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416 lines
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  1. # This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.
  2. [[projects]]
  3. branch = "master"
  4. name = ""
  5. packages = ["quantile"]
  6. revision = "3a771d992973f24aa725d07868b467d1ddfceafb"
  7. [[projects]]
  8. branch = "master"
  9. name = ""
  10. packages = ["btcec"]
  11. revision = "f673a4b563b57b9a95832545c878669a7fa801d9"
  12. [[projects]]
  13. name = ""
  14. packages = [
  15. "base58",
  16. "bech32"
  17. ]
  18. revision = "d4cc87b860166d00d6b5b9e0d3b3d71d6088d4d4"
  19. [[projects]]
  20. name = ""
  21. packages = ["spew"]
  22. revision = "346938d642f2ec3594ed81d874461961cd0faa76"
  23. version = "v1.1.0"
  24. [[projects]]
  25. name = ""
  26. packages = ["."]
  27. revision = "95f809107225be108efcf10a3509e4ea6ceef3c4"
  28. [[projects]]
  29. name = ""
  30. packages = ["."]
  31. revision = "a5ef70473c97b71626b9abeda80ee92ba2a7de9e"
  32. version = "v1.2.0"
  33. [[projects]]
  34. name = ""
  35. packages = ["."]
  36. revision = "c2828203cd70a50dcccfb2761f8b1f8ceef9a8e9"
  37. version = "v1.4.7"
  38. [[projects]]
  39. name = ""
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  42. "log/level",
  43. "log/term",
  44. "metrics",
  45. "metrics/discard",
  46. "metrics/internal/lv",
  47. "metrics/prometheus"
  48. ]
  49. revision = "4dc7be5d2d12881735283bcab7352178e190fc71"
  50. version = "v0.6.0"
  51. [[projects]]
  52. name = ""
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  55. version = "v0.3.0"
  56. [[projects]]
  57. name = ""
  58. packages = ["."]
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  60. version = "v1.7.0"
  61. [[projects]]
  62. name = ""
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  64. "gogoproto",
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  69. "types"
  70. ]
  71. revision = "636bf0302bc95575d69441b25a2603156ffdddf1"
  72. version = "v1.1.1"
  73. [[projects]]
  74. name = ""
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  76. "proto",
  77. "ptypes",
  78. "ptypes/any",
  79. "ptypes/duration",
  80. "ptypes/timestamp"
  81. ]
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  83. version = "v1.1.0"
  84. [[projects]]
  85. branch = "master"
  86. name = ""
  87. packages = ["."]
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  89. [[projects]]
  90. name = ""
  91. packages = ["."]
  92. revision = "ea4d1f681babbce9545c9c5f3d5194a789c89f5b"
  93. version = "v1.2.0"
  94. [[projects]]
  95. branch = "master"
  96. name = ""
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  98. ".",
  99. "hcl/ast",
  100. "hcl/parser",
  101. "hcl/scanner",
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  103. "hcl/token",
  104. "json/parser",
  105. "json/scanner",
  106. "json/token"
  107. ]
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  109. [[projects]]
  110. name = ""
  111. packages = ["."]
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  113. version = "v1.0"
  114. [[projects]]
  115. branch = "master"
  116. name = ""
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  119. [[projects]]
  120. branch = "master"
  121. name = ""
  122. packages = ["."]
  123. revision = "b84e30acd515aadc4b783ad4ff83aff3299bdfe0"
  124. [[projects]]
  125. name = ""
  126. packages = ["."]
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  128. version = "v1.8.0"
  129. [[projects]]
  130. name = ""
  131. packages = ["pbutil"]
  132. revision = "c12348ce28de40eed0136aa2b644d0ee0650e56c"
  133. version = "v1.0.1"
  134. [[projects]]
  135. branch = "master"
  136. name = ""
  137. packages = ["."]
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  139. [[projects]]
  140. name = ""
  141. packages = ["."]
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  143. version = "v1.2.0"
  144. [[projects]]
  145. name = ""
  146. packages = ["."]
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  148. version = "v0.8.0"
  149. [[projects]]
  150. name = ""
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  152. revision = "792786c7400a136282c1664665ae0a8db921c6c2"
  153. version = "v1.0.0"
  154. [[projects]]
  155. name = ""
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  158. "prometheus/promhttp"
  159. ]
  160. revision = "ae27198cdd90bf12cd134ad79d1366a6cf49f632"
  161. [[projects]]
  162. branch = "master"
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  166. [[projects]]
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  173. ]
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  175. [[projects]]
  176. branch = "master"
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  179. ".",
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  182. "xfs"
  183. ]
  184. revision = "ae68e2d4c00fed4943b5f6698d504a5fe083da8a"
  185. [[projects]]
  186. name = ""
  187. packages = ["."]
