- # Wire Protocol
- The [Tendermint wire protocol](https://github.com/tendermint/go-wire) encodes data in [c-style binary](#binary) and [JSON](#json) form.
- ## Supported types
- - Primitive types
- - `uint8` (aka `byte`), `uint16`, `uint32`, `uint64`
- - `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`
- - `uint`, `int`: variable length (un)signed integers
- - `string`, `[]byte`
- - `time`
- - Derived types
- - structs
- - var-length arrays of a particular type
- - fixed-length arrays of a particular type
- - interfaces: registered union types preceded by a `type byte`
- - pointers
- ## Binary
- **Fixed-length primitive types** are encoded with 1,2,3, or 4 big-endian bytes.
- - `uint8` (aka `byte`), `uint16`, `uint32`, `uint64`: takes 1,2,3, and 4 bytes respectively
- - `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`: takes 1,2,3, and 4 bytes respectively
- - `time`: `int64` representation of nanoseconds since epoch
- **Variable-length integers** are encoded with a single leading byte representing the length of the following big-endian bytes. For signed negative integers, the most significant bit of the leading byte is a 1.
- - `uint`: 1-byte length prefixed variable-size (0 ~ 255 bytes) unsigned integers
- - `int`: 1-byte length prefixed variable-size (0 ~ 127 bytes) signed integers
- NOTE: While the number 0 (zero) is encoded with a single byte `x00`, the number 1 (one) takes two bytes to represent: `x0101`. This isn't the most efficient representation, but the rules are easier to remember.
- | number | binary `uint` | binary `int` |
- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- |
- | 0 | `x00` | `x00` |
- | 1 | `x0101` | `x0101` |
- | 2 | `x0102` | `x0102` |
- | 256 | `x020100` | `x020100` |
- | 2^(127*8)-1 | `x7FFFFF...` | `x7FFFFF...` |
- | 2^(127*8) | `x800100...` | overflow |
- | 2^(255*8)-1 | `xFFFFFF...` | overflow |
- | -1 | n/a | `x8101` |
- | -2 | n/a | `x8102` |
- | -256 | n/a | `x820100` |
- **Structures** are encoded by encoding the field values in order of declaration.
- ```go
- type Foo struct {
- MyString string
- MyUint32 uint32
- }
- var foo = Foo{"626172", math.MaxUint32}
- /* The binary representation of foo:
- 0103626172FFFFFFFF
- 0103: `int` encoded length of string, here 3
- 626172: 3 bytes of string "bar"
- FFFFFFFF: 4 bytes of uint32 MaxUint32
- */
- ```
- **Variable-length arrays** are encoded with a leading `int` denoting the length of the array followed by the binary representation of the items. **Fixed-length arrays** are similar but aren't preceded by the leading `int`.
- ```go
- foos := []Foo{foo, foo}
- /* The binary representation of foos:
- 01020103626172FFFFFFFF0103626172FFFFFFFF
- 0102: `int` encoded length of array, here 2
- 0103626172FFFFFFFF: the first `foo`
- 0103626172FFFFFFFF: the second `foo`
- */
- foos := [2]Foo{foo, foo} // fixed-length array
- /* The binary representation of foos:
- 0103626172FFFFFFFF0103626172FFFFFFFF
- 0103626172FFFFFFFF: the first `foo`
- 0103626172FFFFFFFF: the second `foo`
- */
- ```
- **Interfaces** can represent one of any number of concrete types. The concrete types of an interface must first be declared with their corresponding `type byte`. An interface is then encoded with the leading `type byte`, then the binary encoding of the underlying concrete type.
- NOTE: The byte `x00` is reserved for the `nil` interface value and `nil` pointer values.
- ```go
- type Animal interface{}
- type Dog uint32
- type Cat string
- RegisterInterface(
- struct{ Animal }{}, // Convenience for referencing the 'Animal' interface
- ConcreteType{Dog(0), 0x01}, // Register the byte 0x01 to denote a Dog
- ConcreteType{Cat(""), 0x02}, // Register the byte 0x02 to denote a Cat
- )
- var animal Animal = Dog(02)
- /* The binary representation of animal:
- 010102
- 01: the type byte for a `Dog`
- 0102: the bytes of Dog(02)
- */
- ```
- **Pointers** are encoded with a single leading byte `x00` for `nil` pointers, otherwise encoded with a leading byte `x01` followed by the binary encoding of the value pointed to.
- NOTE: It's easy to convert pointer types into interface types, since the `type byte` `x00` is always `nil`.
- ## JSON
- The JSON codec is compatible with the [`binary`](#binary) codec, and is fairly intuitive if you're already familiar with golang's JSON encoding. Some quirks are noted below:
- - variable-length and fixed-length bytes are encoded as uppercase hexadecimal strings
- - interface values are encoded as an array of two items: `[type_byte, concrete_value]`
- - times are encoded as rfc2822 strings