- #! /bin/bash
- set -eu
- N=$3
- ID=1
- cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/tendermint/tendermint
- echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo "Testing full network connection using one /dial_persistent_peers call"
- echo "(assuming peers are started with pex enabled)"
- # stop the existing testnet and remove local network
- set +e
- bash test/p2p/local_testnet_stop.sh $NETWORK_NAME $N
- set -e
- # start the testnet on a local network
- # NOTE we re-use the same network for all tests
- bash test/p2p/local_testnet_start.sh $DOCKER_IMAGE $NETWORK_NAME $N $PROXY_APP $PERSISTENT_PEERS
- # dial persistent_peers from one node
- CLIENT_NAME="dial_persistent_peers"
- bash test/p2p/client.sh $DOCKER_IMAGE $NETWORK_NAME $CLIENT_NAME "test/p2p/pex/dial_persistent_peers.sh $N"
- # test basic connectivity and consensus
- # start client container and check the num peers and height for all nodes
- CLIENT_NAME="dial_persistent_peers_basic"
- bash test/p2p/client.sh $DOCKER_IMAGE $NETWORK_NAME $CLIENT_NAME "test/p2p/basic/test.sh $N"