- package statesync
- import (
- "context"
- "fmt"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/fortytw2/leaktest"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- dbm "github.com/tendermint/tm-db"
- abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/config"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/p2p"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/proxy"
- proxymocks "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/proxy/mocks"
- smmocks "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/state/mocks"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/statesync/mocks"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/store"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/test/factory"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/light/provider"
- ssproto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proto/tendermint/statesync"
- tmproto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proto/tendermint/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- var (
- m = PrometheusMetrics(config.TestConfig().Instrumentation.Namespace)
- )
- type reactorTestSuite struct {
- reactor *Reactor
- syncer *syncer
- conn *proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot
- connQuery *proxymocks.AppConnQuery
- stateProvider *mocks.StateProvider
- snapshotChannel *p2p.Channel
- snapshotInCh chan p2p.Envelope
- snapshotOutCh chan p2p.Envelope
- snapshotPeerErrCh chan p2p.PeerError
- chunkChannel *p2p.Channel
- chunkInCh chan p2p.Envelope
- chunkOutCh chan p2p.Envelope
- chunkPeerErrCh chan p2p.PeerError
- blockChannel *p2p.Channel
- blockInCh chan p2p.Envelope
- blockOutCh chan p2p.Envelope
- blockPeerErrCh chan p2p.PeerError
- paramsChannel *p2p.Channel
- paramsInCh chan p2p.Envelope
- paramsOutCh chan p2p.Envelope
- paramsPeerErrCh chan p2p.PeerError
- peerUpdateCh chan p2p.PeerUpdate
- peerUpdates *p2p.PeerUpdates
- stateStore *smmocks.Store
- blockStore *store.BlockStore
- }
- func setup(
- t *testing.T,
- conn *proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot,
- connQuery *proxymocks.AppConnQuery,
- stateProvider *mocks.StateProvider,
- chBuf uint,
- ) *reactorTestSuite {
- t.Helper()
- if conn == nil {
- conn = &proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot{}
- }
- if connQuery == nil {
- connQuery = &proxymocks.AppConnQuery{}
- }
- if stateProvider == nil {
- stateProvider = &mocks.StateProvider{}
- }
- rts := &reactorTestSuite{
- snapshotInCh: make(chan p2p.Envelope, chBuf),
- snapshotOutCh: make(chan p2p.Envelope, chBuf),
- snapshotPeerErrCh: make(chan p2p.PeerError, chBuf),
- chunkInCh: make(chan p2p.Envelope, chBuf),
- chunkOutCh: make(chan p2p.Envelope, chBuf),
- chunkPeerErrCh: make(chan p2p.PeerError, chBuf),
- blockInCh: make(chan p2p.Envelope, chBuf),
- blockOutCh: make(chan p2p.Envelope, chBuf),
- blockPeerErrCh: make(chan p2p.PeerError, chBuf),
- paramsInCh: make(chan p2p.Envelope, chBuf),
- paramsOutCh: make(chan p2p.Envelope, chBuf),
- paramsPeerErrCh: make(chan p2p.PeerError, chBuf),
- conn: conn,
- connQuery: connQuery,
- stateProvider: stateProvider,
- }
- rts.peerUpdateCh = make(chan p2p.PeerUpdate, chBuf)
- rts.peerUpdates = p2p.NewPeerUpdates(rts.peerUpdateCh, int(chBuf))
- rts.snapshotChannel = p2p.NewChannel(
- SnapshotChannel,
- new(ssproto.Message),
- rts.snapshotInCh,
- rts.snapshotOutCh,
- rts.snapshotPeerErrCh,
- )
- rts.chunkChannel = p2p.NewChannel(
- ChunkChannel,
- new(ssproto.Message),
- rts.chunkInCh,
- rts.chunkOutCh,
- rts.chunkPeerErrCh,
- )
- rts.blockChannel = p2p.NewChannel(
- LightBlockChannel,
- new(ssproto.Message),
- rts.blockInCh,
- rts.blockOutCh,
- rts.blockPeerErrCh,
- )
- rts.paramsChannel = p2p.NewChannel(
- ParamsChannel,