  188. revision = "e2704e165165ec55d062f5919b4b29494e9fa790"
  189. [[projects]]
  190. name = ""
  191. packages = [
  192. ".",
  193. "mem"
  194. ]
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  196. version = "v1.1.1"
  197. [[projects]]
  198. name = ""
  199. packages = ["."]
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  201. version = "v1.2.0"
  202. [[projects]]
  203. name = ""
  204. packages = ["."]
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  206. version = "v0.0.1"
  207. [[projects]]
  208. branch = "master"
  209. name = ""
  210. packages = ["."]
  211. revision = "7c0cea34c8ece3fbeb2b27ab9b59511d360fb394"
  212. [[projects]]
  213. name = ""
  214. packages = ["."]
  215. revision = "583c0c0531f06d5278b7d917446061adc344b5cd"
  216. version = "v1.0.1"
  217. [[projects]]
  218. name = ""
  219. packages = ["."]
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  221. version = "v1.0.0"
  222. [[projects]]
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  226. "require"
  227. ]
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  229. version = "v1.2.1"
  230. [[projects]]
  231. branch = "master"
  232. name = ""
  233. packages = [
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  239. "leveldb/iterator",
  240. "leveldb/journal",
  241. "leveldb/memdb",
  242. "leveldb/opt",
  243. "leveldb/storage",
  244. "leveldb/table",
  245. "leveldb/util"
  246. ]
  247. revision = "c4c61651e9e37fa117f53c5a906d3b63090d8445"
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  249. branch = "master"
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  252. ".",
  253. "edwards25519",
  254. "extra25519"
  255. ]
  256. revision = "d8387025d2b9d158cf4efb07e7ebf814bcce2057"
  257. [[projects]]
  258. name = ""
  259. packages = ["."]
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  261. version = "0.10.1"
  262. [[projects]]
  263. branch = "master"
  264. name = ""
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  267. "blowfish",
  268. "chacha20poly1305",
  269. "curve25519",
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  272. "internal/subtle",
  273. "nacl/box",
  274. "nacl/secretbox",
  275. "openpgp/armor",
  276. "openpgp/errors",
  277. "poly1305",
  278. "ripemd160",
  279. "salsa20/salsa"
  280. ]
  281. revision = "a2144134853fc9a27a7b1e3eb4f19f1a76df13c9"
  282. [[projects]]
  283. name = ""
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  285. "context",
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  287. "http2",
  288. "http2/hpack",
  289. "idna",
  290. "internal/timeseries",
  291. "netutil",
  292. "trace"
  293. ]
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  295. [[projects]]
  296. branch = "master"
  297. name = ""
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  299. "cpu",
  300. "unix"
  301. ]
  302. revision = "ac767d655b305d4e9612f5f6e33120b9176c4ad4"
  303. [[projects]]
  304. name = ""
  305. packages = [
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  307. "collate/build",
  308. "internal/colltab",
  309. "internal/gen",
  310. "internal/tag",
  311. "internal/triegen",
  312. "internal/ucd",
  313. "language",
  314. "secure/bidirule",
  315. "transform",
  316. "unicode/bidi",
  317. "unicode/cldr",
  318. "unicode/norm",
  319. "unicode/rangetable"
  320. ]
  321. revision = "f21a4dfb5e38f5895301dc265a8def02365cc3d0"
  322. version = "v0.3.0"
  323. [[projects]]
  324. name = ""
  325. packages = ["googleapis/rpc/status"]
  326. revision = "7fd901a49ba6a7f87732eb344f6e3c5b19d1b200"
  327. [[projects]]
  328. name = ""
  329. packages = [
  330. ".",
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  332. "balancer/base",
  333. "balancer/roundrobin",
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  335. "connectivity",
  336. "credentials",
  337. "encoding",
  338. "encoding/proto",
  339. "grpclog",
  340. "internal",
  341. "internal/backoff",
  342. "internal/channelz",
  343. "internal/grpcrand",
  344. "keepalive",
  345. "metadata",
  346. "naming",
  347. "peer",
  348. "resolver",
  349. "resolver/dns",
  350. "resolver/passthrough",
  351. "stats",
  352. "status",
  353. "tap",
  354. "transport"
  355. ]
  356. revision = "168a6198bcb0ef175f7dacec0b8691fc141dc9b8"
  357. version = "v1.13.0"
  358. [[projects]]
  359. name = ""
  360. packages = ["."]
  361. revision = "5420a8b6744d3b0345ab293f6fcba19c978f1183"
  362. version = "v2.2.1"
  363. [solve-meta]
  364. analyzer-name = "dep"
  365. analyzer-version = 1
  366. inputs-digest = "8e519c3716c259c6ecdb052889dd3602539fd98a3650dfbf50a4023e087a5d53"
  367. solver-name = "gps-cdcl"
  368. solver-version = 1