- package certifiers_test
- import (
- "testing"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/certifiers"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/certifiers/errors"
- )
- func TestMemProvider(t *testing.T) {
- p := certifiers.NewMemStoreProvider()
- checkProvider(t, p, "test-mem", "empty")
- }
- func TestCacheProvider(t *testing.T) {
- p := certifiers.NewCacheProvider(
- certifiers.NewMissingProvider(),
- certifiers.NewMemStoreProvider(),
- certifiers.NewMissingProvider(),
- )
- checkProvider(t, p, "test-cache", "kjfhekfhkewhgit")
- }
- func checkProvider(t *testing.T, p certifiers.Provider, chainID, app string) {
- assert, require := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
- appHash := []byte(app)
- keys := certifiers.GenValKeys(5)
- count := 10
- // make a bunch of commits...
- commits := make([]certifiers.FullCommit, count)
- for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
- // two commits for each validator, to check how we handle dups
- // (10, 0), (10, 1), (10, 1), (10, 2), (10, 2), ...
- vals := keys.ToValidators(10, int64(count/2))
- h := 20 + 10*i
- commits[i] = keys.GenFullCommit(chainID, h, nil, vals, appHash, 0, 5)
- }
- // check provider is empty
- fc, err := p.GetByHeight(20)
- require.NotNil(err)
- assert.True(errors.IsCommitNotFoundErr(err))
- fc, err = p.GetByHash(commits[3].ValidatorsHash())
- require.NotNil(err)
- assert.True(errors.IsCommitNotFoundErr(err))
- // now add them all to the provider
- for _, s := range commits {
- err = p.StoreCommit(s)
- require.Nil(err)
- // and make sure we can get it back
- s2, err := p.GetByHash(s.ValidatorsHash())
- assert.Nil(err)
- assert.Equal(s, s2)
- // by height as well
- s2, err = p.GetByHeight(s.Height())
- assert.Nil(err)
- assert.Equal(s, s2)
- }
- // make sure we get the last hash if we overstep
- fc, err = p.GetByHeight(5000)
- if assert.Nil(err) {
- assert.Equal(commits[count-1].Height(), fc.Height())
- assert.Equal(commits[count-1], fc)
- }
- // and middle ones as well
- fc, err = p.GetByHeight(47)
- if assert.Nil(err) {
- // we only step by 10, so 40 must be the one below this
- assert.Equal(40, fc.Height())
- }
- }
- // this will make a get height, and if it is good, set the data as well
- func checkGetHeight(t *testing.T, p certifiers.Provider, ask, expect int) {
- fc, err := p.GetByHeight(ask)
- require.Nil(t, err, "%+v", err)
- if assert.Equal(t, expect, fc.Height()) {
- err = p.StoreCommit(fc)
- require.Nil(t, err, "%+v", err)
- }
- }
- func TestCacheGetsBestHeight(t *testing.T) {
- // assert, require := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
- require := require.New(t)
- // we will write data to the second level of the cache (p2),
- // and see what gets cached, stored in
- p := certifiers.NewMemStoreProvider()
- p2 := certifiers.NewMemStoreProvider()
- cp := certifiers.NewCacheProvider(p, p2)
- chainID := "cache-best-height"
- appHash := []byte("01234567")
- keys := certifiers.GenValKeys(5)
- count := 10
- // set a bunch of commits
- for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
- vals := keys.ToValidators(10, int64(count/2))
- h := 10 * (i + 1)
- fc := keys.GenFullCommit(chainID, h, nil, vals, appHash, 0, 5)
- err := p2.StoreCommit(fc)
- require.NoError(err)
- }
- // let's get a few heights from the cache and set them proper
- checkGetHeight(t, cp, 57, 50)
- checkGetHeight(t, cp, 33, 30)
- // make sure they are set in p as well (but nothing else)
- checkGetHeight(t, p, 44, 30)
- checkGetHeight(t, p, 50, 50)
- checkGetHeight(t, p, 99, 50)
- // now, query the cache for a higher value
- checkGetHeight(t, p2, 99, 90)
- checkGetHeight(t, cp, 99, 90)
- }