- new(ssproto.Message),
- rts.paramsInCh,
- rts.paramsOutCh,
- rts.paramsPeerErrCh,
- )
- rts.stateStore = &smmocks.Store{}
- rts.blockStore = store.NewBlockStore(dbm.NewMemDB())
- cfg := config.DefaultStateSyncConfig()
- rts.reactor = NewReactor(
- factory.DefaultTestChainID,
- 1,
- *cfg,
- log.TestingLogger(),
- conn,
- connQuery,
- rts.snapshotChannel,
- rts.chunkChannel,
- rts.blockChannel,
- rts.paramsChannel,
- rts.peerUpdates,
- rts.stateStore,
- rts.blockStore,
- "",
- m,
- )
- rts.syncer = newSyncer(
- *cfg,
- log.NewNopLogger(),
- conn,
- connQuery,
- stateProvider,
- rts.snapshotOutCh,
- rts.chunkOutCh,
- rts.snapshotChannel.Done(),
- "",
- rts.reactor.metrics,
- )
- require.NoError(t, rts.reactor.Start())
- require.True(t, rts.reactor.IsRunning())
- t.Cleanup(func() {
- require.NoError(t, rts.reactor.Stop())
- require.False(t, rts.reactor.IsRunning())
- })
- return rts
- }
- func TestReactor_Sync(t *testing.T) {
- const snapshotHeight = 7
- rts := setup(t, nil, nil, nil, 2)
- chain := buildLightBlockChain(t, 1, 10, time.Now())
- // app accepts any snapshot
- rts.conn.On("OfferSnapshotSync", ctx, mock.AnythingOfType("types.RequestOfferSnapshot")).
- Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_ACCEPT}, nil)
- // app accepts every chunk
- rts.conn.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", ctx, mock.AnythingOfType("types.RequestApplySnapshotChunk")).
- Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
- // app query returns valid state app hash
- rts.connQuery.On("InfoSync", ctx, proxy.RequestInfo).Return(&abci.ResponseInfo{
- AppVersion: 9,
- LastBlockHeight: snapshotHeight,
- LastBlockAppHash: chain[snapshotHeight+1].AppHash,
- }, nil)
- // store accepts state and validator sets
- rts.stateStore.On("Bootstrap", mock.AnythingOfType("state.State")).Return(nil)
- rts.stateStore.On("SaveValidatorSets", mock.AnythingOfType("int64"), mock.AnythingOfType("int64"),
- mock.AnythingOfType("*types.ValidatorSet")).Return(nil)
- closeCh := make(chan struct{})
- defer close(closeCh)
- go handleLightBlockRequests(t, chain, rts.blockOutCh,
- rts.blockInCh, closeCh, 0)
- go graduallyAddPeers(rts.peerUpdateCh, closeCh, 1*time.Second)
- go handleSnapshotRequests(t, rts.snapshotOutCh, rts.snapshotInCh, closeCh, []snapshot{
- {
- Height: uint64(snapshotHeight),
- Format: 1,
- Chunks: 1,
- },
- })
- go handleChunkRequests(t, rts.chunkOutCh, rts.chunkInCh, closeCh, []byte("abc"))
- go handleConsensusParamsRequest(t, rts.paramsOutCh, rts.paramsInCh, closeCh)
- // update the config to use the p2p provider
- rts.reactor.cfg.UseP2P = true
- rts.reactor.cfg.TrustHeight = 1
- rts.reactor.cfg.TrustHash = fmt.Sprintf("%X", chain[1].Hash())
- rts.reactor.cfg.DiscoveryTime = 1 * time.Second
- // Run state sync
- _, err := rts.reactor.Sync(context.Background())
- require.NoError(t, err)
- }
- func TestReactor_ChunkRequest_InvalidRequest(t *testing.T) {
- rts := setup(t, nil, nil, nil, 2)
- rts.chunkInCh <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: types.NodeID("aa"),
- Message: &ssproto.SnapshotsRequest{},
- }
- response := <-rts.chunkPeerErrCh
- require.Error(t, response.Err)
- require.Empty(t, rts.chunkOutCh)
- require.Contains(t, response.Err.Error(), "received unknown message")
- require.Equal(t, types.NodeID("aa"), response.NodeID)
- }
- func TestReactor_ChunkRequest(t *testing.T) {
- testcases := map[string]struct {
- request *ssproto.ChunkRequest
- chunk []byte
- expectResponse *ssproto.ChunkResponse
- }{
- "chunk is returned": {
- &ssproto.ChunkRequest{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1},
- []byte{1, 2, 3},
- &ssproto.ChunkResponse{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1, Chunk: []byte{1, 2, 3}},
- },
