- -------------------- MODULE LCVerificationApi_003_draft --------------------------
- (**
- * The common interface of the light client verification and detection.
- *)
- EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets
- \* the parameters of Light Client
- (* the period within which the validators are trusted *)
- (* the assumed precision of the clock *)
- (* the actual clock drift, which under normal circumstances should not
- be larger than CLOCK_DRIFT (otherwise, there will be a bug) *)
- (* a pair <<a, b>> that limits that ratio of faulty validator in the blockchain
- from above (exclusive). Tendermint security model prescribes 1 / 3. *)
- localClock (* current time as measured by the light client *)
- (* the header is still within the trusting period *)
- InTrustingPeriodLocal(header) ==
- \* note that the assumption about the drift reduces the period of trust
- localClock < header.time + TRUSTING_PERIOD - CLOCK_DRIFT
- (* the header is still within the trusting period, even if the clock can go backwards *)
- InTrustingPeriodLocalSurely(header) ==
- \* note that the assumption about the drift reduces the period of trust
- localClock < header.time + TRUSTING_PERIOD - 2 * CLOCK_DRIFT
- (* ensure that the local clock does not drift far away from the global clock *)
- IsLocalClockWithinDrift(local, global) ==
- /\ global - REAL_CLOCK_DRIFT <= local
- /\ local <= global + REAL_CLOCK_DRIFT
- (**
- * Check that the commits in an untrusted block form 1/3 of the next validators
- * in a trusted header.
- *)
- SignedByOneThirdOfTrusted(trusted, untrusted) ==
- LET TP == Cardinality(trusted.header.NextVS)
- SP == Cardinality(untrusted.Commits \intersect trusted.header.NextVS)
- IN
- 3 * SP > TP
- (**
- The first part of the precondition of ValidAndVerified, which does not take
- the current time into account.
- *)
- ValidAndVerifiedPreUntimed(trusted, untrusted) ==
- LET thdr == trusted.header
- uhdr == untrusted.header
- IN
- /\ thdr.height < uhdr.height
- \* the trusted block has been created earlier
- /\ thdr.time < uhdr.time
- /\ untrusted.Commits \subseteq uhdr.VS
- /\ LET TP == Cardinality(uhdr.VS)
- SP == Cardinality(untrusted.Commits)
- IN
- 3 * SP > 2 * TP
- /\ thdr.height + 1 = uhdr.height => thdr.NextVS = uhdr.VS
- (* As we do not have explicit hashes we ignore these three checks of the English spec:
- 1. "trusted.Commit is a commit is for the header trusted.Header,
- i.e. it contains the correct hash of the header".
- 2. untrusted.Validators = hash(untrusted.Header.Validators)
- 3. untrusted.NextValidators = hash(untrusted.Header.NextValidators)
- *)
- (**
- Check the precondition of ValidAndVerified, including the time checks.
- *)
- ValidAndVerifiedPre(trusted, untrusted, checkFuture) ==
- LET thdr == trusted.header
- uhdr == untrusted.header
- IN
- /\ InTrustingPeriodLocal(thdr)
- \* The untrusted block is not from the future (modulo clock drift).
- \* Do the check, if it is required.
- /\ checkFuture => uhdr.time < localClock + CLOCK_DRIFT
- /\ ValidAndVerifiedPreUntimed(trusted, untrusted)
- (**
- Check, whether an untrusted block is valid and verifiable w.r.t. a trusted header.
- This test does take current time into account, but only looks at the block structure.
- *)
- ValidAndVerifiedUntimed(trusted, untrusted) ==
- IF ~ValidAndVerifiedPreUntimed(trusted, untrusted)
- ELSE IF untrusted.header.height = trusted.header.height + 1
- \/ SignedByOneThirdOfTrusted(trusted, untrusted)
- (**
- Check, whether an untrusted block is valid and verifiable w.r.t. a trusted header.
- *)
- ValidAndVerified(trusted, untrusted, checkFuture) ==
- IF ~ValidAndVerifiedPre(trusted, untrusted, checkFuture)
- ELSE IF ~InTrustingPeriodLocal(untrusted.header)
- (* We leave the following test for the documentation purposes.
- The implementation should do this test, as signature verification may be slow.
- In the TLA+ specification, ValidAndVerified happens in no time.
- *)
- ELSE IF untrusted.header.height = trusted.header.height + 1
- \/ SignedByOneThirdOfTrusted(trusted, untrusted)
- (**
- The invariant of the light store that is not related to the blockchain
- *)
- LightStoreInv(fetchedLightBlocks, lightBlockStatus) ==
- \A lh, rh \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- \* for every pair of stored headers that have been verified
- \/ lh >= rh
- \/ lightBlockStatus[lh] /= "StateVerified"
- \/ lightBlockStatus[rh] /= "StateVerified"
- \* either there is a header between them
- \/ \E mh \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- lh < mh /\ mh < rh /\ lightBlockStatus[mh] = "StateVerified"
- \* or the left header is outside the trusting period, so no guarantees
- \/ LET lhdr == fetchedLightBlocks[lh]
- rhdr == fetchedLightBlocks[rh]
- IN
- \* we can verify the right one using the left one
- "SUCCESS" = ValidAndVerifiedUntimed(lhdr, rhdr)
- (**
- Correctness states that all the obtained headers are exactly like in the blockchain.
- It is always the case that every verified header in LightStore was generated by
- an instance of Tendermint consensus.
- *)
- CorrectnessInv(blockchain, fetchedLightBlocks, lightBlockStatus) ==
- \A h \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- lightBlockStatus[h] = "StateVerified" =>
- fetchedLightBlocks[h].header = blockchain[h]
- (**
- * When the light client terminates, there are no failed blocks.
- * (Otherwise, someone lied to us.)
- *)
- NoFailedBlocksOnSuccessInv(fetchedLightBlocks, lightBlockStatus) ==
- \A h \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- lightBlockStatus[h] /= "StateFailed"
- (**
- The expected post-condition of VerifyToTarget.
- *)
- VerifyToTargetPost(blockchain, isPeerCorrect,
- fetchedLightBlocks, lightBlockStatus,
- trustedHeight, targetHeight, finalState) ==
- LET trustedHeader == fetchedLightBlocks[trustedHeight].header IN
- \* The light client is not lying us on the trusted block.
- \* It is straightforward to detect.
- /\ lightBlockStatus[trustedHeight] = "StateVerified"
- /\ trustedHeight \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks
- /\ trustedHeader = blockchain[trustedHeight]
- \* the invariants we have found in the light client verification
- \* there is a problem with trusting period
- /\ isPeerCorrect
- => CorrectnessInv(blockchain, fetchedLightBlocks, lightBlockStatus)
- \* a correct peer should fail the light client,
- \* if the trusted block is in the trusting period
- /\ isPeerCorrect /\ InTrustingPeriodLocalSurely(trustedHeader)
- => finalState = "finishedSuccess"
- /\ finalState = "finishedSuccess" =>
- /\ lightBlockStatus[targetHeight] = "StateVerified"
- /\ targetHeight \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks
- /\ NoFailedBlocksOnSuccessInv(fetchedLightBlocks, lightBlockStatus)
- /\ LightStoreInv(fetchedLightBlocks, lightBlockStatus)
- ==================================================================================