- # tm-bench
- **Deprecation Warning**: please use [tm-load-test](https://github.com/interchainio/tm-load-test)
- Tendermint blockchain benchmarking tool:
- - [https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/tree/master/tools/tm-bench](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/tree/master/tools/tm-bench)
- For example, the following:
- ```
- tm-bench -T 10 -r 1000 localhost:26657
- ```
- will output:
- ```
- Stats Avg StdDev Max Total
- Txs/sec 818 532 1549 9000
- Blocks/sec 0.818 0.386 1 9
- ```
- ## Quick Start
- [Install Tendermint](../introduction/install.md)
- This currently is setup to work on tendermint's develop branch. Please ensure
- you are on that. (If not, update `tendermint` and `tmlibs` in gopkg.toml to use
- the master branch.)
- then run:
- ```
- tendermint init
- tendermint node --proxy_app=kvstore
- ```
- ```
- tm-bench localhost:26657
- ```
- with the last command being in a seperate window.
- ## Usage
- ```
- tm-bench [-c 1] [-T 10] [-r 1000] [-s 250] [endpoints]
- Examples:
- tm-bench localhost:26657
- Flags:
- -T int
- Exit after the specified amount of time in seconds (default 10)
- -c int
- Connections to keep open per endpoint (default 1)
- -r int
- Txs per second to send in a connection (default 1000)
- -s int
- Size per tx in bytes
- -v Verbose output
- ```
- ## How stats are collected
- These stats are derived by having each connection send transactions at the
- specified rate (or as close as it can get) for the specified time. After the
- specified time, it iterates over all of the blocks that were created in that
- time. The average and stddev per second are computed based off of that, by
- grouping the data by second.
- To send transactions at the specified rate in each connection, we loop
- through the number of transactions. If its too slow, the loop stops at one second.
- If its too fast, we wait until the one second mark ends. The transactions per
- second stat is computed based off of what ends up in the block.
- Each of the connections is handled via two separate goroutines.
- ## Development
- ```
- make test
- ```