- package binary
- import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "reflect"
- "testing"
- "time"
- )
- type SimpleStruct struct {
- String string
- Bytes []byte
- Time time.Time
- }
- //-------------------------------------
- type Animal interface{}
- const (
- AnimalTypeCat = byte(0x01)
- AnimalTypeDog = byte(0x02)
- AnimalTypeSnake = byte(0x03)
- AnimalTypeViper = byte(0x04)
- )
- // Implements Animal
- type Cat struct {
- SimpleStruct
- }
- // Implements Animal
- type Dog struct {
- SimpleStruct
- }
- // Implements Animal
- type Snake []byte
- // Implements Animal
- type Viper struct {
- Bytes []byte
- }
- var _ = RegisterInterface(
- struct{ Animal }{},
- ConcreteType{Cat{}, AnimalTypeCat},
- ConcreteType{Dog{}, AnimalTypeDog},
- ConcreteType{Snake{}, AnimalTypeSnake},
- ConcreteType{&Viper{}, AnimalTypeViper},
- )
- func TestAnimalInterface(t *testing.T) {
- var foo Animal
- // Type of pointer to Animal
- rt := reflect.TypeOf(&foo)
- fmt.Printf("rt: %v\n", rt)
- // Type of Animal itself.
- // NOTE: normally this is acquired through other means
- // like introspecting on method signatures, or struct fields.
- rte := rt.Elem()
- fmt.Printf("rte: %v\n", rte)
- // Get a new pointer to the interface
- // NOTE: calling .Interface() is to get the actual value,
- // instead of reflection values.
- ptr := reflect.New(rte).Interface()
- fmt.Printf("ptr: %v", ptr)
- // Make a binary byteslice that represents a snake.
- snakeBytes := BinaryBytes(Snake([]byte("snake")))
- snakeReader := bytes.NewReader(snakeBytes)
- // Now you can read it.
- n, err := new(int64), new(error)
- it := *ReadBinary(ptr, snakeReader, n, err).(*Animal)
- fmt.Println(it, reflect.TypeOf(it))
- }
- //-------------------------------------
- type Constructor func() interface{}
- type Instantiator func() (o interface{}, ptr interface{})
- type Validator func(o interface{}, t *testing.T)
- type TestCase struct {
- Constructor
- Instantiator
- Validator
- }
- //-------------------------------------
- func constructBasic() interface{} {
- cat := Cat{
- SimpleStruct{
- String: "String",
- Bytes: []byte("Bytes"),
- Time: time.Unix(123, 0),
- },
- }
- return cat
- }
- func instantiateBasic() (interface{}, interface{}) {
- return Cat{}, &Cat{}
- }
- func validateBasic(o interface{}, t *testing.T) {
- cat := o.(Cat)
- if cat.String != "String" {
- t.Errorf("Expected cat.String == 'String', got %v", cat.String)
- }
- if string(cat.Bytes) != "Bytes" {
- t.Errorf("Expected cat.Bytes == 'Bytes', got %X", cat.Bytes)
- }
- if cat.Time.Unix() != 123 {
- t.Errorf("Expected cat.Time == 'Unix(123)', got %v", cat.Time)
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------
- type NilTestStruct struct {
- IntPtr *int
- CatPtr *Cat
- Animal Animal
- }
- func constructNilTestStruct() interface{} {
- return NilTestStruct{}
- }
- func instantiateNilTestStruct() (interface{}, interface{}) {
- return NilTestStruct{}, &NilTestStruct{}
- }
- func validateNilTestStruct(o interface{}, t *testing.T) {
- nts := o.(NilTestStruct)
- if nts.IntPtr != nil {
- t.Errorf("Expected nts.IntPtr to be nil, got %v", nts.IntPtr)
- }
- if nts.CatPtr != nil {
- t.Errorf("Expected nts.CatPtr to be nil, got %v", nts.CatPtr)
- }
- if nts.Animal != nil {
- t.Errorf("Expected nts.Animal to be nil, got %v", nts.Animal)
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------
- type ComplexStruct struct {
- Name string
- Animal Animal
- }
- func constructComplex() interface{} {
- c := ComplexStruct{
- Name: "Complex",
- Animal: constructBasic(),
- }
- return c
- }
- func instantiateComplex() (interface{}, interface{}) {
