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  1. package types
  2. import (
  3. "bytes"
  4. "errors"
  5. "fmt"
  6. "io"
  7. ""
  8. ""
  9. tmbytes ""
  10. tmjson ""
  11. tmmath ""
  12. tmsync ""
  13. tmproto ""
  14. )
  15. var (
  16. ErrPartSetUnexpectedIndex = errors.New("error part set unexpected index")
  17. ErrPartSetInvalidProof = errors.New("error part set invalid proof")
  18. )
  19. type Part struct {
  20. Index uint32 `json:"index"`
  21. Bytes tmbytes.HexBytes `json:"bytes"`
  22. Proof merkle.Proof `json:"proof"`
  23. }
  24. // ValidateBasic performs basic validation.
  25. func (part *Part) ValidateBasic() error {
  26. if len(part.Bytes) > int(BlockPartSizeBytes) {
  27. return fmt.Errorf("too big: %d bytes, max: %d", len(part.Bytes), BlockPartSizeBytes)
  28. }
  29. if err := part.Proof.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
  30. return fmt.Errorf("wrong Proof: %w", err)
  31. }
  32. return nil
  33. }
  34. // String returns a string representation of Part.
  35. //
  36. // See StringIndented.
  37. func (part *Part) String() string {
  38. return part.StringIndented("")
  39. }
  40. // StringIndented returns an indented Part.
  41. //
  42. // See merkle.Proof#StringIndented
  43. func (part *Part) StringIndented(indent string) string {
  44. return fmt.Sprintf(`Part{#%v
  45. %s Bytes: %X...
  46. %s Proof: %v
  47. %s}`,
  48. part.Index,
  49. indent, tmbytes.Fingerprint(part.Bytes),
  50. indent, part.Proof.StringIndented(indent+" "),
  51. indent)
  52. }
  53. func (part *Part) ToProto() (*tmproto.Part, error) {
  54. if part == nil {
  55. return nil, errors.New("nil part")
  56. }
  57. pb := new(tmproto.Part)
  58. proof := part.Proof.ToProto()
  59. pb.Index = part.Index
  60. pb.Bytes = part.Bytes
  61. pb.Proof = *proof
  62. return pb, nil
  63. }
  64. func PartFromProto(pb *tmproto.Part) (*Part, error) {
  65. if pb == nil {
  66. return nil, errors.New("nil part")
  67. }
  68. part := new(Part)
  69. proof, err := merkle.ProofFromProto(&pb.Proof)
  70. if err != nil {
  71. return nil, err
  72. }
  73. part.Index = pb.Index
  74. part.Bytes = pb.Bytes
  75. part.Proof = *proof
  76. return part, part.ValidateBasic()
  77. }
  78. //-------------------------------------
  79. type PartSetHeader struct {
  80. Total uint32 `json:"total"`
  81. Hash tmbytes.HexBytes `json:"hash"`
  82. }
  83. // String returns a string representation of PartSetHeader.
  84. //
  85. // 1. total number of parts
  86. // 2. first 6 bytes of the hash
  87. func (psh PartSetHeader) String() string {
  88. return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%X", psh.Total, tmbytes.Fingerprint(psh.Hash))
  89. }
  90. func (psh PartSetHeader) IsZero() bool {
  91. return psh.Total == 0 && len(psh.Hash) == 0
  92. }
  93. func (psh PartSetHeader) Equals(other PartSetHeader) bool {
  94. return psh.Total == other.Total && bytes.Equal(psh.Hash, other.Hash)
  95. }
  96. // ValidateBasic performs basic validation.
  97. func (psh PartSetHeader) ValidateBasic() error {
  98. // Hash can be empty in case of POLBlockID.PartSetHeader in Proposal.
  99. if err := ValidateHash(psh.Hash); err != nil {
  100. return fmt.Errorf("wrong Hash: %w", err)
  101. }
  102. return nil
  103. }
  104. // ToProto converts BloPartSetHeaderckID to protobuf
  105. func (psh *PartSetHeader) ToProto() tmproto.PartSetHeader {
  106. if psh == nil {
  107. return tmproto.PartSetHeader{}
  108. }
  109. return tmproto.PartSetHeader{
  110. Total: psh.Total,
  111. Hash: psh.Hash,
  112. }
  113. }
  114. // FromProto sets a protobuf PartSetHeader to the given pointer
  115. func PartSetHeaderFromProto(ppsh *tmproto.PartSetHeader) (*PartSetHeader, error) {
  116. if ppsh == nil {
  117. return nil, errors.New("nil PartSetHeader")
  118. }
  119. psh := new(PartSetHeader)
  120. psh.Total = ppsh.Total
  121. psh.Hash = ppsh.Hash
  122. return psh, psh.ValidateBasic()
  123. }
  124. //-------------------------------------
  125. type PartSet struct {
  126. total uint32
  127. hash []byte
  128. mtx tmsync.Mutex
  129. parts []*Part
  130. partsBitArray *bits.BitArray
  131. count uint32
  132. }
  133. // Returns an immutable, full PartSet from the data bytes.
  134. // The data bytes are split into "partSize" chunks, and merkle tree computed.
  135. // CONTRACT: partSize is greater than zero.
  136. func NewPartSetFromData(data []byte, partSize uint32) *PartSet {
  137. // divide data into 4kb parts.
