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  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. # XXX: this script is intended to be run from
  3. # an MacOS machine
  4. # as written, this script will install
  5. # tendermint core from master branch
  7. # change this to a specific release or branch
  8. BRANCH=master
  9. if ! [ -x "$(command -v brew)" ]; then
  10. echo 'Error: brew is not installed, to install brew' >&2
  11. echo 'follow the instructions here:' >&2
  12. exit 1
  13. fi
  14. if ! [ -x "$(command -v go)" ]; then
  15. echo 'Error: go is not installed, to install go follow' >&2
  16. echo 'the instructions here:' >&2
  17. echo 'ALSO MAKE SURE TO SETUP YOUR $GOPATH and $GOBIN in your ~/.profile:' >&2
  18. exit 1
  19. fi
  20. if ! [ -x "$(command -v make)" ]; then
  21. echo 'Make not installed, installing using brew...'
  22. brew install make
  23. fi
  24. # get the code and move into repo
  25. go get $REPO
  26. cd $GOPATH/src/$REPO
  27. # build & install
  28. git checkout $BRANCH
  29. # XXX: uncomment if branch isn't master
  30. # git fetch origin $BRANCH
  31. make get_tools
  32. make install