- package mempool
- import (
- "github.com/go-kit/kit/metrics"
- "github.com/go-kit/kit/metrics/discard"
- prometheus "github.com/go-kit/kit/metrics/prometheus"
- stdprometheus "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
- )
- // Metrics contains metrics exposed by this package.
- // see MetricsProvider for descriptions.
- type Metrics struct {
- // Size of the mempool.
- Size metrics.Gauge
- }
- // PrometheusMetrics returns Metrics build using Prometheus client library.
- func PrometheusMetrics(namespace string) *Metrics {
- return &Metrics{
- Size: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
- Namespace: namespace,
- Subsystem: "mempool",
- Name: "size",
- Help: "Size of the mempool (number of uncommitted transactions).",
- }, []string{}),
- }
- }
- // NopMetrics returns no-op Metrics.
- func NopMetrics() *Metrics {
- return &Metrics{
- Size: discard.NewGauge(),
- }
- }