- /*
- Package indexer defines Tendermint's block and transaction event indexing logic.
- Tendermint supports two primary means of block and transaction event indexing:
- 1. A key-value sink via an embedded database with a proprietary query language.
- 2. A Postgres-based sink.
- An ABCI application can emit events during block and transaction execution in the form
- <abci.Event.Type>.<abci.EventAttributeKey>=<abci.EventAttributeValue>
- for example "transfer.amount=10000".
- An operator can enable one or both of the supported indexing sinks via the
- 'tx-index.indexer' Tendermint configuration.
- Example:
- [tx-index]
- indexer = ["kv", "psql"]
- If an operator wants to completely disable indexing, they may simply just provide
- the "null" sink option in the configuration. All other sinks will be ignored if
- "null" is provided.
- If indexing is enabled, the indexer.Service will iterate over all enabled sinks
- and invoke block and transaction indexing via the appropriate IndexBlockEvents
- and IndexTxEvents methods.
- Note, the "kv" sink is considered deprecated and its query functionality is very
- limited, but does allow users to directly query for block and transaction events
- against Tendermint's RPC. Instead, operators are encouraged to use the "psql"
- indexing sink when more complex queries are required and for reliability purposes
- as PostgreSQL can scale.
- Prior to starting Tendermint with the "psql" indexing sink enabled, operators
- must ensure the following:
- 1. The "psql" indexing sink is provided in Tendermint's configuration.
- 2. A 'tx-index.psql-conn' value is provided that contains the PostgreSQL connection URI.
- 3. The block and transaction event schemas have been created in the PostgreSQL database.
- Tendermint provides the block and transaction event schemas in the following
- path: state/indexer/sink/psql/schema.sql
- To create the schema in a PostgreSQL database, perform the schema query
- manually or invoke schema creation via the CLI:
- $ psql <flags> -f state/indexer/sink/psql/schema.sql
- The "psql" indexing sink prohibits queries via RPC. When using a PostgreSQL sink,
- queries can and should be made directly against the database using SQL.
- The following are some example SQL queries against the database schema:
- * Query for all transaction events for a given transaction hash:
- SELECT * FROM tx_events WHERE hash = '3E7D1F...';
- * Query for all transaction events for a given block height:
- SELECT * FROM tx_events WHERE height = 25;
- * Query for transaction events that have a given type (i.e. value wildcard):
- SELECT * FROM tx_events WHERE key LIKE '%transfer.recipient%';
- Note that if a complete abci.TxResult is needed, you will need to join "tx_events" with
- "tx_results" via a foreign key, to obtain contains the raw protobuf-encoded abci.TxResult.
- */
- package indexer