- return ComplexStruct{}, &ComplexStruct{}
- }
- func validateComplex(o interface{}, t *testing.T) {
- c2 := o.(ComplexStruct)
- if cat, ok := c2.Animal.(Cat); ok {
- validateBasic(cat, t)
- } else {
- t.Errorf("Expected c2.Animal to be of type cat, got %v", reflect.ValueOf(c2.Animal).Elem().Type())
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------
- type ComplexStruct2 struct {
- Cat Cat
- Dog *Dog
- Snake Snake
- Snake2 *Snake
- Viper Viper
- Viper2 *Viper
- }
- func constructComplex2() interface{} {
- snake_ := Snake([]byte("hiss"))
- snakePtr_ := &snake_
- c := ComplexStruct2{
- Cat: Cat{
- SimpleStruct{
- String: "String",
- Bytes: []byte("Bytes"),
- },
- },
- Dog: &Dog{
- SimpleStruct{
- String: "Woof",
- Bytes: []byte("Bark"),
- },
- },
- Snake: Snake([]byte("hiss")),
- Snake2: snakePtr_,
- Viper: Viper{Bytes: []byte("hizz")},
- Viper2: &Viper{Bytes: []byte("hizz")},
- }
- return c
- }
- func instantiateComplex2() (interface{}, interface{}) {
- return ComplexStruct2{}, &ComplexStruct2{}
- }
- func validateComplex2(o interface{}, t *testing.T) {
- c2 := o.(ComplexStruct2)
- cat := c2.Cat
- if cat.String != "String" {
- t.Errorf("Expected cat.String == 'String', got %v", cat.String)
- }
- if string(cat.Bytes) != "Bytes" {
- t.Errorf("Expected cat.Bytes == 'Bytes', got %X", cat.Bytes)
- }
- dog := c2.Dog
- if dog.String != "Woof" {
- t.Errorf("Expected dog.String == 'Woof', got %v", dog.String)
- }
- if string(dog.Bytes) != "Bark" {
- t.Errorf("Expected dog.Bytes == 'Bark', got %X", dog.Bytes)
- }
- snake := c2.Snake
- if string(snake) != "hiss" {
- t.Errorf("Expected string(snake) == 'hiss', got %v", string(snake))
- }
- snake2 := c2.Snake2
- if string(*snake2) != "hiss" {
- t.Errorf("Expected string(snake2) == 'hiss', got %v", string(*snake2))
- }
- viper := c2.Viper
- if string(viper.Bytes) != "hizz" {
- t.Errorf("Expected string(viper.Bytes) == 'hizz', got %v", string(viper.Bytes))
- }
- viper2 := c2.Viper2
- if string(viper2.Bytes) != "hizz" {
- t.Errorf("Expected string(viper2.Bytes) == 'hizz', got %v", string(viper2.Bytes))
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------
- type ComplexStructArray struct {
- Animals []Animal
- }
- func constructComplexArray() interface{} {
- c := ComplexStructArray{
- Animals: []Animal{
- Cat{
- SimpleStruct{
- String: "String",
- Bytes: []byte("Bytes"),
- },
- },
- Dog{
- SimpleStruct{
- String: "Woof",
- Bytes: []byte("Bark"),
- },
- },
- Snake([]byte("hiss")),
- &Viper{
- Bytes: []byte("hizz"),
- },
- },
- }
- return c
- }
- func instantiateComplexArray() (interface{}, interface{}) {
- return ComplexStructArray{}, &ComplexStructArray{}
- }
- func validateComplexArray(o interface{}, t *testing.T) {
- c2 := o.(ComplexStructArray)
- if cat, ok := c2.Animals[0].(Cat); ok {
- if cat.String != "String" {
- t.Errorf("Expected cat.String == 'String', got %v", cat.String)
- }
- if string(cat.Bytes) != "Bytes" {
- t.Errorf("Expected cat.Bytes == 'Bytes', got %X", cat.Bytes)
- }
- } else {
- t.Errorf("Expected c2.Animals[0] to be of type cat, got %v", reflect.ValueOf(c2.Animals[0]).Elem().Type())
- }
- if dog, ok := c2.Animals[1].(Dog); ok {
- if dog.String != "Woof" {
- t.Errorf("Expected dog.String == 'Woof', got %v", dog.String)
- }
- if string(dog.Bytes) != "Bark" {
- t.Errorf("Expected dog.Bytes == 'Bark', got %X", dog.Bytes)
- }
- } else {
- t.Errorf("Expected c2.Animals[1] to be of type dog, got %v", reflect.ValueOf(c2.Animals[1]).Elem().Type())
- }
- if snake, ok := c2.Animals[2].(Snake); ok {
- if string(snake) != "hiss" {
