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7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
lint: Enable Golint (#4212) * Fix many golint errors * Fix golint errors in the 'lite' package * Don't export * Fix typo * Revert unwanted changes * Fix errors in counter package * Fix linter errors in kvstore package * Fix linter error in example package * Fix error in tests package * Fix linter errors in v2 package * Fix linter errors in consensus package * Fix linter errors in evidence package * Fix linter error in fail package * Fix linter errors in query package * Fix linter errors in core package * Fix linter errors in node package * Fix linter errors in mempool package * Fix linter error in conn package * Fix linter errors in pex package * Rename PEXReactor export to Reactor * Fix linter errors in trust package * Fix linter errors in upnp package * Fix linter errors in p2p package * Fix linter errors in proxy package * Fix linter errors in mock_test package * Fix linter error in client_test package * Fix linter errors in coretypes package * Fix linter errors in coregrpc package * Fix linter errors in rpcserver package * Fix linter errors in rpctypes package * Fix linter errors in rpctest package * Fix linter error in json2wal script * Fix linter error in wal2json script * Fix linter errors in kv package * Fix linter error in state package * Fix linter error in grpc_client * Fix linter errors in types package * Fix linter error in version package * Fix remaining errors * Address review comments * Fix broken tests * Reconcile package coregrpc * Fix golangci bot error * Fix new golint errors * Fix broken reference * Enable golint linter * minor changes to bring golint into line * fix failing test * fix pex reactor naming * address PR comments
5 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
  1. package evidence
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. "sync"
  5. "time"
  6. clist ""
  7. ""
  8. ""
  9. tmsync ""
  10. ""
  11. tmproto ""
  12. ""
  13. )
  14. var (
  15. _ service.Service = (*Reactor)(nil)
  16. // ChannelShims contains a map of ChannelDescriptorShim objects, where each
  17. // object wraps a reference to a legacy p2p ChannelDescriptor and the corresponding
  18. // p2p proto.Message the new p2p Channel is responsible for handling.
  19. //
  20. //
  21. // TODO: Remove once p2p refactor is complete.
  22. // ref:
  23. ChannelShims = map[p2p.ChannelID]*p2p.ChannelDescriptorShim{
  24. EvidenceChannel: {
  25. MsgType: new(tmproto.EvidenceList),
  26. Descriptor: &p2p.ChannelDescriptor{
  27. ID: byte(EvidenceChannel),
  28. Priority: 6,
  29. RecvMessageCapacity: maxMsgSize,
  30. },
  31. },
  32. }
  33. )
  34. const (
  35. EvidenceChannel = p2p.ChannelID(0x38)
  36. maxMsgSize = 1048576 // 1MB TODO make it configurable
  37. // broadcast all uncommitted evidence this often. This sets when the reactor
  38. // goes back to the start of the list and begins sending the evidence again.
  39. // Most evidence should be committed in the very next block that is why we wait
  40. // just over the block production rate before sending evidence again.
  41. broadcastEvidenceIntervalS = 10
  42. )
  43. // Reactor handles evpool evidence broadcasting amongst peers.
  44. type Reactor struct {
  45. service.BaseService
  46. evpool *Pool
  47. eventBus *types.EventBus
  48. evidenceCh *p2p.Channel
  49. peerUpdates *p2p.PeerUpdatesCh
  50. closeCh chan struct{}
  51. peerWG sync.WaitGroup
  52. mtx tmsync.Mutex
  53. peerRoutines map[p2p.NodeID]*tmsync.Closer
  54. }
  55. // NewReactor returns a reference to a new evidence reactor, which implements the
  56. // service.Service interface. It accepts a p2p Channel dedicated for handling
  57. // envelopes with EvidenceList messages.
  58. func NewReactor(
  59. logger log.Logger,
  60. evidenceCh *p2p.Channel,
  61. peerUpdates *p2p.PeerUpdatesCh,
  62. evpool *Pool,
  63. ) *Reactor {
  64. r := &Reactor{
  65. evpool: evpool,
  66. evidenceCh: evidenceCh,
  67. peerUpdates: peerUpdates,
  68. closeCh: make(chan struct{}),
  69. peerRoutines: make(map[p2p.NodeID]*tmsync.Closer),
  70. }
  71. r.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(logger, "Evidence", r)
  72. return r
  73. }
  74. // SetEventBus implements events.Eventable.
  75. func (r *Reactor) SetEventBus(b *types.EventBus) {
  76. r.eventBus = b
  77. }
  78. // OnStart starts separate go routines for each p2p Channel and listens for
  79. // envelopes on each. In addition, it also listens for peer updates and handles
  80. // messages on that p2p channel accordingly. The caller must be sure to execute
  81. // OnStop to ensure the outbound p2p Channels are closed. No error is returned.
  82. func (r *Reactor) OnStart() error {
  83. go r.processEvidenceCh()
  84. go r.processPeerUpdates()
  85. return nil
  86. }
  87. // OnStop stops the reactor by signaling to all spawned goroutines to exit and
  88. // blocking until they all exit.