- "empty chunk is returned, as empty": {
- &ssproto.ChunkRequest{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1},
- []byte{},
- &ssproto.ChunkResponse{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1, Chunk: []byte{}},
- },
- "nil (missing) chunk is returned as missing": {
- &ssproto.ChunkRequest{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1},
- nil,
- &ssproto.ChunkResponse{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1, Missing: true},
- },
- "invalid request": {
- &ssproto.ChunkRequest{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1},
- nil,
- &ssproto.ChunkResponse{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1, Missing: true},
- },
- }
- for name, tc := range testcases {
- tc := tc
- t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
- // mock ABCI connection to return local snapshots
- conn := &proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot{}
- conn.On("LoadSnapshotChunkSync", context.Background(), abci.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk{
- Height: tc.request.Height,
- Format: tc.request.Format,
- Chunk: tc.request.Index,
- }).Return(&abci.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk{Chunk: tc.chunk}, nil)
- rts := setup(t, conn, nil, nil, 2)
- rts.chunkInCh <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: types.NodeID("aa"),
- Message: tc.request,
- }
- response := <-rts.chunkOutCh
- require.Equal(t, tc.expectResponse, response.Message)
- require.Empty(t, rts.chunkOutCh)
- conn.AssertExpectations(t)
- })
- }
- }
- func TestReactor_SnapshotsRequest_InvalidRequest(t *testing.T) {
- rts := setup(t, nil, nil, nil, 2)
- rts.snapshotInCh <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: types.NodeID("aa"),
- Message: &ssproto.ChunkRequest{},
- }
- response := <-rts.snapshotPeerErrCh
- require.Error(t, response.Err)
- require.Empty(t, rts.snapshotOutCh)
- require.Contains(t, response.Err.Error(), "received unknown message")
- require.Equal(t, types.NodeID("aa"), response.NodeID)
- }
- func TestReactor_SnapshotsRequest(t *testing.T) {
- testcases := map[string]struct {
- snapshots []*abci.Snapshot
- expectResponses []*ssproto.SnapshotsResponse
- }{
- "no snapshots": {nil, []*ssproto.SnapshotsResponse{}},
- ">10 unordered snapshots": {
- []*abci.Snapshot{
- {Height: 1, Format: 2, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{1, 2}, Metadata: []byte{1}},
- {Height: 2, Format: 2, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{2, 2}, Metadata: []byte{2}},
- {Height: 3, Format: 2, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{3, 2}, Metadata: []byte{3}},
- {Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{1, 1}, Metadata: []byte{4}},
- {Height: 2, Format: 1, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{2, 1}, Metadata: []byte{5}},
- {Height: 3, Format: 1, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{3, 1}, Metadata: []byte{6}},
- {Height: 1, Format: 4, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{1, 4}, Metadata: []byte{7}},
- {Height: 2, Format: 4, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{2, 4}, Metadata: []byte{8}},
- {Height: 3, Format: 4, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{3, 4}, Metadata: []byte{9}},
- {Height: 1, Format: 3, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{1, 3}, Metadata: []byte{10}},
- {Height: 2, Format: 3, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{2, 3}, Metadata: []byte{11}},
- {Height: 3, Format: 3, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{3, 3}, Metadata: []byte{12}},
- },
- []*ssproto.SnapshotsResponse{
- {Height: 3, Format: 4, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{3, 4}, Metadata: []byte{9}},
