- #lang ivy1.7
- # ---
- # layout: page
- # title: Proof of Classic Safety
- # ---
- include order # this is a file from the standard library (`ivy/ivy/include/1.7/order.ivy`)
- isolate round = {
- type this
- individual minus_one:this
- relation succ(R1:round, R2:round)
- action incr(i:this) returns (j:this)
- specification {
- # to simplify verification, we treat rounds as an abstract totally ordered set with a successor relation.
- instantiate totally_ordered(this)
- property minus_one < 0
- property succ(X,Z) -> (X < Z & ~(X < Y & Y < Z))
- after incr {
- ensure succ(i,j)
- }
- }
- implementation {
- # here we prove that the abstraction is sound.
- interpret this -> int # rounds are integers in the Tendermint specification.
- definition minus_one = 0-1
- definition succ(R1,R2) = R2 = R1 + 1
- implement incr {
- j := i+1;
- }
- }
- }
- instance node : iterable # nodes are a set with an order, that can be iterated over (see order.ivy in the standard library)
- relation well_behaved(N:node) # whether a node is well-behaved or not. NOTE: Use only in the proof! Nodes do know know that.
- isolate proposers = {
- # each round has a unique proposer in Tendermint. In order to avoid a
- # function from round to node (which makes verification more difficult), we
- # abstract over this function using a relation.
- relation is_proposer(N:node, R:round)
- action get_proposer(r:round) returns (n:node)
- specification {
- property is_proposer(N1,R) & is_proposer(N2,R) -> N1 = N2
- after get_proposer {
- ensure is_proposer(n,r);
- }
- }
- implementation {
- # here we prove that the abstraction is sound
- function f(R:round):node
- definition is_proposer(N,R) = N = f(R)
- implement get_proposer {
- n := f(r);
- }
- }
- }
- isolate value = { # the type of values
- type this
- relation valid(V:value)
- individual nil:value
- specification {
- property ~valid(nil)
- }
- implementation {
- definition valid(V) = V ~= nil
- }
- }
- object nset = { # the type of node sets
- type this # a set of N=3f+i nodes for 0<i<=3
- relation member(N:node, S:nset) # set-membership relation
- relation is_quorum(S:nset) # intent: sets of cardinality at least 2f+i+1
- relation is_blocking(S:nset) # intent: at least f+1 nodes
- }
- object classic_bft = {
- relation quorum_intersection
- private {
- definition [quorum_intersection_def] quorum_intersection = forall Q1,Q2. exists N. well_behaved(N) & nset.member(N, Q1) & nset.member(N, Q2) # every two quorums have a well-behaved node in common
- }
- }
- trusted isolate accountable_bft = {
- # this is our baseline assumption about quorums:
- private {
- property [max_2f_byzantine] exists N . well_behaved(N) & nset.member(N,Q) # every quorum has a well-behaved member
- }
- }# with nset