- # Ansible role for Tendermint
- ![Ansible plus Tendermint](img/a_plus_t.png)
- * [Requirements](#requirements)
- * [Variables](#variables)
- * [Handlers](#handlers)
- * [Example playbook that configures a Tendermint on Ubuntu](#example-playbook-that-configures-a-tendermint-on-ubuntu)
- ## Requirements
- This role requires Ansible 2.0 or higher.
- ## Variables
- Here is a list of all the default variables for this role, which are also
- available in `defaults/main.yml`.
- ```
- tendermint_version: 0.9.0
- tendermint_archive: "tendermint_{{tendermint_version}}_linux_amd64.zip"
- tendermint_download: "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/tendermint/{{tendermint_version}}/{{tendermint_archive}}"
- tendermint_download_folder: /tmp
- tendermint_user: tendermint
- tendermint_group: tendermint
- # Upstart start/stop conditions can vary by distribution and environment
- tendermint_upstart_start_on: start on runlevel [345]
- tendermint_upstart_stop_on: stop on runlevel [!345]
- tendermint_manage_service: true
- tendermint_home: /opt/tendermint
- tendermint_rpc_port: 46657
- tendermint_proxy_app: tcp://
- tendermint_log_file: /var/log/tendermint.log
- tendermint_chain_id: mychain
- tendermint_genesis_time: "{{ansible_date_time.iso8601_micro}}"
- ```
- You can also change `templates/config.toml.j2` to suit your needs.
- ## Handlers
- These are the handlers that are defined in `handlers/main.yml`.
- * restart tendermint
- ## Example playbook that configures a Tendermint on Ubuntu
- ```
- ---
- - hosts: all
- vars:
- tendermint_chain_id: MyAwesomeChain
- tendermint_seeds: ",,"
- roles:
- - ansible-tendermint
- ```
- This playbook will install Tendermint and will create all the required
- directories. But **it won't start the Tendermint if there are no validators in
- genesis file**. See `templates/genesis.json.j2`.
- You will need to collect validators public keys manually or using
- `collect_public_keys.yml` given you have SSH access to all the nodes and add
- them to `templates/genesis.json.j2`:
- ```
- {
- "app_hash": "",
- "chain_id": "{{tendermint_chain_id}}",
- "genesis_time": "{{tendermint_genesis_time}}",
- "validators": [
- {
- "pub_key": [1, "3A4B5F5C34B19E5DBD2DC68E7D6FF7F46859A0657EDCA3274235A7EB127A0706"],
- "amount": 10,
- "name": "1"
- }
- ]
- }
- ```
- ## Testing
- ```
- vagrant up
- ```