- # Using with lightclient
- We have an awesome cluster running, let's try to test this out without
- relying on executing commands on the cluster. Rather, we can connect to the
- rpc interface with the `light-client` package and execute commands locally,
- or even proxy our webapp to the kubernetes backend.
- ## Setup
- In order to get this working, we need to know a few pieces of info,
- the chain id of tendermint, the chain id of basecoin, and an account
- with a bit of cash....
- ### Tendermint Chain ID
- `kubectl exec -c tm tm-0 -- curl -s http://tm-1.basecoin:46657/status | json_pp | grep network`
- set TM_CHAIN with the value there
- ### Basecoin Chain ID
- `kubectl exec -c app tm-1 -- grep -A1 chainID /app/genesis.json`
- set BC_CHAIN with the value there
- ### Expose tendermint rpc
- We need to be able to reach the tendermint rpc interface from our shell.
- `kubectl port-forward tm-0 46657:46657`
- ### Start basecoin-proxy
- Using this info, let's connect our proxy and get going
- `proxy-basecoin -tmchain=$TM_CHAIN -chain=$BC_CHAIN -rpc=localhost:46657`
- ## Basecoin accounts
- Well, we can connect, but we don't have a registered account yet...
- Let's look around, then use the cli to send some money from one of
- the validators to our client's address so we can play.
- **TODO** we can add some of our known accounts (from `/keys`) into
- the genesis file, so we can skip all the kubectl money fiddling here.
- We will want to start with money on some known non-validators.
- ### Getting validator info (kubectl)
- The basecoin app deployment starts with 1000 "blank" coin in an account of
- each validator. Let's get the address of the first validator
- `kubectl exec -c app tm-1 -- grep address /app/key.json`
- Store this info as VAL1_ADDR
- ### Querying state (proxy)
- The proxy can read any public info via the tendermint rpc, so let's check
- out this account.
- `curl localhost:8108/query/account/$VAL1_ADDR`
- Now, let's make out own account....
- `curl -XPOST http://localhost:8108/keys/ -d '{"name": "k8demo", "passphrase": "1234567890"}'`
- (or pick your own user and password). Remember the address you get here. You can
- always find it out later by calling:
- `curl http://localhost:8108/keys/k8demo`
- and store it in DEMO_ADDR, which is empty at first
- `curl localhost:8108/query/account/$DEMO_ADDR`
- ### "Stealing" validator cash (kubectl)
- Run one command, that will be signed, now we have money
- `kubectl exec -c app tm-0 -- basecoin tx send --to <k8demo-address> --amount 500`
- ### Using our money
- Returning to our remote shell, we have a remote account with some money.
- Let's see that.
- `curl localhost:8108/query/account/$DEMO_ADDR`
- Cool. Now we need to send it to a second account.
- `curl -XPOST http://localhost:8108/keys/ -d '{"name": "buddy", "passphrase": "1234567890"}'`
- and store the resulting address in BUDDY_ADDR
- **TODO** finish this