- package mempool
- import (
- "bytes"
- "container/list"
- "sync"
- "sync/atomic"
- "time"
- "github.com/tendermint/go-clist"
- . "github.com/tendermint/go-common"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proxy"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- tmsp "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
- )
- /*
- The mempool pushes new txs onto the proxyAppConn.
- It gets a stream of (req, res) tuples from the proxy.
- The memool stores good txs in a concurrent linked-list.
- Multiple concurrent go-routines can traverse this linked-list
- safely by calling .NextWait() on each element.
- So we have several go-routines:
- 1. Consensus calling Update() and Reap() synchronously
- 2. Many mempool reactor's peer routines calling CheckTx()
- 3. Many mempool reactor's peer routines traversing the txs linked list
- 4. Another goroutine calling GarbageCollectTxs() periodically
- To manage these goroutines, there are three methods of locking.
- 1. Mutations to the linked-list is protected by an internal mtx (CList is goroutine-safe)
- 2. Mutations to the linked-list elements are atomic
- 3. CheckTx() calls can be paused upon Update() and Reap(), protected by .proxyMtx
- Garbage collection of old elements from mempool.txs is handlde via
- the DetachPrev() call, which makes old elements not reachable by
- peer broadcastTxRoutine() automatically garbage collected.
- TODO: Better handle tmsp client errors. (make it automatically handle connection errors)
- */
- const cacheSize = 100000
- type Mempool struct {
- proxyMtx sync.Mutex
- proxyAppConn proxy.AppConn
- txs *clist.CList // concurrent linked-list of good txs
- counter int64 // simple incrementing counter
- height int // the last block Update()'d to
- rechecking int32 // for re-checking filtered txs on Update()
- recheckCursor *clist.CElement // next expected response
- recheckEnd *clist.CElement // re-checking stops here
- // Keep a cache of already-seen txs.
- // This reduces the pressure on the proxyApp.
- cacheMap map[string]struct{}
- cacheList *list.List
- }
- func NewMempool(proxyAppConn proxy.AppConn) *Mempool {
- mempool := &Mempool{
- proxyAppConn: proxyAppConn,
- txs: clist.New(),
- counter: 0,
- height: 0,
- rechecking: 0,
- recheckCursor: nil,
- recheckEnd: nil,
- cacheMap: make(map[string]struct{}, cacheSize),
- cacheList: list.New(),
- }
- proxyAppConn.SetResponseCallback(mempool.resCb)
- return mempool
- }
- // Return the first element of mem.txs for peer goroutines to call .NextWait() on.
- // Blocks until txs has elements.
- func (mem *Mempool) TxsFrontWait() *clist.CElement {
- return mem.txs.FrontWait()
- }
- // Try a new transaction in the mempool.
- // Potentially blocking if we're blocking on Update() or Reap().
- // cb: A callback from the CheckTx command.
- // It gets called from another goroutine.
- // CONTRACT: Either cb will get called, or err returned.
- func (mem *Mempool) CheckTx(tx types.Tx, cb func(*tmsp.Response)) (err error) {
- mem.proxyMtx.Lock()
- defer mem.proxyMtx.Unlock()
- // CACHE
- if _, exists := mem.cacheMap[string(tx)]; exists {
- if cb != nil {
- cb(&tmsp.Response{
- Code: tmsp.CodeType_BadNonce, // TODO or duplicate tx
- Log: "Duplicate transaction (ignored)",
- })
- }
- return nil
- }
- if mem.cacheList.Len() >= cacheSize {
- popped := mem.cacheList.Front()
- poppedTx := popped.Value.(types.Tx)
- delete(mem.cacheMap, string(poppedTx))
- mem.cacheList.Remove(popped)
- }
- mem.cacheMap[string(tx)] = struct{}{}
- mem.cacheList.PushBack(tx)
- // NOTE: proxyAppConn may error if tx buffer is full
- if err = mem.proxyAppConn.Error(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- reqRes := mem.proxyAppConn.CheckTxAsync(tx)
- if cb != nil {
- reqRes.SetCallback(cb)
- }
- return nil
- }
- // TMSP callback function
- func (mem *Mempool) resCb(req *tmsp.Request, res *tmsp.Response) {
- if mem.recheckCursor == nil {
- mem.resCbNormal(req, res)
- } else {
- mem.resCbRecheck(req, res)
- }
- }
- func (mem *Mempool) resCbNormal(req *tmsp.Request, res *tmsp.Response) {
- switch res.Type {
- case tmsp.MessageType_CheckTx:
- if res.Code == tmsp.CodeType_OK {
- mem.counter++
- memTx := &mempoolTx{
- counter: mem.counter,
- height: int64(mem.height),
- tx: req.Data,
- }
- mem.txs.PushBack(memTx)
- } else {
- // ignore bad transaction
- // TODO: handle other retcodes
- }
- default:
- // ignore other messages
- }
- }
- func (mem *Mempool) resCbRecheck(req *tmsp.Request, res *tmsp.Response) {
- switch res.Type {
- case tmsp.MessageType_CheckTx:
- memTx := mem.recheckCursor.Value.(*mempoolTx)
- if !bytes.Equal(req.Data, memTx.tx) {
- PanicSanity(Fmt("Unexpected tx response from proxy during recheck\n"+
- "Expected %X, got %X", req.Data, memTx.tx))
- }
- if res.Code == tmsp.CodeType_OK {
- // Good, nothing to do.
