- # State
- ## State
- The state contains information whose cryptographic digest is included in block headers, and thus is
- necessary for validating new blocks. For instance, the validators set and the results of
- transactions are never included in blocks, but their Merkle roots are - the state keeps track of them.
- Note that the `State` object itself is an implementation detail, since it is never
- included in a block or gossipped over the network, and we never compute
- its hash. Thus we do not include here details of how the `State` object is
- persisted or queried. That said, the types it contains are part of the specification, since
- their Merkle roots are included in blocks and their values are used in
- validation.
- ```go
- type State struct {
- Version Version
- LastResults []Result
- AppHash []byte
- LastValidators []Validator
- Validators []Validator
- NextValidators []Validator
- ConsensusParams ConsensusParams
- }
- ```
- ### Result
- ```go
- type Result struct {
- Code uint32
- Data []byte
- }
- ```
- `Result` is the result of executing a transaction against the application.
- It returns a result code and an arbitrary byte array (ie. a return value).
- NOTE: the Result needs to be updated to include more fields returned from
- processing transactions, like gas variables and tags - see
- [issue 1007](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/1007).
- ### Validator
- A validator is an active participant in the consensus with a public key and a voting power.
- Validator's also contain an address field, which is a hash digest of the PubKey.
- ```go
- type Validator struct {
- Address []byte
- PubKey PubKey
- VotingPower int64
- }
- ```
- When hashing the Validator struct, the address is not included,
- because it is redundant with the pubkey.
- The `state.Validators`, `state.LastValidators`, and `state.NextValidators`, must always be sorted by validator address,
- so that there is a canonical order for computing the MerkleRoot.
- We also define a `TotalVotingPower` function, to return the total voting power:
- ```go
- func TotalVotingPower(vals []Validators) int64{
- sum := 0
- for v := range vals{
- sum += v.VotingPower
- }
- return sum
- }
- ```
- ### ConsensusParams
- ConsensusParams define various limits for blockchain data structures.
- Like validator sets, they are set during genesis and can be updated by the application through ABCI.
- When hashed, only a subset of the params are included, to allow the params to
- evolve without breaking the header.
- ```go
- type ConsensusParams struct {
- Block
- Evidence
- Validator
- }
- type hashedParams struct {
- BlockMaxBytes int64
- BlockMaxGas int64
- }
- func (params ConsensusParams) Hash() []byte {
- SHA256(hashedParams{
- BlockMaxBytes: params.Block.MaxBytes,
- BlockMaxGas: params.Block.MaxGas,
- })
- }
- type BlockParams struct {
- MaxBytes int64
- MaxGas int64
- TimeIotaMs int64
- }
- type EvidenceParams struct {
- MaxAge int64
- }
- type ValidatorParams struct {
- PubKeyTypes []string
- }
- ```
- #### Block
- The total size of a block is limited in bytes by the `ConsensusParams.Block.MaxBytes`.
- Proposed blocks must be less than this size, and will be considered invalid
- otherwise.
- Blocks should additionally be limited by the amount of "gas" consumed by the
- transactions in the block, though this is not yet implemented.
- The minimal time between consecutive blocks is controlled by the
- `ConsensusParams.Block.TimeIotaMs`.
- #### Evidence
- For evidence in a block to be valid, it must satisfy:
- ```
- block.Header.Height - evidence.Height < ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxAge
- ```
- #### Validator
- Validators from genesis file and `ResponseEndBlock` must have pubkeys of type ∈
- `ConsensusParams.Validator.PubKeyTypes`.