- package core
- import (
- "bytes"
- "time"
- tmbytes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/bytes"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/coretypes"
- rpctypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/jsonrpc/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- // Status returns Tendermint status including node info, pubkey, latest block
- // hash, app hash, block height, current max peer block height, and time.
- // More: https://docs.tendermint.com/master/rpc/#/Info/status
- func (env *Environment) Status(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*coretypes.ResultStatus, error) {
- var (
- earliestBlockHeight int64
- earliestBlockHash tmbytes.HexBytes
- earliestAppHash tmbytes.HexBytes
- earliestBlockTimeNano int64
- )
- if earliestBlockMeta := env.BlockStore.LoadBaseMeta(); earliestBlockMeta != nil {
- earliestBlockHeight = earliestBlockMeta.Header.Height
- earliestAppHash = earliestBlockMeta.Header.AppHash
- earliestBlockHash = earliestBlockMeta.BlockID.Hash
- earliestBlockTimeNano = earliestBlockMeta.Header.Time.UnixNano()
- }
- var (
- latestBlockHash tmbytes.HexBytes
- latestAppHash tmbytes.HexBytes
- latestBlockTimeNano int64
- latestHeight = env.BlockStore.Height()
- )
- if latestHeight != 0 {
- if latestBlockMeta := env.BlockStore.LoadBlockMeta(latestHeight); latestBlockMeta != nil {
- latestBlockHash = latestBlockMeta.BlockID.Hash
- latestAppHash = latestBlockMeta.Header.AppHash
- latestBlockTimeNano = latestBlockMeta.Header.Time.UnixNano()
- }
- }
- // Return the very last voting power, not the voting power of this validator
- // during the last block.
- var votingPower int64
- if val := env.validatorAtHeight(env.latestUncommittedHeight()); val != nil {
- votingPower = val.VotingPower
- }
- validatorInfo := coretypes.ValidatorInfo{}
- if env.PubKey != nil {
- validatorInfo = coretypes.ValidatorInfo{
- Address: env.PubKey.Address(),
- PubKey: env.PubKey,
- VotingPower: votingPower,
- }
- }
- result := &coretypes.ResultStatus{
- NodeInfo: env.P2PTransport.NodeInfo(),
- SyncInfo: coretypes.SyncInfo{
- LatestBlockHash: latestBlockHash,
- LatestAppHash: latestAppHash,
- LatestBlockHeight: latestHeight,
- LatestBlockTime: time.Unix(0, latestBlockTimeNano),
- EarliestBlockHash: earliestBlockHash,
- EarliestAppHash: earliestAppHash,
- EarliestBlockHeight: earliestBlockHeight,
- EarliestBlockTime: time.Unix(0, earliestBlockTimeNano),
- MaxPeerBlockHeight: env.BlockSyncReactor.GetMaxPeerBlockHeight(),
- CatchingUp: env.ConsensusReactor.WaitSync(),
- TotalSyncedTime: env.BlockSyncReactor.GetTotalSyncedTime(),
- RemainingTime: env.BlockSyncReactor.GetRemainingSyncTime(),
- },
- ValidatorInfo: validatorInfo,
- }
- if env.StateSyncMetricer != nil {
- result.SyncInfo.TotalSnapshots = env.StateSyncMetricer.TotalSnapshots()
- result.SyncInfo.ChunkProcessAvgTime = env.StateSyncMetricer.ChunkProcessAvgTime()
- result.SyncInfo.SnapshotHeight = env.StateSyncMetricer.SnapshotHeight()
- result.SyncInfo.SnapshotChunksCount = env.StateSyncMetricer.SnapshotChunksCount()
- result.SyncInfo.SnapshotChunksTotal = env.StateSyncMetricer.SnapshotChunksTotal()
- result.SyncInfo.BackFilledBlocks = env.StateSyncMetricer.BackFilledBlocks()
- result.SyncInfo.BackFillBlocksTotal = env.StateSyncMetricer.BackFillBlocksTotal()
- }
- return result, nil
- }
- func (env *Environment) validatorAtHeight(h int64) *types.Validator {
- valsWithH, err := env.StateStore.LoadValidators(h)
- if err != nil {
- return nil
- }
- if env.PubKey == nil {
- return nil
- }
- privValAddress := env.PubKey.Address()
- // If we're still at height h, search in the current validator set.
- lastBlockHeight, vals := env.ConsensusState.GetValidators()
- if lastBlockHeight == h {
- for _, val := range vals {
- if bytes.Equal(val.Address, privValAddress) {
- return val
- }
- }
- }
- _, val := valsWithH.GetByAddress(privValAddress)
- return val
- }