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7 years ago
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7 years ago
7 years ago
  1. .. Tendermint documentation master file, created by
  2. sphinx-quickstart on Mon Aug 7 04:55:09 2017.
  3. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
  4. contain the root `toctree` directive.
  5. Welcome to Tendermint!
  6. ======================
  7. .. image:: assets/tmint-logo-blue.png
  8. :height: 500px
  9. :width: 500px
  10. :align: center
  11. Tendermint 101
  12. --------------
  13. .. maxdepth set to 2 for sexinesss
  14. .. but use 4 to upgrade overall documentation
  15. .. toctree::
  16. :maxdepth: 2
  17. introduction.rst
  18. install.rst
  19. getting-started.rst
  20. deploy-testnets.rst
  21. using-tendermint.rst
  22. Tendermint 102
  23. --------------
  24. .. toctree::
  25. :maxdepth: 2
  26. abci-cli.rst
  27. app-architecture.rst
  28. app-development.rst
  29. Tendermint 201
  30. --------------
  31. .. toctree::
  32. :maxdepth: 2
  33. specification.rst
  34. * For a deeper dive, see `this thesis <>`__.
  35. * There is also the `original whitepaper <>`__, though it is now quite outdated.
  36. * Readers might also be interested in the `Cosmos Whitepaper <>`__ which describes Tendermint, ABCI, and how to build a scalable, heterogeneous, cryptocurrency network.
  37. * For example applications and related software built by the Tendermint team and other, see the `software ecosystem <>`__.
  38. Join the `Cosmos and Tendermint Rocket Chat <>`__ to ask questions and discuss projects.