- # Tendermint Encoding
- ## Amino
- Tendermint uses the Protobuf3 derivative [Amino](https://github.com/tendermint/go-amino) for all data structures.
- Think of Amino as an object-oriented Protobuf3 with native JSON support.
- The goal of the Amino encoding protocol is to bring parity between application
- logic objects and persistence objects.
- Please see the [Amino
- specification](https://github.com/tendermint/go-amino#amino-encoding-for-go) for
- more details.
- Notably, every object that satisfies an interface (eg. a particular kind of p2p message,
- or a particular kind of pubkey) is registered with a global name, the hash of
- which is included in the object's encoding as the so-called "prefix bytes".
- We define the `func AminoEncode(obj interface{}) []byte` function to take an
- arbitrary object and return the Amino encoded bytes.
- ## Byte Arrays
- The encoding of a byte array is simply the raw-bytes prefixed with the length of
- the array as a `UVarint` (what Protobuf calls a `Varint`).
- For details on varints, see the [protobuf
- spec](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#varints).
- For example, the byte-array `[0xA, 0xB]` would be encoded as `0x020A0B`,
- while a byte-array containing 300 entires beginning with `[0xA, 0xB, ...]` would
- be encoded as `0xAC020A0B...` where `0xAC02` is the UVarint encoding of 300.
- ## Public Key Cryptography
- Tendermint uses Amino to distinguish between different types of private keys,
- public keys, and signatures. Additionally, for each public key, Tendermint
- defines an Address function that can be used as a more compact identifier in
- place of the public key. Here we list the concrete types, their names,
- and prefix bytes for public keys and signatures, as well as the address schemes
- for each PubKey. Note for brevity we don't
- include details of the private keys beyond their type and name, as they can be
- derrived the same way as the others using Amino.
- All registered objects are encoded by Amino using a 4-byte PrefixBytes that
- uniquely identifies the object and includes information about its underlying
- type. For details on how PrefixBytes are computed, see the [Amino
- spec](https://github.com/tendermint/go-amino#computing-the-prefix-and-disambiguation-bytes).
- In what follows, we provide the type names and prefix bytes directly.
- Notice that when encoding byte-arrays, the length of the byte-array is appended
- to the PrefixBytes. Thus the encoding of a byte array becomes `<PrefixBytes>
- <Length> <ByteArray>`
- NOTE: the remainder of this section on Public Key Cryptography can be generated
- from [this script](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/docs/spec/scripts/crypto.go)
- ### PubKeyEd25519
- ```
- // Name: tendermint/PubKeyEd25519
- // PrefixBytes: 0x1624DE62
- // Length: 0x20
- // Notes: raw 32-byte Ed25519 pubkey
- type PubKeyEd25519 [32]byte
- func (pubkey PubKeyEd25519) Address() []byte {
- // NOTE: hash of the Amino encoded bytes!
- return RIPEMD160(AminoEncode(pubkey))
- }
- ```
- For example, the 32-byte Ed25519 pubkey
- `CCACD52F9B29D04393F01CD9AF6535455668115641F3D8BAEFD2295F24BAF60E` would be
- encoded as
- `1624DE6220CCACD52F9B29D04393F01CD9AF6535455668115641F3D8BAEFD2295F24BAF60E`.
