- package statesync
- import (
- "bytes"
- "context"
- "crypto/sha256"
- "fmt"
- "math/rand"
- "sort"
- "time"
- tmsync "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/sync"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p"
- )
- // snapshotKey is a snapshot key used for lookups.
- type snapshotKey [sha256.Size]byte
- // snapshot contains data about a snapshot.
- type snapshot struct {
- Height uint64
- Format uint32
- Chunks uint32
- Hash []byte
- Metadata []byte
- trustedAppHash []byte // populated by light client
- }
- // Key generates a snapshot key, used for lookups. It takes into account not only the height and
- // format, but also the chunks, hash, and metadata in case peers have generated snapshots in a
- // non-deterministic manner. All fields must be equal for the snapshot to be considered the same.
- func (s *snapshot) Key() snapshotKey {
- // Hash.Write() never returns an error.
- hasher := sha256.New()
- hasher.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v:%v", s.Height, s.Format, s.Chunks))) //nolint:errcheck // ignore error
- hasher.Write(s.Hash) //nolint:errcheck // ignore error
- hasher.Write(s.Metadata) //nolint:errcheck // ignore error
- var key snapshotKey
- copy(key[:], hasher.Sum(nil))
- return key
- }
- // snapshotPool discovers and aggregates snapshots across peers.
- type snapshotPool struct {
- stateProvider StateProvider
- tmsync.Mutex
- snapshots map[snapshotKey]*snapshot
- snapshotPeers map[snapshotKey]map[string]p2p.PeerID
- // indexes for fast searches
- formatIndex map[uint32]map[snapshotKey]bool
- heightIndex map[uint64]map[snapshotKey]bool
- peerIndex map[string]map[snapshotKey]bool
- // blacklists for rejected items
- formatBlacklist map[uint32]bool
- peerBlacklist map[string]bool
- snapshotBlacklist map[snapshotKey]bool
- }
- // newSnapshotPool creates a new snapshot pool. The state source is used for
- func newSnapshotPool(stateProvider StateProvider) *snapshotPool {
- return &snapshotPool{
- stateProvider: stateProvider,
- snapshots: make(map[snapshotKey]*snapshot),
- snapshotPeers: make(map[snapshotKey]map[string]p2p.PeerID),
- formatIndex: make(map[uint32]map[snapshotKey]bool),
- heightIndex: make(map[uint64]map[snapshotKey]bool),
- peerIndex: make(map[string]map[snapshotKey]bool),
- formatBlacklist: make(map[uint32]bool),
- peerBlacklist: make(map[string]bool),
- snapshotBlacklist: make(map[snapshotKey]bool),
- }
- }
- // Add adds a snapshot to the pool, unless the peer has already sent recentSnapshots
- // snapshots. It returns true if this was a new, non-blacklisted snapshot. The
- // snapshot height is verified using the light client, and the expected app hash
- // is set for the snapshot.
- func (p *snapshotPool) Add(peer p2p.PeerID, snapshot *snapshot) (bool, error) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
- defer cancel()
- appHash, err := p.stateProvider.AppHash(ctx, snapshot.Height)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- snapshot.trustedAppHash = appHash
- key := snapshot.Key()
- p.Lock()
- defer p.Unlock()
- switch {
- case p.formatBlacklist[snapshot.Format]:
- return false, nil
- case p.peerBlacklist[peer.String()]:
- return false, nil
- case p.snapshotBlacklist[key]:
- return false, nil
- case len(p.peerIndex[peer.String()]) >= recentSnapshots:
- return false, nil
- }
- if p.snapshotPeers[key] == nil {
- p.snapshotPeers[key] = make(map[string]p2p.PeerID)
- }
- p.snapshotPeers[key][peer.String()] = peer
- if p.peerIndex[peer.String()] == nil {
- p.peerIndex[peer.String()] = make(map[snapshotKey]bool)
- }
- p.peerIndex[peer.String()][key] = true
- if p.snapshots[key] != nil {
- return false, nil
- }
- p.snapshots[key] = snapshot
- if p.formatIndex[snapshot.Format] == nil {
- p.formatIndex[snapshot.Format] = make(map[snapshotKey]bool)
- }
- p.formatIndex[snapshot.Format][key] = true
- if p.heightIndex[snapshot.Height] == nil {
- p.heightIndex[snapshot.Height] = make(map[snapshotKey]bool)
- }
- p.heightIndex[snapshot.Height][key] = true
- return true, nil
- }
- // Best returns the "best" currently known snapshot, if any.
