- package p2ptest
- import (
- "context"
- "math/rand"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- dbm "github.com/tendermint/tm-db"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/ed25519"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/p2p"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
- )
- // Network sets up an in-memory network that can be used for high-level P2P
- // testing. It creates an arbitrary number of nodes that are connected to each
- // other, and can open channels across all nodes with custom reactors.
- type Network struct {
- Nodes map[p2p.NodeID]*Node
- logger log.Logger
- memoryNetwork *p2p.MemoryNetwork
- }
- // NetworkOptions is an argument structure to parameterize the
- // MakeNetwork function.
- type NetworkOptions struct {
- NumNodes int
- BufferSize int
- NodeOpts NodeOptions
- }
- type NodeOptions struct {
- MaxPeers uint16
- MaxConnected uint16
- }
- func (opts *NetworkOptions) setDefaults() {
- if opts.BufferSize == 0 {
- opts.BufferSize = 1
- }
- }
- // MakeNetwork creates a test network with the given number of nodes and
- // connects them to each other.
- func MakeNetwork(t *testing.T, opts NetworkOptions) *Network {
- opts.setDefaults()
- logger := log.TestingLogger()
- network := &Network{
- Nodes: map[p2p.NodeID]*Node{},
- logger: logger,
- memoryNetwork: p2p.NewMemoryNetwork(logger, opts.BufferSize),
- }
- for i := 0; i < opts.NumNodes; i++ {
- node := network.MakeNode(t, opts.NodeOpts)
- network.Nodes[node.NodeID] = node
- }
- return network
- }
- // Start starts the network by setting up a list of node addresses to dial in
- // addition to creating a peer update subscription for each node. Finally, all
- // nodes are connected to each other.
- func (n *Network) Start(t *testing.T) {
- // Set up a list of node addresses to dial, and a peer update subscription
- // for each node.
- dialQueue := []p2p.NodeAddress{}
- subs := map[p2p.NodeID]*p2p.PeerUpdates{}
- for _, node := range n.Nodes {
- dialQueue = append(dialQueue, node.NodeAddress)
- subs[node.NodeID] = node.PeerManager.Subscribe()
- defer subs[node.NodeID].Close()
- }
- // For each node, dial the nodes that it still doesn't have a connection to
- // (either inbound or outbound), and wait for both sides to confirm the
- // connection via the subscriptions.
- for i, sourceAddress := range dialQueue {
- sourceNode := n.Nodes[sourceAddress.NodeID]
- sourceSub := subs[sourceAddress.NodeID]
- for _, targetAddress := range dialQueue[i+1:] { // nodes <i already connected
- targetNode := n.Nodes[targetAddress.NodeID]
- targetSub := subs[targetAddress.NodeID]
- added, err := sourceNode.PeerManager.Add(targetAddress)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.True(t, added)
- select {
- case peerUpdate := <-sourceSub.Updates():
- require.Equal(t, p2p.PeerUpdate{
- NodeID: targetNode.NodeID,
- Status: p2p.PeerStatusUp,
- }, peerUpdate)
- case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
- require.Fail(t, "timed out waiting for peer", "%v dialing %v",
- sourceNode.NodeID, targetNode.NodeID)
- }
- select {
- case peerUpdate := <-targetSub.Updates():
- require.Equal(t, p2p.PeerUpdate{
- NodeID: sourceNode.NodeID,
- Status: p2p.PeerStatusUp,
- }, peerUpdate)
- case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
- require.Fail(t, "timed out waiting for peer", "%v accepting %v",
- targetNode.NodeID, sourceNode.NodeID)
- }
- // Add the address to the target as well, so it's able to dial the
- // source back if that's even necessary.
- added, err = targetNode.PeerManager.Add(sourceAddress)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.True(t, added)
- }
- }
- }
- // NodeIDs returns the network's node IDs.
- func (n *Network) NodeIDs() []p2p.NodeID {
- ids := []p2p.NodeID{}
- for id := range n.Nodes {
- ids = append(ids, id)
- }
- return ids
- }
- // MakeChannels makes a channel on all nodes and returns them, automatically
- // doing error checks and cleanups.
- func (n *Network) MakeChannels(
- t *testing.T,
- chDesc p2p.ChannelDescriptor,
- messageType proto.Message,
- size int,
- ) map[p2p.NodeID]*p2p.Channel {
- channels := map[p2p.NodeID]*p2p.Channel{}
- for _, node := range n.Nodes {
- channels[node.NodeID] = node.MakeChannel(t, chDesc, messageType, size)
- }
- return channels
- }
- // MakeChannelsNoCleanup makes a channel on all nodes and returns them,
- // automatically doing error checks. The caller must ensure proper cleanup of
- // all the channels.
- func (n *Network) MakeChannelsNoCleanup(
- t *testing.T,
- chDesc p2p.ChannelDescriptor,
- messageType proto.Message,
- size int,
- ) map[p2p.NodeID]*p2p.Channel {
- channels := map[p2p.NodeID]*p2p.Channel{}
- for _, node := range n.Nodes {
- channels[node.NodeID] = node.MakeChannelNoCleanup(t, chDesc, messageType, size)
- }
- return channels
- }
- // RandomNode returns a random node.
- func (n *Network) RandomNode() *Node {
- nodes := make([]*Node, 0, len(n.Nodes))
- for _, node := range n.Nodes {
- nodes = append(nodes, node)
- }
- return nodes[rand.Intn(len(nodes))] // nolint:gosec
- }
- // Peers returns a node's peers (i.e. everyone except itself).