  89. func (r *Reactor) OnStop() {
  90. r.mtx.Lock()
  91. for _, c := range r.peerRoutines {
  92. c.Close()
  93. }
  94. r.mtx.Unlock()
  95. // Wait for all spawned peer evidence broadcasting goroutines to gracefully
  96. // exit.
  97. r.peerWG.Wait()
  98. // Close closeCh to signal to all spawned goroutines to gracefully exit. All
  99. // p2p Channels should execute Close().
  100. close(r.closeCh)
  101. // Wait for all p2p Channels to be closed before returning. This ensures we
  102. // can easily reason about synchronization of all p2p Channels and ensure no
  103. // panics will occur.
  104. <-r.evidenceCh.Done()
  105. <-r.peerUpdates.Done()
  106. }
  107. // handleEvidenceMessage handles envelopes sent from peers on the EvidenceChannel.
  108. // It returns an error only if the Envelope.Message is unknown for this channel
  109. // or if the given evidence is invalid. This should never be called outside of
  110. // handleMessage.
  111. func (r *Reactor) handleEvidenceMessage(envelope p2p.Envelope) error {
  112. logger := r.Logger.With("peer", envelope.From)
  113. switch msg := envelope.Message.(type) {
  114. case *tmproto.EvidenceList:
  115. // TODO: Refactor the Evidence type to not contain a list since we only ever
  116. // send and receive one piece of evidence at a time. Or potentially consider
  117. // batching evidence.
  118. //
  119. // see:
  120. for i := 0; i < len(msg.Evidence); i++ {
  121. ev, err := types.EvidenceFromProto(&msg.Evidence[i])
  122. if err != nil {
  123. logger.Error("failed to convert evidence", "err", err)
  124. continue
  125. }
  126. if err := r.evpool.AddEvidence(ev); err != nil {
  127. // If we're given invalid evidence by the peer, notify the router that
  128. // we should remove this peer by returning an error.
  129. if _, ok := err.(*types.ErrInvalidEvidence); ok {
  130. return err
  131. }
  132. }
  133. }
  134. default:
  135. return fmt.Errorf("received unknown message: %T", msg)
  136. }
  137. return nil
  138. }
  139. // handleMessage handles an Envelope sent from a peer on a specific p2p Channel.
  140. // It will handle errors and any possible panics gracefully. A caller can handle
  141. // any error returned by sending a PeerError on the respective channel.
  142. func (r *Reactor) handleMessage(chID p2p.ChannelID, envelope p2p.Envelope) (err error) {
  143. defer func() {
  144. if e := recover(); e != nil {
  145. err = fmt.Errorf("panic in processing message: %v", e)
  146. }
  147. }()
  148. r.Logger.Debug("received message", "message", envelope.Message, "peer", envelope.From)
  149. switch chID {
  150. case EvidenceChannel:
  151. err = r.handleEvidenceMessage(envelope)
  152. default:
  153. err = fmt.Errorf("unknown channel ID (%d) for envelope (%v)", chID, envelope)
  154. }
  155. return err
  156. }
  157. // processEvidenceCh implements a blocking event loop where we listen for p2p
  158. // Envelope messages from the evidenceCh.
  159. func (r *Reactor) processEvidenceCh() {
  160. defer r.evidenceCh.Close()
  161. for {
  162. select {
  163. case envelope := <-r.evidenceCh.In():
  164. if err := r.handleMessage(r.evidenceCh.ID(), envelope); err != nil {
  165. r.Logger.Error("failed to process message", "ch_id", r.evidenceCh.ID(), "envelope", envelope, "err", err)
  166. r.evidenceCh.Error() <- p2p.PeerError{
  167. PeerID: envelope.From,
  168. Err: err,
  169. Severity: p2p.PeerErrorSeverityLow,
  170. }
  171. }
  172. case <-r.closeCh:
  173. r.Logger.Debug("stopped listening on evidence channel; closing...")
  174. return
  175. }
  176. }
  177. }
  178. // processPeerUpdate processes a PeerUpdate. For new or live peers it will check
  179. // if an evidence broadcasting goroutine needs to be started. For down or
  180. // removed peers, it will check if an evidence broadcasting goroutine
  181. // exists and signal that it should exit.
  182. //
  183. // FIXME: The peer may be behind in which case it would simply ignore the
  184. // evidence and treat it as invalid. This would cause the peer to disconnect.
  185. // The peer may also receive the same piece of evidence multiple times if it
  186. // connects/disconnects frequently from the broadcasting peer(s).
  187. //
  188. // REF:
  189. func (r *Reactor) processPeerUpdate(peerUpdate p2p.PeerUpdate) {
  190. r.Logger.Debug("received peer update", "peer", peerUpdate.PeerID, "status", peerUpdate.Status)
  191. r.mtx.Lock()
  192. defer r.mtx.Unlock()
  193. switch peerUpdate.Status {
  194. case p2p.PeerStatusUp:
  195. // Do not allow starting new evidence broadcast loops after reactor shutdown
  196. // has been initiated. This can happen after we've manually closed all
  197. // peer broadcast loops and closed r.closeCh, but the router still sends
  198. // in-flight peer updates.