- {Height: 3, Format: 3, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{3, 3}, Metadata: []byte{12}},
- {Height: 3, Format: 2, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{3, 2}, Metadata: []byte{3}},
- {Height: 3, Format: 1, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{3, 1}, Metadata: []byte{6}},
- {Height: 2, Format: 4, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{2, 4}, Metadata: []byte{8}},
- {Height: 2, Format: 3, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{2, 3}, Metadata: []byte{11}},
- {Height: 2, Format: 2, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{2, 2}, Metadata: []byte{2}},
- {Height: 2, Format: 1, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{2, 1}, Metadata: []byte{5}},
- {Height: 1, Format: 4, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{1, 4}, Metadata: []byte{7}},
- {Height: 1, Format: 3, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{1, 3}, Metadata: []byte{10}},
- },
- },
- }
- for name, tc := range testcases {
- tc := tc
- t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
- // mock ABCI connection to return local snapshots
- conn := &proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot{}
- conn.On("ListSnapshotsSync", context.Background(), abci.RequestListSnapshots{}).Return(&abci.ResponseListSnapshots{
- Snapshots: tc.snapshots,
- }, nil)
- rts := setup(t, conn, nil, nil, 100)
- rts.snapshotInCh <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: types.NodeID("aa"),
- Message: &ssproto.SnapshotsRequest{},
- }
- if len(tc.expectResponses) > 0 {
- retryUntil(t, func() bool { return len(rts.snapshotOutCh) == len(tc.expectResponses) }, time.Second)
- }
- responses := make([]*ssproto.SnapshotsResponse, len(tc.expectResponses))
- for i := 0; i < len(tc.expectResponses); i++ {
- e := <-rts.snapshotOutCh
- responses[i] = e.Message.(*ssproto.SnapshotsResponse)
- }
- require.Equal(t, tc.expectResponses, responses)
- require.Empty(t, rts.snapshotOutCh)
- })
- }
- }
- func TestReactor_LightBlockResponse(t *testing.T) {
- rts := setup(t, nil, nil, nil, 2)
- var height int64 = 10
- h := factory.MakeRandomHeader()
- h.Height = height
- blockID := factory.MakeBlockIDWithHash(h.Hash())
- vals, pv := factory.RandValidatorSet(1, 10)
- vote, err := factory.MakeVote(pv[0], h.ChainID, 0, h.Height, 0, 2,
- blockID, factory.DefaultTestTime)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- sh := &types.SignedHeader{
- Header: h,
- Commit: &types.Commit{
- Height: h.Height,
- BlockID: blockID,
- Signatures: []types.CommitSig{
- vote.CommitSig(),
- },
- },
- }
- lb := &types.LightBlock{
- SignedHeader: sh,
- ValidatorSet: vals,
- }
- require.NoError(t, rts.blockStore.SaveSignedHeader(sh, blockID))
- rts.stateStore.On("LoadValidators", height).Return(vals, nil)
- rts.blockInCh <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: types.NodeID("aa"),
- Message: &ssproto.LightBlockRequest{
- Height: 10,
- },
- }
- require.Empty(t, rts.blockPeerErrCh)
- select {
- case response := <-rts.blockOutCh:
- require.Equal(t, types.NodeID("aa"), response.To)
- res, ok := response.Message.(*ssproto.LightBlockResponse)
- require.True(t, ok)
- receivedLB, err := types.LightBlockFromProto(res.LightBlock)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.Equal(t, lb, receivedLB)
- case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
- t.Fatal("expected light block response")
- }
- }
- func TestReactor_BlockProviders(t *testing.T) {
- rts := setup(t, nil, nil, nil, 2)
- rts.peerUpdateCh <- p2p.PeerUpdate{
- NodeID: types.NodeID("aa"),
- Status: p2p.PeerStatusUp,
- }
- rts.peerUpdateCh <- p2p.PeerUpdate{
- NodeID: types.NodeID("bb"),
- Status: p2p.PeerStatusUp,
- }
- closeCh := make(chan struct{})
- defer close(closeCh)
