGB/pIA+DfPE=",
  275. "type" : "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519"
  276. },
  277. "last_height" : "0",
  278. "priv_key" : {
  279. "value" : "JPivl82x+LfVkp8i3ztoTjY6c6GJ4pBxQexErOCyhwqHeGT5ATxzpAtPJKnxNx/NyUnD8Ebv3OIYH+kgD4N88Q==",
  280. "type" : "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519"
  281. }
  282. }
  283. ```
  284. The `priv_validator_key.json` actually contains a private key, and should
  285. thus be kept absolutely secret; for now we work with the plain text.
  286. Note the `last_` fields, which are used to prevent us from signing
  287. conflicting messages.
  288. Note also that the `pub_key` (the public key) in the
  289. `priv_validator_key.json` is also present in the `genesis.json`.
  290. The genesis file contains the list of public keys which may participate
  291. in the consensus, and their corresponding voting power. Greater than 2/3
  292. of the voting power must be active (i.e. the corresponding private keys
  293. must be producing signatures) for the consensus to make progress. In our
  294. case, the genesis file contains the public key of our
  295. `priv_validator_key.json`, so a Tendermint node started with the default
  296. root directory will be able to make progress. Voting power uses an int64
  297. but must be positive, thus the range is: 0 through 9223372036854775807.
  298. Because of how the current proposer selection algorithm works, we do not
  299. recommend having voting powers greater than 10\^12 (ie. 1 trillion).
  300. If we want to add more nodes to the network, we have two choices: we can
  301. add a new validator node, who will also participate in the consensus by
  302. proposing blocks and voting on them, or we can add a new non-validator
  303. node, who will not participate directly, but will verify and keep up
  304. with the consensus protocol.
  305. ### Peers
  306. #### Seed
  307. A seed node is a node who relays the addresses of other peers which they know
  308. of. These nodes constantly crawl the network to try to get more peers. The
  309. addresses which the seed node relays get saved into a local address book. Once
  310. these are in the address book, you will connect to those addresses directly.
  311. Basically the seed nodes job is just to relay everyones addresses. You won't
  312. connect to seed nodes once you have received enough addresses, so typically you
  313. only need them on the first start. The seed node will immediately disconnect
  314. from you after sending you some addresses.
  315. #### Persistent Peer
  316. Persistent peers are people you want to be constantly connected with. If you
  317. disconnect you will try to connect directly back to them as opposed to using
  318. another address from the address book. On restarts you will always try to
  319. connect to these peers regardless of the size of your address book.
  320. All peers relay peers they know of by default. This is called the peer exchange
  321. protocol (PeX). With PeX, peers will be gossipping about known peers and forming
  322. a network, storing peer addresses in the addrbook. Because of this, you don't
  323. have to use a seed node if you have a live persistent peer.
  324. #### Connecting to Peers
  325. To connect to peers on start-up, specify them in the
  326. `$TMHOME/config/config.toml` or on the command line. Use `seeds` to
  327. specify seed nodes, and
  328. `persistent_peers` to specify peers that your node will maintain
  329. persistent connections with.
  330. For example,
  331. ```
  332. tendermint node --p2p.seeds "f9baeaa15fedf5e1ef7448dd60f46c01f1a9e9c4@,0491d373a8e0fcf1023aaf18c51d6a1d0d4f31bd@"
  333. ```
  334. Alternatively, you can use the `/dial_seeds` endpoint of the RPC to
  335. specify seeds for a running node to connect to:
  336. ```
  337. curl 'localhost:26657/dial_seeds?seeds=\["f9baeaa15fedf5e1ef7448dd60f46c01f1a9e9c4@","0491d373a8e0fcf1023aaf18c51d6a1d0d4f31bd@"\]'
  338. ```
  339. Note, with PeX enabled, you
  340. should not need seeds after the first start.
  341. If you want Tendermint to connect to specific set of addresses and
  342. maintain a persistent connection with each, you can use the
  343. `--p2p.persistent_peers` flag or the corresponding setting in the
  344. `config.toml` or the `/dial_peers` RPC endpoint to do it without
  345. stopping Tendermint core instance.