- t.Errorf("Expected string(snake) == 'hiss', got %v", string(snake))
- }
- } else {
- t.Errorf("Expected c2.Animals[2] to be of type Snake, got %v", reflect.ValueOf(c2.Animals[2]).Elem().Type())
- }
- if viper, ok := c2.Animals[3].(*Viper); ok {
- if string(viper.Bytes) != "hizz" {
- t.Errorf("Expected string(viper.Bytes) == 'hizz', got %v", string(viper.Bytes))
- }
- } else {
- t.Errorf("Expected c2.Animals[3] to be of type *Viper, got %v", reflect.ValueOf(c2.Animals[3]).Elem().Type())
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var testCases = []TestCase{}
- func init() {
- testCases = append(testCases, TestCase{constructBasic, instantiateBasic, validateBasic})
- testCases = append(testCases, TestCase{constructComplex, instantiateComplex, validateComplex})
- testCases = append(testCases, TestCase{constructComplex2, instantiateComplex2, validateComplex2})
- testCases = append(testCases, TestCase{constructComplexArray, instantiateComplexArray, validateComplexArray})
- testCases = append(testCases, TestCase{constructNilTestStruct, instantiateNilTestStruct, validateNilTestStruct})
- }
- func TestBinary(t *testing.T) {
- for i, testCase := range testCases {
- log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Running test case %v", i))
- // Construct an object
- o := testCase.Constructor()
- // Write the object
- data := BinaryBytes(o)
- t.Logf("Binary: %X", data)
- instance, instancePtr := testCase.Instantiator()
- // Read onto a struct
- n, err := new(int64), new(error)
- res := ReadBinary(instance, bytes.NewReader(data), n, err)
- if *err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Failed to read into instance: %v", *err)
- }
- // Validate object
- testCase.Validator(res, t)
- // Read onto a pointer
- n, err = new(int64), new(error)
- res = ReadBinary(instancePtr, bytes.NewReader(data), n, err)
- if *err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Failed to read into instance: %v", *err)
- }
- if res != instancePtr {
- t.Errorf("Expected pointer to pass through")
- }
- // Validate object
- testCase.Validator(reflect.ValueOf(res).Elem().Interface(), t)
- }
- }
- func TestJSON(t *testing.T) {
- for i, testCase := range testCases {
- log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Running test case %v", i))
- // Construct an object
- o := testCase.Constructor()
- // Write the object
- data := JSONBytes(o)
- t.Logf("JSON: %v", string(data))
- instance, instancePtr := testCase.Instantiator()
- // Read onto a struct
- err := new(error)
- res := ReadJSON(instance, data, err)
- if *err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Failed to read cat: %v", *err)
- }
- // Validate object
- testCase.Validator(res, t)
- // Read onto a pointer
- res = ReadJSON(instancePtr, data, err)
- if *err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Failed to read cat: %v", *err)
- }
- if res != instancePtr {
- t.Errorf("Expected pointer to pass through")
- }
- // Validate object
- testCase.Validator(reflect.ValueOf(res).Elem().Interface(), t)
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type Foo struct {
- FieldA string `json:"fieldA"` // json field name is "fieldA"
- FieldB string // json field name is "FieldB"
- fieldC string // not exported, not serialized.
- }
- func TestJSONFieldNames(t *testing.T) {
- for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { // Try to ensure deterministic success.
- foo := Foo{"a", "b", "c"}
- stringified := string(JSONBytes(foo))
- expected := `{"fieldA":"a","FieldB":"b"}`
- if stringified != expected {
- t.Fatalf("JSONFieldNames error: expected %v, got %v",
- expected, stringified)
- }
- }
- }