- } else {
- // Tx became invalidated due to newly committed block.
- mem.txs.Remove(mem.recheckCursor)
- mem.recheckCursor.DetachPrev()
- }
- if mem.recheckCursor == mem.recheckEnd {
- mem.recheckCursor = nil
- } else {
- mem.recheckCursor = mem.recheckCursor.Next()
- }
- if mem.recheckCursor == nil {
- // Done!
- atomic.StoreInt32(&mem.rechecking, 0)
- }
- default:
- // ignore other messages
- }
- }
- // Get the valid transactions remaining
- func (mem *Mempool) Reap() []types.Tx {
- mem.proxyMtx.Lock()
- defer mem.proxyMtx.Unlock()
- for atomic.LoadInt32(&mem.rechecking) > 0 {
- // TODO: Something better?
- time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
- }
- txs := mem.collectTxs()
- return txs
- }
- func (mem *Mempool) collectTxs() []types.Tx {
- txs := make([]types.Tx, 0, mem.txs.Len())
- for e := mem.txs.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
- memTx := e.Value.(*mempoolTx)
- txs = append(txs, memTx.tx)
- }
- return txs
- }
- // Tell mempool that these txs were committed.
- // Mempool will discard these txs.
- // NOTE: this should be called *after* block is committed by consensus.
- func (mem *Mempool) Update(height int, txs []types.Tx) {
- mem.proxyMtx.Lock()
- defer mem.proxyMtx.Unlock()
- // First, create a lookup map of txns in new txs.
- txsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
- for _, tx := range txs {
- txsMap[string(tx)] = struct{}{}
- }
- // Set height
- mem.height = height
- // Remove transactions that are already in txs.
- goodTxs := mem.filterTxs(txsMap)
- // Recheck mempool txs
- // TODO: make optional
- mem.recheckTxs(goodTxs)
- // At this point, mem.txs are being rechecked.
- // mem.recheckCursor re-scans mem.txs and possibly removes some txs.
- // Before mem.Reap(), we should wait for mem.recheckCursor to be nil.
- }
- func (mem *Mempool) filterTxs(blockTxsMap map[string]struct{}) []types.Tx {
- goodTxs := make([]types.Tx, 0, mem.txs.Len())
- for e := mem.txs.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
- memTx := e.Value.(*mempoolTx)
- if _, ok := blockTxsMap[string(memTx.tx)]; ok {
- // Remove the tx since already in block.
- mem.txs.Remove(e)
- e.DetachPrev()
- continue
- }
- // Good tx!
- goodTxs = append(goodTxs, memTx.tx)
- }
- return goodTxs
- }
- // NOTE: pass in goodTxs because mem.txs can mutate concurrently.
- func (mem *Mempool) recheckTxs(goodTxs []types.Tx) {
- if len(goodTxs) == 0 {
- return
- }
- atomic.StoreInt32(&mem.rechecking, 1)
- mem.recheckCursor = mem.txs.Front()
- mem.recheckEnd = mem.txs.Back()
- // Push txs to proxyAppConn
- // NOTE: resCb() may be called concurrently.
- for _, tx := range goodTxs {
- mem.proxyAppConn.CheckTxAsync(tx)
- }
- mem.proxyAppConn.FlushAsync()
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // A transaction that successfully ran
- type mempoolTx struct {
- counter int64 // a simple incrementing counter
- height int64 // height that this tx had been validated in
- tx types.Tx //
- }
- func (memTx *mempoolTx) Height() int {
- return int(atomic.LoadInt64(&memTx.height))
- }