- //nolint: gosec
- package e2e
- import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math/rand"
- "net"
- "path/filepath"
- "sort"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/ed25519"
- rpchttp "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/client/http"
- mcs "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/test/maverick/consensus"
- )
- const (
- randomSeed int64 = 2308084734268
- proxyPortFirst uint32 = 5701
- networkIPv4 = ""
- networkIPv6 = "fd80:b10c::/48"
- )
- type Mode string
- type Protocol string
- type Perturbation string
- const (
- ModeValidator Mode = "validator"
- ModeFull Mode = "full"
- ModeSeed Mode = "seed"
- ProtocolBuiltin Protocol = "builtin"
- ProtocolFile Protocol = "file"
- ProtocolGRPC Protocol = "grpc"
- ProtocolTCP Protocol = "tcp"
- ProtocolUNIX Protocol = "unix"
- PerturbationDisconnect Perturbation = "disconnect"
- PerturbationKill Perturbation = "kill"
- PerturbationPause Perturbation = "pause"
- PerturbationRestart Perturbation = "restart"
- )
- // Testnet represents a single testnet.
- type Testnet struct {
- Name string
- File string
- Dir string
- IP *net.IPNet
- InitialHeight int64
- InitialState map[string]string
- Validators map[*Node]int64
- ValidatorUpdates map[int64]map[*Node]int64
- Nodes []*Node
- }
- // Node represents a Tendermint node in a testnet.
- type Node struct {
- Name string
- Testnet *Testnet
- Mode Mode
- Key crypto.PrivKey
- IP net.IP
- ProxyPort uint32
- StartAt int64
- FastSync string
- StateSync bool
- Database string
- ABCIProtocol Protocol
- PrivvalProtocol Protocol
- PersistInterval uint64
- SnapshotInterval uint64
- RetainBlocks uint64
- Seeds []*Node
- PersistentPeers []*Node
- Perturbations []Perturbation
- Misbehaviors map[int64]string
- }
- // LoadTestnet loads a testnet from a manifest file, using the filename to
- // determine the testnet name and directory (from the basename of the file).
- // The testnet generation must be deterministic, since it is generated
- // separately by the runner and the test cases. For this reason, testnets use a
- // random seed to generate e.g. keys.
- func LoadTestnet(file string) (*Testnet, error) {
- manifest, err := LoadManifest(file)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- dir := strings.TrimSuffix(file, filepath.Ext(file))
- // Set up resource generators. These must be deterministic.
- netAddress := networkIPv4
- if manifest.IPv6 {
- netAddress = networkIPv6
- }
- _, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(netAddress)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid IP network address %q: %w", netAddress, err)
- }
- ipGen := newIPGenerator(ipNet)
- keyGen := newKeyGenerator(randomSeed)
- proxyPortGen := newPortGenerator(proxyPortFirst)
- testnet := &Testnet{
- Name: filepath.Base(dir),
- File: file,
- Dir: dir,
- IP: ipGen.Network(),
- InitialHeight: 1,
- InitialState: manifest.InitialState,
- Validators: map[*Node]int64{},
- ValidatorUpdates: map[int64]map[*Node]int64{},
- Nodes: []*Node{},
- }
- if manifest.InitialHeight > 0 {
- testnet.InitialHeight = manifest.InitialHeight
- }
- // Set up nodes, in alphabetical order (IPs and ports get same order).
- nodeNames := []string{}
- for name := range manifest.Nodes {
- nodeNames = append(nodeNames, name)
- }
- sort.Strings(nodeNames)
- for _, name := range nodeNames {
- nodeManifest := manifest.Nodes[name]
- node := &Node{
- Name: name,
- Testnet: testnet,
- Key: keyGen.Generate(),
- IP: ipGen.Next(),
- ProxyPort: proxyPortGen.Next(),
- Mode: ModeValidator,
- Database: "goleveldb",
- ABCIProtocol: ProtocolUNIX,
- PrivvalProtocol: ProtocolFile,
- StartAt: nodeManifest.StartAt,
- FastSync: nodeManifest.FastSync,
- StateSync: nodeManifest.StateSync,
- PersistInterval: 1,
- SnapshotInterval: nodeManifest.SnapshotInterval,
- RetainBlocks: nodeManifest.RetainBlocks,
- Perturbations: []Perturbation{},
- Misbehaviors: make(map[int64]string),
- }
- if nodeManifest.Mode != "" {
- node.Mode = Mode(nodeManifest.Mode)
- }
- if nodeManifest.Database != "" {
- node.Database = nodeManifest.Database
- }
- if nodeManifest.ABCIProtocol != "" {
- node.ABCIProtocol = Protocol(nodeManifest.ABCIProtocol)
- }
- if nodeManifest.PrivvalProtocol != "" {
- node.PrivvalProtocol = Protocol(nodeManifest.PrivvalProtocol)
- }
- if nodeManifest.PersistInterval != nil {
- node.PersistInterval = *nodeManifest.PersistInterval
- }
- for _, p := range nodeManifest.Perturb {
- node.Perturbations = append(node.Perturbations, Perturbation(p))
- }
- for heightString, misbehavior := range nodeManifest.Misbehaviors {
- height, err := strconv.ParseInt(heightString, 10, 64)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse height %s to int64: %w", heightString, err)
- }
- node.Misbehaviors[height] = misbehavior
- }
- testnet.Nodes = append(testnet.Nodes, node)
- }
- // We do a second pass to set up seeds and persistent peers, which allows graph cycles.
