- # tm-bench (Deprecated)
- > ## **Deprecation Warning**
- ### This tool will be depreacted in favor of [tm-load-test](https://github.com/interchainio/tm-load-test).
- Tendermint blockchain benchmarking tool:
- - [https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/tree/master/tools/tm-bench](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/tree/master/tools/tm-bench)
- For example, the following: `tm-bench -T 30 -r 10000 localhost:26657`
- will output:
- ```
- Stats Avg StdDev Max Total
- Txs/sec 3981 1993 5000 119434
- Blocks/sec 0.800 0.400 1 24
- ```
- NOTE: **tm-bench only works with build-in `kvstore` ABCI application**. For it
- to work with your application, you will need to modify `generateTx` function.
- In the future, we plan to support scriptable transactions (see
- [\#1938](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/1938)).
- ## Quick Start
- ### Docker
- ```
- docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" tendermint/tendermint init
- docker run -it --rm -v "/tmp:/tendermint" -p "26657:26657" --name=tm tendermint/tendermint node --proxy_app=kvstore
- docker run -it --rm --link=tm tendermint/bench tm:26657
- ```
- ### Using binaries
- [Install Tendermint](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint#install)
- then run:
- ```
- tendermint init
- tendermint node --proxy_app=kvstore
- tm-bench localhost:26657
- ```
- with the last command being in a separate window.
- ## Usage
- ```
- Tendermint blockchain benchmarking tool.
- Usage:
- tm-bench [-c 1] [-T 10] [-r 1000] [-s 250] [endpoints] [-output-format <plain|json> [-broadcast-tx-method <async|sync|commit>]]
- Examples:
- tm-bench localhost:26657
- Flags:
- -T int
- Exit after the specified amount of time in seconds (default 10)
- -broadcast-tx-method string
- Broadcast method: async (no guarantees; fastest), sync (ensures tx is checked) or commit (ensures tx is checked and committed; slowest) (default "async")
- -c int
- Connections to keep open per endpoint (default 1)
- -output-format string
- Output format: plain or json (default "plain")
- -r int
- Txs per second to send in a connection (default 1000)
- -s int
- The size of a transaction in bytes, must be greater than or equal to 40. (default 250)
- -v Verbose output
- ```
- ## How stats are collected
- These stats are derived by having each connection send transactions at the
- specified rate (or as close as it can get) for the specified time.
- After the specified time, it iterates over all of the blocks that were created
- in that time.
- The average and stddev per second are computed based off of that, by
- grouping the data by second.
- To send transactions at the specified rate in each connection, we loop
- through the number of transactions.
- If its too slow, the loop stops at one second.
- If its too fast, we wait until the one second mark ends.
- The transactions per second stat is computed based off of what ends up in the
- block.
- Note that there will be edge effects on the number of transactions in the first
- and last blocks.
- This is because transactions may start sending midway through when tendermint
- starts building the next block, so it only has half as much time to gather txs
- that tm-bench sends.
- Similarly the end of the duration will likely end mid-way through tendermint
- trying to build the next block.
- Each of the connections is handled via two separate goroutines.
- ## Development
- ```
- make test
- ```