- chain := buildLightBlockChain(t, 1, 10, time.Now())
- go handleLightBlockRequests(t, chain, rts.blockOutCh, rts.blockInCh, closeCh, 0)
- peers := rts.reactor.peers.All()
- require.Len(t, peers, 2)
- providers := make([]provider.Provider, len(peers))
- for idx, peer := range peers {
- providers[idx] = NewBlockProvider(peer, factory.DefaultTestChainID, rts.reactor.dispatcher)
- }
- wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
- for _, p := range providers {
- wg.Add(1)
- go func(t *testing.T, p provider.Provider) {
- defer wg.Done()
- for height := 2; height < 10; height++ {
- lb, err := p.LightBlock(context.Background(), int64(height))
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.NotNil(t, lb)
- require.Equal(t, height, int(lb.Height))
- }
- }(t, p)
- }
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- go func() { wg.Wait(); cancel() }()
- select {
- case <-time.After(time.Second):
- // not all of the requests to the dispatcher were responded to
- // within the timeout
- t.Fail()
- case <-ctx.Done():
- }
- }
- func TestReactor_StateProviderP2P(t *testing.T) {
- rts := setup(t, nil, nil, nil, 2)
- // make syncer non nil else test won't think we are state syncing
- rts.reactor.syncer = rts.syncer
- peerA := types.NodeID(strings.Repeat("a", 2*types.NodeIDByteLength))
- peerB := types.NodeID(strings.Repeat("b", 2*types.NodeIDByteLength))
- rts.peerUpdateCh <- p2p.PeerUpdate{
- NodeID: peerA,
- Status: p2p.PeerStatusUp,
- }
- rts.peerUpdateCh <- p2p.PeerUpdate{
- NodeID: peerB,
- Status: p2p.PeerStatusUp,
- }
- closeCh := make(chan struct{})
- defer close(closeCh)
- chain := buildLightBlockChain(t, 1, 10, time.Now())
- go handleLightBlockRequests(t, chain, rts.blockOutCh, rts.blockInCh, closeCh, 0)
- go handleConsensusParamsRequest(t, rts.paramsOutCh, rts.paramsInCh, closeCh)
- rts.reactor.cfg.UseP2P = true
- rts.reactor.cfg.TrustHeight = 1
- rts.reactor.cfg.TrustHash = fmt.Sprintf("%X", chain[1].Hash())
- ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
- defer cancel()
- rts.reactor.mtx.Lock()
- err := rts.reactor.initStateProvider(ctx, factory.DefaultTestChainID, 1)
- rts.reactor.mtx.Unlock()
- require.NoError(t, err)
- rts.reactor.syncer.stateProvider = rts.reactor.stateProvider
- appHash, err := rts.reactor.stateProvider.AppHash(ctx, 5)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.Len(t, appHash, 32)
- state, err := rts.reactor.stateProvider.State(ctx, 5)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.Equal(t, appHash, state.AppHash)
- require.Equal(t, types.DefaultConsensusParams(), &state.ConsensusParams)
- commit, err := rts.reactor.stateProvider.Commit(ctx, 5)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.Equal(t, commit.BlockID, state.LastBlockID)
- added, err := rts.reactor.syncer.AddSnapshot(peerA, &snapshot{
- Height: 1, Format: 2, Chunks: 7, Hash: []byte{1, 2}, Metadata: []byte{1},
- })
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.True(t, added)
- }
- func TestReactor_Backfill(t *testing.T) {
- // test backfill algorithm with varying failure rates [0, 10]
- failureRates := []int{0, 2, 9}
- for _, failureRate := range failureRates {
- failureRate := failureRate
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("failure rate: %d", failureRate), func(t *testing.T) {
- t.Cleanup(leaktest.CheckTimeout(t, 1*time.Minute))
- rts := setup(t, nil, nil, nil, 21)
- var (
- startHeight int64 = 20
- stopHeight int64 = 10
- stopTime = time.Date(2020, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, time.UTC)
- )
- peers := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"}
- for _, peer := range peers {
- rts.peerUpdateCh <- p2p.PeerUpdate{
- NodeID: types.NodeID(peer),
- Status: p2p.PeerStatusUp,
