- #! /bin/bash
- set -u
- N=$1
- ###################################################################
- # wait for all peers to come online
- # for each peer:
- # wait to have N-1 peers
- # wait to be at height > 1
- ###################################################################
- # wait for everyone to come online
- echo "Waiting for nodes to come online"
- for i in `seq 1 $N`; do
- addr=$(test/p2p/ip.sh $i):46657
- curl -s $addr/status > /dev/null
- ERR=$?
- while [ "$ERR" != 0 ]; do
- sleep 1
- curl -s $addr/status > /dev/null
- ERR=$?
- done
- echo "... node $i is up"
- done
- echo ""
- # wait for each of them to sync up
- for i in `seq 1 $N`; do
- addr=$(test/p2p/ip.sh $i):46657
- N_1=$(($N - 1))
- # - assert everyone has N-1 other peers
- N_PEERS=`curl -s $addr/net_info | jq '.result[1].peers | length'`
- while [ "$N_PEERS" != $N_1 ]; do
- echo "Waiting for node $i to connect to all peers ..."
- sleep 1
- N_PEERS=`curl -s $addr/net_info | jq '.result[1].peers | length'`
- done
- # - assert block height is greater than 1
- BLOCK_HEIGHT=`curl -s $addr/status | jq .result[1].latest_block_height`
- while [ "$BLOCK_HEIGHT" -le 1 ]; do
- echo "Waiting for node $i to commit a block ..."
- sleep 1
- BLOCK_HEIGHT=`curl -s $addr/status | jq .result[1].latest_block_height`
- done
- echo "Node $i is connected to all peers and at block $BLOCK_HEIGHT"
- done
- echo ""
- echo "PASS"
- echo ""