  138. total := (uint32(len(data)) + partSize - 1) / partSize
  139. parts := make([]*Part, total)
  140. partsBytes := make([][]byte, total)
  141. partsBitArray := bits.NewBitArray(int(total))
  142. for i := uint32(0); i < total; i++ {
  143. part := &Part{
  144. Index: i,
  145. Bytes: data[i*partSize : tmmath.MinInt(len(data), int((i+1)*partSize))],
  146. }
  147. parts[i] = part
  148. partsBytes[i] = part.Bytes
  149. partsBitArray.SetIndex(int(i), true)
  150. }
  151. // Compute merkle proofs
  152. root, proofs := merkle.ProofsFromByteSlices(partsBytes)
  153. for i := uint32(0); i < total; i++ {
  154. parts[i].Proof = *proofs[i]
  155. }
  156. return &PartSet{
  157. total: total,
  158. hash: root,
  159. parts: parts,
  160. partsBitArray: partsBitArray,
  161. count: total,
  162. }
  163. }
  164. // Returns an empty PartSet ready to be populated.
  165. func NewPartSetFromHeader(header PartSetHeader) *PartSet {
  166. return &PartSet{
  167. total: header.Total,
  168. hash: header.Hash,
  169. parts: make([]*Part, header.Total),
  170. partsBitArray: bits.NewBitArray(int(header.Total)),
  171. count: 0,
  172. }
  173. }
  174. func (ps *PartSet) Header() PartSetHeader {
  175. if ps == nil {
  176. return PartSetHeader{}
  177. }
  178. return PartSetHeader{
  179. Total:,
  180. Hash: ps.hash,
  181. }
  182. }
  183. func (ps *PartSet) HasHeader(header PartSetHeader) bool {
  184. if ps == nil {
  185. return false
  186. }
  187. return ps.Header().Equals(header)
  188. }
  189. func (ps *PartSet) BitArray() *bits.BitArray {
  190. ps.mtx.Lock()
  191. defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
  192. return ps.partsBitArray.Copy()
  193. }
  194. func (ps *PartSet) Hash() []byte {
  195. if ps == nil {
  196. return nil
  197. }
  198. return ps.hash
  199. }
  200. func (ps *PartSet) HashesTo(hash []byte) bool {
  201. if ps == nil {
  202. return false
  203. }
  204. return bytes.Equal(ps.hash, hash)
  205. }
  206. func (ps *PartSet) Count() uint32 {
  207. if ps == nil {
  208. return 0
  209. }
  210. return ps.count
  211. }
  212. func (ps *PartSet) Total() uint32 {
  213. if ps == nil {
  214. return 0
  215. }
  216. return
  217. }
  218. func (ps *PartSet) AddPart(part *Part) (bool, error) {
  219. if ps == nil {
  220. return false, nil
  221. }
  222. ps.mtx.Lock()
  223. defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
  224. // Invalid part index
  225. if part.Index >= {
  226. return false, ErrPartSetUnexpectedIndex
  227. }
  228. // If part already exists, return false.
  229. if[part.Index] != nil {
  230. return false, nil
  231. }
  232. // Check hash proof
  233. if part.Proof.Verify(ps.Hash(), part.Bytes) != nil {
  234. return false, ErrPartSetInvalidProof
  235. }
  236. // Add part
  237.[part.Index] = part
  238. ps.partsBitArray.SetIndex(int(part.Index), true)
  239. ps.count++
  240. return true, nil
  241. }
  242. func (ps *PartSet) GetPart(index int) *Part {
  243. ps.mtx.Lock()
  244. defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
  245. return[index]
  246. }
  247. func (ps *PartSet) IsComplete() bool {
  248. return ps.count ==
  249. }
  250. func (ps *PartSet) GetReader() io.Reader {
  251. if !ps.IsComplete() {
  252. panic("Cannot GetReader() on incomplete PartSet")
  253. }
  254. return NewPartSetReader(
  255. }
  256. type PartSetReader struct {
  257. i int
  258. parts []*Part
  259. reader *bytes.Reader
  260. }
  261. func NewPartSetReader(parts []*Part) *PartSetReader {
  262. return &PartSetReader{
  263. i: 0,
  264. parts: parts,
  265. reader: bytes.NewReader(parts[0].Bytes),
  266. }
  267. }
  268. func (psr *PartSetReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  269. readerLen := psr.reader.Len()
  270. if readerLen >= len(p) {
  271. return psr.reader.Read(p)
  272. } else if readerLen > 0 {
  273. n1, err := psr.Read(p[:readerLen])
  274. if err != nil {
  275. return n1, err
  276. }
  277. n2, err := psr.Read(p[readerLen:])
  278. return n1 + n2, err
  279. }
  280. psr.i++
  281. if psr.i >= len( {
  282. return 0, io.EOF
  283. }
  284. psr.reader = bytes.NewReader([psr.i].Bytes)
  285. return psr.Read(p)
  286. }
  287. // StringShort returns a short version of String.
  288. //
  289. // (Count of Total)
  290. func (ps *PartSet) StringShort() string {
  291. if ps == nil {
  292. return "nil-PartSet"
  293. }
  294. ps.mtx.Lock()
  295. defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
  296. return fmt.Sprintf("(%v of %v)", ps.Count(), ps.Total())
  297. }
  298. func (ps *PartSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  299. if ps == nil {
  300. return []byte("{}"), nil
  301. }
  302. ps.mtx.Lock()
  303. defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
  304. return tmjson.Marshal(struct {
  305. CountTotal string `json:"count/total"`
  306. PartsBitArray *bits.BitArray `json:"parts_bit_array"`
  307. }{
  308. fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", ps.Count(), ps.Total()),
  309. ps.partsBitArray,
  310. })
  311. }