- }
- }
- trackingHeight := startHeight
- rts.stateStore.On("SaveValidatorSets", mock.AnythingOfType("int64"), mock.AnythingOfType("int64"),
- mock.AnythingOfType("*types.ValidatorSet")).Return(func(lh, uh int64, vals *types.ValidatorSet) error {
- require.Equal(t, trackingHeight, lh)
- require.Equal(t, lh, uh)
- require.GreaterOrEqual(t, lh, stopHeight)
- trackingHeight--
- return nil
- })
- chain := buildLightBlockChain(t, stopHeight-1, startHeight+1, stopTime)
- closeCh := make(chan struct{})
- defer close(closeCh)
- go handleLightBlockRequests(t, chain, rts.blockOutCh,
- rts.blockInCh, closeCh, failureRate)
- err := rts.reactor.backfill(
- context.Background(),
- factory.DefaultTestChainID,
- startHeight,
- stopHeight,
- 1,
- factory.MakeBlockIDWithHash(chain[startHeight].Header.Hash()),
- stopTime,
- )
- if failureRate > 3 {
- require.Error(t, err)
- require.NotEqual(t, rts.reactor.backfilledBlocks, rts.reactor.backfillBlockTotal)
- require.Equal(t, startHeight-stopHeight+1, rts.reactor.backfillBlockTotal)
- } else {
- require.NoError(t, err)
- for height := startHeight; height <= stopHeight; height++ {
- blockMeta := rts.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(height)
- require.NotNil(t, blockMeta)
- }
- require.Nil(t, rts.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(stopHeight-1))
- require.Nil(t, rts.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(startHeight+1))
- require.Equal(t, startHeight-stopHeight+1, rts.reactor.backfilledBlocks)
- require.Equal(t, startHeight-stopHeight+1, rts.reactor.backfillBlockTotal)
- }
- require.Equal(t, rts.reactor.backfilledBlocks, rts.reactor.BackFilledBlocks())
- require.Equal(t, rts.reactor.backfillBlockTotal, rts.reactor.BackFillBlocksTotal())
- })
- }
- }
- // retryUntil will continue to evaluate fn and will return successfully when true
- // or fail when the timeout is reached.
- func retryUntil(t *testing.T, fn func() bool, timeout time.Duration) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
- defer cancel()
- for {
- if fn() {
- return
- }
- require.NoError(t, ctx.Err())
- }
- }
- func handleLightBlockRequests(t *testing.T,
- chain map[int64]*types.LightBlock,
- receiving chan p2p.Envelope,
- sending chan p2p.Envelope,
- close chan struct{},
- failureRate int) {
- requests := 0
- errorCount := 0
- for {
- select {
- case envelope := <-receiving:
- if msg, ok := envelope.Message.(*ssproto.LightBlockRequest); ok {
- if requests%10 >= failureRate {
- lb, err := chain[int64(msg.Height)].ToProto()
- require.NoError(t, err)
- sending <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: envelope.To,
- Message: &ssproto.LightBlockResponse{
- LightBlock: lb,
- },
- }
- } else {
- switch errorCount % 3 {
- case 0: // send a different block
- vals, pv := factory.RandValidatorSet(3, 10)
- _, _, lb := mockLB(t, int64(msg.Height), factory.DefaultTestTime, factory.MakeBlockID(), vals, pv)
- differntLB, err := lb.ToProto()
- require.NoError(t, err)
- sending <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: envelope.To,
- Message: &ssproto.LightBlockResponse{
- LightBlock: differntLB,
- },
- }
- case 1: // send nil block i.e. pretend we don't have it
- sending <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: envelope.To,
- Message: &ssproto.LightBlockResponse{
- LightBlock: nil,
- },
- }
- case 2: // don't do anything
- }
- errorCount++
- }
- }
- case <-close:
- return
- }
- requests++
- }
- }
- func handleConsensusParamsRequest(t *testing.T, receiving, sending chan p2p.Envelope, closeCh chan struct{}) {
- t.Helper()
- params := types.DefaultConsensusParams()
- paramsProto := params.ToProto()
- for {
- select {
- case envelope := <-receiving:
- t.Log("received consensus params request")