- The address would then be
- `RIPEMD160(0x1624DE6220CCACD52F9B29D04393F01CD9AF6535455668115641F3D8BAEFD2295F24BAF60E)`
- or `430FF75BAF1EC4B0D51BB3EEC2955479D0071605`
- ### SignatureEd25519
- ```
- // Name: tendermint/SignatureKeyEd25519
- // PrefixBytes: 0x3DA1DB2A
- // Length: 0x40
- // Notes: raw 64-byte Ed25519 signature
- type SignatureEd25519 [64]byte
- ```
- For example, the 64-byte Ed25519 signature
- `1B6034A8ED149D3C94FDA13EC03B26CC0FB264D9B0E47D3FA3DEF9FCDE658E49C80B35F9BE74949356401B15B18FB817D6E54495AD1C4A8401B248466CB0DB0B`
- would be encoded as
- `3DA1DB2A401B6034A8ED149D3C94FDA13EC03B26CC0FB264D9B0E47D3FA3DEF9FCDE658E49C80B35F9BE74949356401B15B18FB817D6E54495AD1C4A8401B248466CB0DB0B`
- ### PrivKeyEd25519
- ```
- // Name: tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519
- // Notes: raw 32-byte priv key concatenated to raw 32-byte pub key
- type PrivKeyEd25519 [64]byte
- ```
- ### PubKeySecp256k1
- ```
- // Name: tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1
- // PrefixBytes: 0xEB5AE982
- // Length: 0x21
- // Notes: OpenSSL compressed pubkey prefixed with 0x02 or 0x03
- type PubKeySecp256k1 [33]byte
- func (pubkey PubKeySecp256k1) Address() []byte {
- // NOTE: hash of the raw pubkey bytes (not Amino encoded!).
- // Compatible with Bitcoin addresses.
- return RIPEMD160(SHA256(pubkey[:]))
- }
- ```
- For example, the 33-byte Secp256k1 pubkey
- `020BD40F225A57ED383B440CF073BC5539D0341F5767D2BF2D78406D00475A2EE9` would be
- encoded as
- `EB5AE98221020BD40F225A57ED383B440CF073BC5539D0341F5767D2BF2D78406D00475A2EE9`
- The address would then be
- `RIPEMD160(SHA256(0x020BD40F225A57ED383B440CF073BC5539D0341F5767D2BF2D78406D00475A2EE9))`
- or `0AE5BEE929ABE51BAD345DB925EEA652680783FC`
- ### SignatureSecp256k1
- ```
- // Name: tendermint/SignatureKeySecp256k1
- // PrefixBytes: 0x16E1FEEA
- // Length: Variable
- // Encoding prefix: Variable
- // Notes: raw bytes of the Secp256k1 signature
- type SignatureSecp256k1 []byte
- ```
- For example, the Secp256k1 signature
- `304402201CD4B8C764D2FD8AF23ECFE6666CA8A53886D47754D951295D2D311E1FEA33BF02201E0F906BB1CF2C30EAACFFB032A7129358AFF96B9F79B06ACFFB18AC90C2ADD7`
- would be encoded as
- `16E1FEEA46304402201CD4B8C764D2FD8AF23ECFE6666CA8A53886D47754D951295D2D311E1FEA33BF02201E0F906BB1CF2C30EAACFFB032A7129358AFF96B9F79B06ACFFB18AC90C2ADD7`
- ### PrivKeySecp256k1
- ```
- // Name: tendermint/PrivKeySecp256k1
- // Notes: raw 32-byte priv key
- type PrivKeySecp256k1 [32]byte
- ```
- ## Other Common Types
- ### BitArray
- The BitArray is used in block headers and some consensus messages to signal
- whether or not something was done by each validator. BitArray is represented
- with a struct containing the number of bits (`Bits`) and the bit-array itself
- encoded in base64 (`Elems`).
- ```go
- type BitArray struct {
- Bits int
- Elems []uint64
- }
- ```
- This type is easily encoded directly by Amino.
- Note BitArray receives a special JSON encoding in the form of `x` and `_`
- representing `1` and `0`. Ie. the BitArray `10110` would be JSON encoded as
- `"x_xx_"`
- ### Part
- Part is used to break up blocks into pieces that can be gossiped in parallel
- and securely verified using a Merkle tree of the parts.
- Part contains the index of the part in the larger set (`Index`), the actual
- underlying data of the part (`Bytes`), and a simple Merkle proof that the part is contained in
- the larger set (`Proof`).
- ```go
- type Part struct {
- Index int
- Bytes byte[]
- Proof byte[]
- }
- ```
- ### MakeParts
- Encode an object using Amino and slice it into parts.