- for _, node := range testnet.Nodes {
- nodeManifest, ok := manifest.Nodes[node.Name]
- if !ok {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to look up manifest for node %q", node.Name)
- }
- for _, seedName := range nodeManifest.Seeds {
- seed := testnet.LookupNode(seedName)
- if seed == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown seed %q for node %q", seedName, node.Name)
- }
- node.Seeds = append(node.Seeds, seed)
- }
- for _, peerName := range nodeManifest.PersistentPeers {
- peer := testnet.LookupNode(peerName)
- if peer == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown persistent peer %q for node %q", peerName, node.Name)
- }
- node.PersistentPeers = append(node.PersistentPeers, peer)
- }
- // If there are no seeds or persistent peers specified, default to persistent
- // connections to all other nodes.
- if len(node.PersistentPeers) == 0 && len(node.Seeds) == 0 {
- for _, peer := range testnet.Nodes {
- if peer.Name == node.Name {
- continue
- }
- node.PersistentPeers = append(node.PersistentPeers, peer)
- }
- }
- }
- // Set up genesis validators. If not specified explicitly, use all validator nodes.
- if manifest.Validators != nil {
- for validatorName, power := range *manifest.Validators {
- validator := testnet.LookupNode(validatorName)
- if validator == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown validator %q", validatorName)
- }
- testnet.Validators[validator] = power
- }
- } else {
- for _, node := range testnet.Nodes {
- if node.Mode == ModeValidator {
- testnet.Validators[node] = 100
- }
- }
- }
- // Set up validator updates.
- for heightStr, validators := range manifest.ValidatorUpdates {
- height, err := strconv.Atoi(heightStr)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid validator update height %q: %w", height, err)
- }
- valUpdate := map[*Node]int64{}
- for name, power := range validators {
- node := testnet.LookupNode(name)
- if node == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown validator %q for update at height %v", name, height)
- }
- valUpdate[node] = power
- }
- testnet.ValidatorUpdates[int64(height)] = valUpdate
- }
- return testnet, testnet.Validate()
- }
- // Validate validates a testnet.
- func (t Testnet) Validate() error {
- if t.Name == "" {
- return errors.New("network has no name")
- }
- if t.IP == nil {
- return errors.New("network has no IP")
- }
- if len(t.Nodes) == 0 {
- return errors.New("network has no nodes")
- }
- for _, node := range t.Nodes {
- if err := node.Validate(t); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid node %q: %w", node.Name, err)
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- // Validate validates a node.
- func (n Node) Validate(testnet Testnet) error {
- if n.Name == "" {
- return errors.New("node has no name")
- }
- if n.IP == nil {
- return errors.New("node has no IP address")
- }
- if !testnet.IP.Contains(n.IP) {
- return fmt.Errorf("node IP %v is not in testnet network %v", n.IP, testnet.IP)
- }
- if n.ProxyPort > 0 {
- if n.ProxyPort <= 1024 {
- return fmt.Errorf("local port %v must be >1024", n.ProxyPort)
- }
- for _, peer := range testnet.Nodes {
- if peer.Name != n.Name && peer.ProxyPort == n.ProxyPort {
- return fmt.Errorf("peer %q also has local port %v", peer.Name, n.ProxyPort)
- }
- }
- }
- switch n.FastSync {
- case "", "v0", "v1", "v2":
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid fast sync setting %q", n.FastSync)
- }
- switch n.Database {
- case "goleveldb", "cleveldb", "boltdb", "rocksdb", "badgerdb":
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid database setting %q", n.Database)
- }
- switch n.ABCIProtocol {
- case ProtocolBuiltin, ProtocolUNIX, ProtocolTCP, ProtocolGRPC:
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid ABCI protocol setting %q", n.ABCIProtocol)
- }
- switch n.PrivvalProtocol {
- case ProtocolFile, ProtocolUNIX, ProtocolTCP:
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid privval protocol setting %q", n.PrivvalProtocol)
- }
- if n.StartAt > 0 && n.StartAt < n.Testnet.InitialHeight {
- return fmt.Errorf("cannot start at height %v lower than initial height %v",
- n.StartAt, n.Testnet.InitialHeight)
- }
- if n.StateSync && n.StartAt == 0 {
- return errors.New("state synced nodes cannot start at the initial height")
- }
- if n.PersistInterval == 0 && n.RetainBlocks > 0 {
- return errors.New("persist_interval=0 requires retain_blocks=0")
- }
- if n.PersistInterval > 1 && n.RetainBlocks > 0 && n.RetainBlocks < n.PersistInterval {
- return errors.New("persist_interval must be less than or equal to retain_blocks")
- }
- if n.SnapshotInterval > 0 && n.RetainBlocks > 0 && n.RetainBlocks < n.SnapshotInterval {
- return errors.New("snapshot_interval must be less than er equal to retain_blocks")
- }
- for _, perturbation := range n.Perturbations {
- switch perturbation {
- case PerturbationDisconnect, PerturbationKill, PerturbationPause, PerturbationRestart:
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid perturbation %q", perturbation)
- }
- }
- if (n.PrivvalProtocol != "file" || n.Mode != "validator") && len(n.Misbehaviors) != 0 {
- return errors.New("must be using \"file\" privval protocol to implement misbehaviors")
- }
- for height, misbehavior := range n.Misbehaviors {
- if height < n.StartAt {
- return fmt.Errorf("misbehavior height %d is before start height %d", height, n.StartAt)
- }
- exists := false
- for possibleBehaviors := range mcs.MisbehaviorList {
- if possibleBehaviors == misbehavior {
- exists = true
- }
- }
- if !exists {
- return fmt.Errorf("misbehavior %s does not exist", misbehavior)
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- // LookupNode looks up a node by name. For now, simply do a linear search.