- func (p *snapshotPool) Best() *snapshot {
- ranked := p.Ranked()
- if len(ranked) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- return ranked[0]
- }
- // GetPeer returns a random peer for a snapshot, if any.
- func (p *snapshotPool) GetPeer(snapshot *snapshot) p2p.PeerID {
- peers := p.GetPeers(snapshot)
- if len(peers) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- return peers[rand.Intn(len(peers))] // nolint:gosec // G404: Use of weak random number generator
- }
- // GetPeers returns the peers for a snapshot.
- func (p *snapshotPool) GetPeers(snapshot *snapshot) []p2p.PeerID {
- key := snapshot.Key()
- p.Lock()
- defer p.Unlock()
- peers := make([]p2p.PeerID, 0, len(p.snapshotPeers[key]))
- for _, peer := range p.snapshotPeers[key] {
- peers = append(peers, peer)
- }
- // sort results, for testability (otherwise order is random, so tests randomly fail)
- sort.Slice(peers, func(a int, b int) bool {
- return bytes.Compare(peers[a], peers[b]) < 0
- })
- return peers
- }
- // Ranked returns a list of snapshots ranked by preference. The current heuristic is very naïve,
- // preferring the snapshot with the greatest height, then greatest format, then greatest number of
- // peers. This can be improved quite a lot.
- func (p *snapshotPool) Ranked() []*snapshot {
- p.Lock()
- defer p.Unlock()
- candidates := make([]*snapshot, 0, len(p.snapshots))
- for _, snapshot := range p.snapshots {
- candidates = append(candidates, snapshot)
- }
- sort.Slice(candidates, func(i, j int) bool {
- a := candidates[i]
- b := candidates[j]
- switch {
- case a.Height > b.Height:
- return true
- case a.Height < b.Height:
- return false
- case a.Format > b.Format:
- return true
- case a.Format < b.Format:
- return false
- case len(p.snapshotPeers[a.Key()]) > len(p.snapshotPeers[b.Key()]):
- return true
- default:
- return false
- }
- })
- return candidates
- }
- // Reject rejects a snapshot. Rejected snapshots will never be used again.
- func (p *snapshotPool) Reject(snapshot *snapshot) {
- key := snapshot.Key()
- p.Lock()
- defer p.Unlock()
- p.snapshotBlacklist[key] = true
- p.removeSnapshot(key)
- }
- // RejectFormat rejects a snapshot format. It will never be used again.
- func (p *snapshotPool) RejectFormat(format uint32) {
- p.Lock()
- defer p.Unlock()
- p.formatBlacklist[format] = true
- for key := range p.formatIndex[format] {
- p.removeSnapshot(key)
- }
- }
- // RejectPeer rejects a peer. It will never be used again.
- func (p *snapshotPool) RejectPeer(peerID p2p.PeerID) {
- if len(peerID) == 0 {
- return
- }
- p.Lock()
- defer p.Unlock()
- p.removePeer(peerID)
- p.peerBlacklist[peerID.String()] = true
- }
- // RemovePeer removes a peer from the pool, and any snapshots that no longer have peers.
- func (p *snapshotPool) RemovePeer(peerID p2p.PeerID) {
- p.Lock()
- defer p.Unlock()
- p.removePeer(peerID)
- }
- // removePeer removes a peer. The caller must hold the mutex lock.
- func (p *snapshotPool) removePeer(peerID p2p.PeerID) {
- for key := range p.peerIndex[peerID.String()] {
- delete(p.snapshotPeers[key], peerID.String())
- if len(p.snapshotPeers[key]) == 0 {
- p.removeSnapshot(key)
- }
- }
- delete(p.peerIndex, peerID.String())
- }
- // removeSnapshot removes a snapshot. The caller must hold the mutex lock.
- func (p *snapshotPool) removeSnapshot(key snapshotKey) {
- snapshot := p.snapshots[key]
- if snapshot == nil {
- return
- }
- delete(p.snapshots, key)
- delete(p.formatIndex[snapshot.Format], key)
- delete(p.heightIndex[snapshot.Height], key)
- for peerID := range p.snapshotPeers[key] {
- delete(p.peerIndex[peerID], key)
- }
- delete(p.snapshotPeers, key)
- }