- msg, ok := envelope.Message.(*ssproto.ParamsRequest)
- require.True(t, ok)
- sending <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: envelope.To,
- Message: &ssproto.ParamsResponse{
- Height: msg.Height,
- ConsensusParams: paramsProto,
- },
- }
- case <-closeCh:
- return
- }
- }
- }
- func buildLightBlockChain(t *testing.T, fromHeight, toHeight int64, startTime time.Time) map[int64]*types.LightBlock {
- chain := make(map[int64]*types.LightBlock, toHeight-fromHeight)
- lastBlockID := factory.MakeBlockID()
- blockTime := startTime.Add(time.Duration(fromHeight-toHeight) * time.Minute)
- vals, pv := factory.RandValidatorSet(3, 10)
- for height := fromHeight; height < toHeight; height++ {
- vals, pv, chain[height] = mockLB(t, height, blockTime, lastBlockID, vals, pv)
- lastBlockID = factory.MakeBlockIDWithHash(chain[height].Header.Hash())
- blockTime = blockTime.Add(1 * time.Minute)
- }
- return chain
- }
- func mockLB(t *testing.T, height int64, time time.Time, lastBlockID types.BlockID,
- currentVals *types.ValidatorSet, currentPrivVals []types.PrivValidator,
- ) (*types.ValidatorSet, []types.PrivValidator, *types.LightBlock) {
- header, err := factory.MakeHeader(&types.Header{
- Height: height,
- LastBlockID: lastBlockID,
- Time: time,
- })
- require.NoError(t, err)
- nextVals, nextPrivVals := factory.RandValidatorSet(3, 10)
- header.ValidatorsHash = currentVals.Hash()
- header.NextValidatorsHash = nextVals.Hash()
- header.ConsensusHash = types.DefaultConsensusParams().HashConsensusParams()
- lastBlockID = factory.MakeBlockIDWithHash(header.Hash())
- voteSet := types.NewVoteSet(factory.DefaultTestChainID, height, 0, tmproto.PrecommitType, currentVals)
- commit, err := factory.MakeCommit(lastBlockID, height, 0, voteSet, currentPrivVals, time)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- return nextVals, nextPrivVals, &types.LightBlock{
- SignedHeader: &types.SignedHeader{
- Header: header,
- Commit: commit,
- },
- ValidatorSet: currentVals,
- }
- }
- // graduallyAddPeers delivers a new randomly-generated peer update on peerUpdateCh once
- // per interval, until closeCh is closed. Each peer update is assigned a random node ID.
- func graduallyAddPeers(
- peerUpdateCh chan p2p.PeerUpdate,
- closeCh chan struct{},
- interval time.Duration,
- ) {
- ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
- for {
- select {
- case <-ticker.C:
- peerUpdateCh <- p2p.PeerUpdate{
- NodeID: factory.RandomNodeID(),
- Status: p2p.PeerStatusUp,
- }
- case <-closeCh:
- return
- }
- }
- }
- func handleSnapshotRequests(
- t *testing.T,
- receivingCh chan p2p.Envelope,
- sendingCh chan p2p.Envelope,
- closeCh chan struct{},
- snapshots []snapshot,
- ) {
- t.Helper()
- for {
- select {
- case envelope := <-receivingCh:
- _, ok := envelope.Message.(*ssproto.SnapshotsRequest)
- require.True(t, ok)
- for _, snapshot := range snapshots {
- sendingCh <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: envelope.To,
- Message: &ssproto.SnapshotsResponse{
- Height: snapshot.Height,
- Format: snapshot.Format,
- Chunks: snapshot.Chunks,
- Hash: snapshot.Hash,
- Metadata: snapshot.Metadata,
- },
- }
- }
- case <-closeCh:
- return
- }
- }
- }
- func handleChunkRequests(
- t *testing.T,
- receivingCh chan p2p.Envelope,
- sendingCh chan p2p.Envelope,
- closeCh chan struct{},
- chunk []byte,
- ) {
- t.Helper()
- for {
- select {
- case envelope := <-receivingCh:
- msg, ok := envelope.Message.(*ssproto.ChunkRequest)
- require.True(t, ok)
- sendingCh <- p2p.Envelope{
- From: envelope.To,
- Message: &ssproto.ChunkResponse{
- Height: msg.Height,
- Format: msg.Format,
- Index: msg.Index,
- Chunk: chunk,
- Missing: false,
- },
- }
- case <-closeCh:
- return
- }
- }
- }