- func (t Testnet) LookupNode(name string) *Node {
- for _, node := range t.Nodes {
- if node.Name == name {
- return node
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- // ArchiveNodes returns a list of archive nodes that start at the initial height
- // and contain the entire blockchain history. They are used e.g. as light client
- // RPC servers.
- func (t Testnet) ArchiveNodes() []*Node {
- nodes := []*Node{}
- for _, node := range t.Nodes {
- if node.Mode != ModeSeed && node.StartAt == 0 && node.RetainBlocks == 0 {
- nodes = append(nodes, node)
- }
- }
- return nodes
- }
- // RandomNode returns a random non-seed node.
- func (t Testnet) RandomNode() *Node {
- for {
- node := t.Nodes[rand.Intn(len(t.Nodes))]
- if node.Mode != ModeSeed {
- return node
- }
- }
- }
- // IPv6 returns true if the testnet is an IPv6 network.
- func (t Testnet) IPv6() bool {
- return t.IP.IP.To4() == nil
- }
- // Address returns a P2P endpoint address for the node.
- func (n Node) AddressP2P(withID bool) string {
- ip := n.IP.String()
- if n.IP.To4() == nil {
- // IPv6 addresses must be wrapped in [] to avoid conflict with : port separator
- ip = fmt.Sprintf("[%v]", ip)
- }
- addr := fmt.Sprintf("%v:26656", ip)
- if withID {
- addr = fmt.Sprintf("%x@%v", n.Key.PubKey().Address().Bytes(), addr)
- }
- return addr
- }
- // Address returns an RPC endpoint address for the node.
- func (n Node) AddressRPC() string {
- ip := n.IP.String()
- if n.IP.To4() == nil {
- // IPv6 addresses must be wrapped in [] to avoid conflict with : port separator
- ip = fmt.Sprintf("[%v]", ip)
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("%v:26657", ip)
- }
- // Client returns an RPC client for a node.
- func (n Node) Client() (*rpchttp.HTTP, error) {
- return rpchttp.New(fmt.Sprintf("", n.ProxyPort), "/websocket")
- }
- // keyGenerator generates pseudorandom Ed25519 keys based on a seed.
- type keyGenerator struct {
- random *rand.Rand
- }
- func newKeyGenerator(seed int64) *keyGenerator {
- return &keyGenerator{
- random: rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed)),
- }
- }
- func (g *keyGenerator) Generate() crypto.PrivKey {
- seed := make([]byte, ed25519.SeedSize)
- _, err := io.ReadFull(g.random, seed)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err) // this shouldn't happen
- }
- return ed25519.GenPrivKeyFromSecret(seed)
- }
- // portGenerator generates local Docker proxy ports for each node.
- type portGenerator struct {
- nextPort uint32
- }
- func newPortGenerator(firstPort uint32) *portGenerator {
- return &portGenerator{nextPort: firstPort}
- }
- func (g *portGenerator) Next() uint32 {
- port := g.nextPort
- g.nextPort++
- if g.nextPort == 0 {
- panic("port overflow")
- }
- return port
- }
- // ipGenerator generates sequential IP addresses for each node, using a random
- // network address.
- type ipGenerator struct {
- network *net.IPNet
- nextIP net.IP
- }
- func newIPGenerator(network *net.IPNet) *ipGenerator {
- nextIP := make([]byte, len(network.IP))
- copy(nextIP, network.IP)
- gen := &ipGenerator{network: network, nextIP: nextIP}
- // Skip network and gateway addresses
- gen.Next()
- gen.Next()
- return gen
- }
- func (g *ipGenerator) Network() *net.IPNet {
- n := &net.IPNet{
- IP: make([]byte, len(g.network.IP)),
- Mask: make([]byte, len(g.network.Mask)),
- }
- copy(n.IP, g.network.IP)
- copy(n.Mask, g.network.Mask)
- return n
- }
- func (g *ipGenerator) Next() net.IP {
- ip := make([]byte, len(g.nextIP))
- copy(ip, g.nextIP)
- for i := len(g.nextIP) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
- g.nextIP[i]++
- if g.nextIP[i] != 0 {
- break
- }
- }
- return ip
- }