- # End-to-End Tests
- Spins up and tests Tendermint networks in Docker Compose based on a testnet manifest. To run the CI testnet:
- ```sh
- make
- ./build/runner -f networks/ci.toml
- ```
- This creates and runs a testnet named `ci` under `networks/ci/` (determined by the manifest filename).
- ## Testnet Manifests
- Testnets are specified as TOML manifests. For an example see [`networks/ci.toml`](networks/ci.toml), and for documentation see [`pkg/manifest.go`](pkg/manifest.go).
- ## Random Testnet Generation
- Random (but deterministic) combinations of testnets can be generated with `generator`:
- ```sh
- ./build/generator -d networks/generated/
- # Split networks into 8 groups (by filename)
- ./build/generator -g 8 -d networks/generated/
- ```
- Multiple testnets can be run with the `run-multiple.sh` script:
- ```sh
- ./run-multiple.sh networks/generated/gen-group3-*.toml
- ```
- ## Test Stages
- The test runner has the following stages, which can also be executed explicitly by running `./build/runner -f <manifest> <stage>`:
- * `setup`: generates configuration files.
- * `start`: starts Docker containers.
- * `load`: generates a transaction load against the testnet nodes.
- * `perturb`: runs any requested perturbations (e.g. node restarts or network disconnects).
- * `wait`: waits for a few blocks to be produced, and for all nodes to catch up to it.
- * `test`: runs test cases in `tests/` against all nodes in a running testnet.
- * `stop`: stops Docker containers.
- * `cleanup`: removes configuration files and Docker containers/networks.
- * `logs`: outputs all node logs.
- * `tail`: tails (follows) node logs until cancelled.
- ## Tests
- Test cases are written as normal Go tests in `tests/`. They use a `testNode()` helper which executes each test as a parallel subtest for each node in the network.
- ### Running Manual Tests
- To run tests manually, set the `E2E_MANIFEST` environment variable to the path of the testnet manifest (e.g. `networks/ci.toml`) and run them as normal, e.g.:
- ```sh
- ./build/runner -f networks/ci.toml start
- E2E_MANIFEST=networks/ci.toml go test -v ./tests/...
- ```
- Optionally, `E2E_NODE` specifies the name of a single testnet node to test.
- These environment variables can also be specified in `tests/e2e_test.go` to run tests from an editor or IDE:
- ```go
- func init() {
- // This can be used to manually specify a testnet manifest and/or node to
- // run tests against. The testnet must have been started by the runner first.
- os.Setenv("E2E_MANIFEST", "networks/ci.toml")
- os.Setenv("E2E_NODE", "validator01")
- }
- ```
- ### Debugging Failures
- If a command or test fails, the runner simply exits with an error message and
- non-zero status code. The testnet is left running with data in the testnet
- directory, and can be inspected with e.g. `docker ps`, `docker logs`, or
- `./build/runner -f <manifest> logs` or `tail`. To shut down and remove the
- testnet, run `./build/runner -f <manifest> cleanup`.
- If the standard `log_level` is not detailed enough (e.g. you want "debug" level
- logging for certain modules), you can change it in the manifest file.
- Each node exposes a [pprof](https://golang.org/pkg/runtime/pprof/) server. To
- find out the local port, run `docker port <NODENAME> 6060 | awk -F: '{print
- $2}'`. Then you may perform any queries supported by the pprof tool. Julia
- Evans has a [great
- post](https://jvns.ca/blog/2017/09/24/profiling-go-with-pprof/) on this
- subject.
- ```bash
- export PORT=$(docker port full01 6060 | awk -F: '{print $2}')
- go tool pprof http://localhost:$PORT/debug/pprof/goroutine
- go tool pprof http://localhost:$PORT/debug/pprof/heap
- go tool pprof http://localhost:$PORT/debug/pprof/threadcreate
- go tool pprof http://localhost:$PORT/debug/pprof/block
- go tool pprof http://localhost:$PORT/debug/pprof/mutex
- ```
- ## Enabling IPv6
- Docker does not enable IPv6 by default. To do so, enter the following in
- `daemon.json` (or in the Docker for Mac UI under Preferences → Docker Engine):
- ```json
- {
- "ipv6": true,
- "fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:1::/64"
- }
- ```