  199. if !r.IsRunning() {
  200. return
  201. }
  202. // Check if we've already started a goroutine for this peer, if not we create
  203. // a new done channel so we can explicitly close the goroutine if the peer
  204. // is later removed, we increment the waitgroup so the reactor can stop
  205. // safely, and finally start the goroutine to broadcast evidence to that peer.
  206. _, ok := r.peerRoutines[peerUpdate.PeerID]
  207. if !ok {
  208. closer := tmsync.NewCloser()
  209. r.peerRoutines[peerUpdate.PeerID] = closer
  210. r.peerWG.Add(1)
  211. go r.broadcastEvidenceLoop(peerUpdate.PeerID, closer)
  212. }
  213. case p2p.PeerStatusDown, p2p.PeerStatusRemoved, p2p.PeerStatusBanned:
  214. // Check if we've started an evidence broadcasting goroutine for this peer.
  215. // If we have, we signal to terminate the goroutine via the channel's closure.
  216. // This will internally decrement the peer waitgroup and remove the peer
  217. // from the map of peer evidence broadcasting goroutines.
  218. closer, ok := r.peerRoutines[peerUpdate.PeerID]
  219. if ok {
  220. closer.Close()
  221. }
  222. }
  223. }
  224. // processPeerUpdates initiates a blocking process where we listen for and handle
  225. // PeerUpdate messages. When the reactor is stopped, we will catch the signal and
  226. // close the p2p PeerUpdatesCh gracefully.
  227. func (r *Reactor) processPeerUpdates() {
  228. defer r.peerUpdates.Close()
  229. for {
  230. select {
  231. case peerUpdate := <-r.peerUpdates.Updates():
  232. r.processPeerUpdate(peerUpdate)
  233. case <-r.closeCh:
  234. r.Logger.Debug("stopped listening on peer updates channel; closing...")
  235. return
  236. }
  237. }
  238. }
  239. // broadcastEvidenceLoop starts a blocking process that continuously reads pieces
  240. // of evidence off of a linked-list and sends the evidence in a p2p Envelope to
  241. // the given peer by ID. This should be invoked in a goroutine per unique peer
  242. // ID via an appropriate PeerUpdate. The goroutine can be signaled to gracefully
  243. // exit by either explicitly closing the provided doneCh or by the reactor
  244. // signaling to stop.
  245. //
  246. // TODO: This should be refactored so that we do not blindly gossip evidence
  247. // that the peer has already received or may not be ready for.
  248. //
  249. // REF:
  250. func (r *Reactor) broadcastEvidenceLoop(peerID p2p.NodeID, closer *tmsync.Closer) {
  251. var next *clist.CElement
  252. defer func() {
  253. r.mtx.Lock()
  254. delete(r.peerRoutines, peerID)
  255. r.mtx.Unlock()
  256. r.peerWG.Done()
  257. if e := recover(); e != nil {
  258. r.Logger.Error("recovering from broadcasting evidence loop", "err", e)
  259. }
  260. }()
  261. for {
  262. // This happens because the CElement we were looking at got garbage
  263. // collected (removed). That is, .NextWaitChan() returned nil. So we can go
  264. // ahead and start from the beginning.
  265. if next == nil {
  266. select {
  267. case <-r.evpool.EvidenceWaitChan(): // wait until next evidence is available
  268. if next = r.evpool.EvidenceFront(); next == nil {
  269. continue
  270. }
  271. case <-closer.Done():
  272. // The peer is marked for removal via a PeerUpdate as the doneCh was
  273. // explicitly closed to signal we should exit.
  274. return
  275. case <-r.closeCh:
  276. // The reactor has signaled that we are stopped and thus we should
  277. // implicitly exit this peer's goroutine.
  278. return
  279. }
  280. }
  281. ev := next.Value.(types.Evidence)
  282. evProto, err := types.EvidenceToProto(ev)
  283. if err != nil {
  284. panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to convert evidence: %w", err))
  285. }
  286. // Send the evidence to the corresponding peer. Note, the peer may be behind
  287. // and thus would not be able to process the evidence correctly. Also, the
  288. // peer may receive this piece of evidence multiple times if it added and
  289. // removed frequently from the broadcasting peer.
  290. r.evidenceCh.Out() <- p2p.Envelope{
  291. To: peerID,
  292. Message: &tmproto.EvidenceList{
  293. Evidence: []tmproto.Evidence{*evProto},
  294. },
  295. }
  296. r.Logger.Debug("gossiped evidence to peer", "evidence", ev, "peer", peerID)
  297. select {
  298. case <-time.After(time.Second * broadcastEvidenceIntervalS):
  299. // start from the beginning after broadcastEvidenceIntervalS seconds
  300. next = nil
  301. case <-next.NextWaitChan():
  302. next = next.Next()
  303. case <-closer.Done():
  304. // The peer is marked for removal via a PeerUpdate as the doneCh was
  305. // explicitly closed to signal we should exit.
  306. return
  307. case <-r.closeCh:
  308. // The reactor has signaled that we are stopped and thus we should
  309. // implicitly exit this peer's goroutine.
  310. return
  311. }
  312. }
  313. }