- package state
- import (
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- "time"
- acm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/account"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/binary"
- . "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/common"
- dbm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/db"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/merkle"
- ptypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/permission/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // we store the gendoc in the db
- var GenDocKey = []byte("GenDocKey")
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // core types for a genesis definition
- type BasicAccount struct {
- Address []byte `json:"address"`
- Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
- }
- type GenesisAccount struct {
- Address []byte `json:"address"`
- Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
- Name string `json:"name"`
- Permissions *ptypes.AccountPermissions `json:"permissions"`
- }
- type GenesisValidator struct {
- PubKey acm.PubKeyEd25519 `json:"pub_key"`
- Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
- Name string `json:"name"`
- UnbondTo []BasicAccount `json:"unbond_to"`
- }
- type GenesisParams struct {
- GlobalPermissions *ptypes.AccountPermissions `json:"global_permissions"`
- }
- type GenesisDoc struct {
- GenesisTime time.Time `json:"genesis_time"`
- ChainID string `json:"chain_id"`
- Params *GenesisParams `json:"params"`
- Accounts []GenesisAccount `json:"accounts"`
- Validators []GenesisValidator `json:"validators"`
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // Make genesis state from file
- func GenesisDocFromJSON(jsonBlob []byte) (genState *GenesisDoc) {
- var err error
- binary.ReadJSONPtr(&genState, jsonBlob, &err)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error(Fmt("Couldn't read GenesisDoc: %v", err))
- os.Exit(1)
- }
- return
- }
- func MakeGenesisStateFromFile(db dbm.DB, genDocFile string) (*GenesisDoc, *State) {
- jsonBlob, err := ioutil.ReadFile(genDocFile)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error(Fmt("Couldn't read GenesisDoc file: %v", err))
- os.Exit(1)
- }
- genDoc := GenesisDocFromJSON(jsonBlob)
- return genDoc, MakeGenesisState(db, genDoc)
- }
- func MakeGenesisState(db dbm.DB, genDoc *GenesisDoc) *State {
- if len(genDoc.Validators) == 0 {
- Exit(Fmt("The genesis file has no validators"))
- }
- if genDoc.GenesisTime.IsZero() {
- genDoc.GenesisTime = time.Now()
- }
- // Make accounts state tree
- accounts := merkle.NewIAVLTree(binary.BasicCodec, acm.AccountCodec, defaultAccountsCacheCapacity, db)
- for _, genAcc := range genDoc.Accounts {
- perm := ptypes.ZeroAccountPermissions
- if genAcc.Permissions != nil {
- perm = *genAcc.Permissions
- }
- acc := &acm.Account{
- Address: genAcc.Address,
- PubKey: nil,
- Sequence: 0,
- Balance: genAcc.Amount,
- Permissions: perm,
- }
- accounts.Set(acc.Address, acc)
- }
- // global permissions are saved as the 0 address
- // so they are included in the accounts tree
- globalPerms := ptypes.DefaultAccountPermissions
- if genDoc.Params != nil && genDoc.Params.GlobalPermissions != nil {
- globalPerms = *genDoc.Params.GlobalPermissions
- // XXX: make sure the set bits are all true
- // Without it the HasPermission() functions will fail
- globalPerms.Base.SetBit = ptypes.AllPermFlags
- }
- permsAcc := &acm.Account{
- Address: ptypes.GlobalPermissionsAddress,
- PubKey: nil,
- Sequence: 0,
- Balance: 1337,
- Permissions: globalPerms,
- }
- accounts.Set(permsAcc.Address, permsAcc)
- // Make validatorInfos state tree && validators slice
- validatorInfos := merkle.NewIAVLTree(binary.BasicCodec, ValidatorInfoCodec, 0, db)
- validators := make([]*Validator, len(genDoc.Validators))
- for i, val := range genDoc.Validators {
- pubKey := val.PubKey
- address := pubKey.Address()
- // Make ValidatorInfo
- valInfo := &ValidatorInfo{
- Address: address,
- PubKey: pubKey,
- UnbondTo: make([]*types.TxOutput, len(val.UnbondTo)),
- FirstBondHeight: 0,
- FirstBondAmount: val.Amount,
- }
- for i, unbondTo := range val.UnbondTo {
- valInfo.UnbondTo[i] = &types.TxOutput{
- Address: unbondTo.Address,
- Amount: unbondTo.Amount,
- }
- }
- validatorInfos.Set(address, valInfo)
- // Make validator
- validators[i] = &Validator{
- Address: address,
- PubKey: pubKey,
- VotingPower: val.Amount,
- }
- }
- // Make namereg tree
- nameReg := merkle.NewIAVLTree(binary.BasicCodec, NameRegCodec, 0, db)
- // TODO: add names, contracts to genesis.json
- // IAVLTrees must be persisted before copy operations.
- accounts.Save()
- validatorInfos.Save()
- nameReg.Save()
- return &State{
- DB: db,
- ChainID: genDoc.ChainID,
- LastBlockHeight: 0,
- LastBlockHash: nil,
- LastBlockParts: types.PartSetHeader{},
- LastBlockTime: genDoc.GenesisTime,
- BondedValidators: NewValidatorSet(validators),
- LastBondedValidators: NewValidatorSet(nil),
- UnbondingValidators: NewValidatorSet(nil),
- accounts: accounts,
- validatorInfos: validatorInfos,
- nameReg: nameReg,
- }
- }