  346. ```
  347. tendermint node --p2p.persistent_peers "429fcf25974313b95673f58d77eacdd434402665@,96663a3dd0d7b9d17d4c8211b191af259621c693@"
  348. curl 'localhost:26657/dial_peers?persistent=true&peers=\["429fcf25974313b95673f58d77eacdd434402665@","96663a3dd0d7b9d17d4c8211b191af259621c693@"\]'
  349. ```
  350. ### Adding a Non-Validator
  351. Adding a non-validator is simple. Just copy the original `genesis.json`
  352. to `~/.tendermint/config` on the new machine and start the node,
  353. specifying seeds or persistent peers as necessary. If no seeds or
  354. persistent peers are specified, the node won't make any blocks, because
  355. it's not a validator, and it won't hear about any blocks, because it's
  356. not connected to the other peer.
  357. ### Adding a Validator
  358. The easiest way to add new validators is to do it in the `genesis.json`,
  359. before starting the network. For instance, we could make a new
  360. `priv_validator_key.json`, and copy it's `pub_key` into the above genesis.
  361. We can generate a new `priv_validator_key.json` with the command:
  362. ```
  363. tendermint gen_validator
  364. ```
  365. Now we can update our genesis file. For instance, if the new
  366. `priv_validator_key.json` looks like:
  367. ```
  368. {
  369. "address" : "5AF49D2A2D4F5AD4C7C8C4CC2FB020131E9C4902",
  370. "pub_key" : {
  371. "value" : "l9X9+fjkeBzDfPGbUM7AMIRE6uJN78zN5+lk5OYotek=",
  372. "type" : "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519"
  373. },
  374. "priv_key" : {
  375. "value" : "EDJY9W6zlAw+su6ITgTKg2nTZcHAH1NMTW5iwlgmNDuX1f35+OR4HMN88ZtQzsAwhETq4k3vzM3n6WTk5ii16Q==",
  376. "type" : "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519"
  377. },
  378. "last_step" : 0,
  379. "last_round" : "0",
  380. "last_height" : "0"
  381. }
  382. ```
  383. then the new `genesis.json` will be:
  384. ```
  385. {
  386. "validators" : [
  387. {
  388. "pub_key" : {
  389. "value" : "h3hk+QE8c6QLTySp8TcfzclJw/BG79ziGB/pIA+DfPE=",
  390. "type" : "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519"
  391. },
  392. "power" : 10,
  393. "name" : ""
  394. },
  395. {
  396. "pub_key" : {
  397. "value" : "l9X9+fjkeBzDfPGbUM7AMIRE6uJN78zN5+lk5OYotek=",
  398. "type" : "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519"
  399. },
  400. "power" : 10,
  401. "name" : ""
  402. }
  403. ],
  404. "app_hash" : "",
  405. "chain_id" : "test-chain-rDlYSN",
  406. "genesis_time" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  407. }
  408. ```
  409. Update the `genesis.json` in `~/.tendermint/config`. Copy the genesis
  410. file and the new `priv_validator_key.json` to the `~/.tendermint/config` on
  411. a new machine.
  412. Now run `tendermint node` on both machines, and use either
  413. `--p2p.persistent_peers` or the `/dial_peers` to get them to peer up.
  414. They should start making blocks, and will only continue to do so as long
  415. as both of them are online.
  416. To make a Tendermint network that can tolerate one of the validators
  417. failing, you need at least four validator nodes (e.g., 2/3).
  418. Updating validators in a live network is supported but must be
  419. explicitly programmed by the application developer. See the [application
  420. developers guide](../app-dev/ for more details.
  421. ### Local Network
  422. To run a network locally, say on a single machine, you must change the `_laddr`
  423. fields in the `config.toml` (or using the flags) so that the listening
  424. addresses of the various sockets don't conflict. Additionally, you must set
  425. `addr_book_strict=false` in the `config.toml`, otherwise Tendermint's p2p
  426. library will deny making connections to peers with the same IP address.
  427. ### Upgrading
  428. See the
  429. [](
  430. guide. You may need to reset your chain between major breaking releases.
  431. Although, we expect Tendermint to have fewer breaking releases in the future
  432. (especially after 1.0 release).