- func (n *Network) Peers(id p2p.NodeID) []*Node {
- peers := make([]*Node, 0, len(n.Nodes)-1)
- for _, peer := range n.Nodes {
- if peer.NodeID != id {
- peers = append(peers, peer)
- }
- }
- return peers
- }
- // Remove removes a node from the network, stopping it and waiting for all other
- // nodes to pick up the disconnection.
- func (n *Network) Remove(t *testing.T, id p2p.NodeID) {
- require.Contains(t, n.Nodes, id)
- node := n.Nodes[id]
- delete(n.Nodes, id)
- subs := []*p2p.PeerUpdates{}
- for _, peer := range n.Nodes {
- sub := peer.PeerManager.Subscribe()
- defer sub.Close()
- subs = append(subs, sub)
- }
- require.NoError(t, node.Transport.Close())
- if node.Router.IsRunning() {
- require.NoError(t, node.Router.Stop())
- }
- node.PeerManager.Close()
- for _, sub := range subs {
- RequireUpdate(t, sub, p2p.PeerUpdate{
- NodeID: node.NodeID,
- Status: p2p.PeerStatusDown,
- })
- }
- }
- // Node is a node in a Network, with a Router and a PeerManager.
- type Node struct {
- NodeID p2p.NodeID
- NodeInfo p2p.NodeInfo
- NodeAddress p2p.NodeAddress
- PrivKey crypto.PrivKey
- Router *p2p.Router
- PeerManager *p2p.PeerManager
- Transport *p2p.MemoryTransport
- }
- // MakeNode creates a new Node configured for the network with a
- // running peer manager, but does not add it to the existing
- // network. Callers are responsible for updating peering relationships.
- func (n *Network) MakeNode(t *testing.T, opts NodeOptions) *Node {
- privKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey()
- nodeID := p2p.NodeIDFromPubKey(privKey.PubKey())
- nodeInfo := p2p.NodeInfo{
- NodeID: nodeID,
- ListenAddr: "", // FIXME: We have to fake this for now.
- Moniker: string(nodeID),
- }
- transport := n.memoryNetwork.CreateTransport(nodeID)
- require.Len(t, transport.Endpoints(), 1, "transport not listening on 1 endpoint")
- peerManager, err := p2p.NewPeerManager(nodeID, dbm.NewMemDB(), p2p.PeerManagerOptions{
- MinRetryTime: 10 * time.Millisecond,
- MaxRetryTime: 100 * time.Millisecond,
- RetryTimeJitter: time.Millisecond,
- MaxPeers: opts.MaxPeers,
- MaxConnected: opts.MaxConnected,
- })
- require.NoError(t, err)
- router, err := p2p.NewRouter(
- n.logger,
- p2p.NopMetrics(),
- nodeInfo,
- privKey,
- peerManager,
- []p2p.Transport{transport},
- p2p.RouterOptions{DialSleep: func(_ context.Context) {}},
- )
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.NoError(t, router.Start())
- t.Cleanup(func() {
- if router.IsRunning() {
- require.NoError(t, router.Stop())
- }
- peerManager.Close()
- require.NoError(t, transport.Close())
- })
- return &Node{
- NodeID: nodeID,
- NodeInfo: nodeInfo,
- NodeAddress: transport.Endpoints()[0].NodeAddress(nodeID),
- PrivKey: privKey,
- Router: router,
- PeerManager: peerManager,
- Transport: transport,
- }
- }
- // MakeChannel opens a channel, with automatic error handling and cleanup. On
- // test cleanup, it also checks that the channel is empty, to make sure
- // all expected messages have been asserted.
- func (n *Node) MakeChannel(t *testing.T, chDesc p2p.ChannelDescriptor,
- messageType proto.Message, size int) *p2p.Channel {
- channel, err := n.Router.OpenChannel(chDesc, messageType, size)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- t.Cleanup(func() {
- RequireEmpty(t, channel)
- channel.Close()
- })
- return channel
- }
- // MakeChannelNoCleanup opens a channel, with automatic error handling. The
- // caller must ensure proper cleanup of the channel.
- func (n *Node) MakeChannelNoCleanup(
- t *testing.T,
- chDesc p2p.ChannelDescriptor,
- messageType proto.Message,
- size int,
- ) *p2p.Channel {
- channel, err := n.Router.OpenChannel(chDesc, messageType, size)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- return channel
- }
- // MakePeerUpdates opens a peer update subscription, with automatic cleanup.
- // It checks that all updates have been consumed during cleanup.
- func (n *Node) MakePeerUpdates(t *testing.T) *p2p.PeerUpdates {
- t.Helper()
- sub := n.PeerManager.Subscribe()
- t.Cleanup(func() {
- t.Helper()
- RequireNoUpdates(t, sub)
- sub.Close()
- })
- return sub
- }
- // MakePeerUpdatesNoRequireEmpty opens a peer update subscription, with automatic cleanup.
- // It does *not* check that all updates have been consumed, but will
- // close the update channel.
- func (n *Node) MakePeerUpdatesNoRequireEmpty(t *testing.T) *p2p.PeerUpdates {
- sub := n.PeerManager.Subscribe()
- t.Cleanup(func() {
- sub.Close()
- })
- return sub
- }
- func MakeChannelDesc(chID p2p.ChannelID) p2p.ChannelDescriptor {
- return p2p.ChannelDescriptor{
- ID: byte(chID),
- Priority: 5,
- SendQueueCapacity: 10,
- RecvMessageCapacity: 10,
- MaxSendBytes: 1000,
- }
- }