- ```go
- func MakeParts(obj interface{}, partSize int) []Part
- ```
- ## Merkle Trees
- Simple Merkle trees are used in numerous places in Tendermint to compute a cryptographic digest of a data structure.
- RIPEMD160 is always used as the hashing function.
- ### Simple Merkle Root
- The function `SimpleMerkleRoot` is a simple recursive function defined as follows:
- ```go
- func SimpleMerkleRoot(hashes [][]byte) []byte{
- switch len(hashes) {
- case 0:
- return nil
- case 1:
- return hashes[0]
- default:
- left := SimpleMerkleRoot(hashes[:(len(hashes)+1)/2])
- right := SimpleMerkleRoot(hashes[(len(hashes)+1)/2:])
- return SimpleConcatHash(left, right)
- }
- }
- func SimpleConcatHash(left, right []byte) []byte{
- left = encodeByteSlice(left)
- right = encodeByteSlice(right)
- return RIPEMD160 (append(left, right))
- }
- ```
- Note that the leaves are Amino encoded as byte-arrays (ie. simple Uvarint length
- prefix) before being concatenated together and hashed.
- Note: we will abuse notion and invoke `SimpleMerkleRoot` with arguments of type `struct` or type `[]struct`.
- For `struct` arguments, we compute a `[][]byte` by sorting elements of the `struct` according to
- field name and then hashing them.
- For `[]struct` arguments, we compute a `[][]byte` by hashing the individual `struct` elements.
- ### Simple Merkle Proof
- Proof that a leaf is in a Merkle tree consists of a simple structure:
- ```
- type SimpleProof struct {
- Aunts [][]byte
- }
- ```
- Which is verified using the following:
- ```
- func (proof SimpleProof) Verify(index, total int, leafHash, rootHash []byte) bool {
- computedHash := computeHashFromAunts(index, total, leafHash, proof.Aunts)
- return computedHash == rootHash
- }
- func computeHashFromAunts(index, total int, leafHash []byte, innerHashes [][]byte) []byte{
- assert(index < total && index >= 0 && total > 0)
- if total == 1{
- assert(len(proof.Aunts) == 0)
- return leafHash
- }
- assert(len(innerHashes) > 0)
- numLeft := (total + 1) / 2
- if index < numLeft {
- leftHash := computeHashFromAunts(index, numLeft, leafHash, innerHashes[:len(innerHashes)-1])
- assert(leftHash != nil)
- return SimpleHashFromTwoHashes(leftHash, innerHashes[len(innerHashes)-1])
- }
- rightHash := computeHashFromAunts(index-numLeft, total-numLeft, leafHash, innerHashes[:len(innerHashes)-1])
- assert(rightHash != nil)
- return SimpleHashFromTwoHashes(innerHashes[len(innerHashes)-1], rightHash)
- }
- ```
- ## JSON
- ### Amino
- TODO: improve this
- Amino also supports JSON encoding - registered types are simply encoded as:
- ```
- {
- "type": "<DisfixBytes>",
- "value": <JSON>
- }
- ```
- For instance, an ED25519 PubKey would look like:
- ```
- {
- "type": "AC26791624DE60",
- "value": "uZ4h63OFWuQ36ZZ4Bd6NF+/w9fWUwrOncrQsackrsTk="
- }
- ```
- Where the `"value"` is the base64 encoding of the raw pubkey bytes, and the
- `"type"` is the full disfix bytes for Ed25519 pubkeys.
- ### Signed Messages
- Signed messages (eg. votes, proposals) in the consensus are encoded using Amino-JSON, rather than in the standard binary format.
- When signing, the elements of a message are sorted by key and the sorted message is embedded in an
- outer JSON that includes a `chain_id` field.
- We call this encoding the CanonicalSignBytes. For instance, CanonicalSignBytes for a vote would look
- like:
- ```json
- {"chain_id":"my-chain-id","vote":{"block_id":{"hash":DEADBEEF,"parts":{"hash":BEEFDEAD,"total":3}},"height":3,"round":2,"timestamp":1234567890, "type":2}
- ```
- Note how the fields within each level are sorted.