- package types
- import (
- "fmt"
- amino "github.com/tendermint/go-amino"
- tmpubsub "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/pubsub"
- tmquery "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/pubsub/query"
- )
- // Reserved event types (alphabetically sorted).
- const (
- EventCompleteProposal = "CompleteProposal"
- EventLock = "Lock"
- EventNewBlock = "NewBlock"
- EventNewBlockHeader = "NewBlockHeader"
- EventNewRound = "NewRound"
- EventNewRoundStep = "NewRoundStep"
- EventPolka = "Polka"
- EventProposalHeartbeat = "ProposalHeartbeat"
- EventRelock = "Relock"
- EventTimeoutPropose = "TimeoutPropose"
- EventTimeoutWait = "TimeoutWait"
- EventTx = "Tx"
- EventUnlock = "Unlock"
- EventValidBlock = "ValidBlock"
- EventValidatorSetUpdates = "ValidatorSetUpdates"
- EventVote = "Vote"
- )
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TMEventData implements events.EventData.
- type TMEventData interface {
- // empty interface
- }
- func RegisterEventDatas(cdc *amino.Codec) {
- cdc.RegisterInterface((*TMEventData)(nil), nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataNewBlock{}, "tendermint/event/NewBlock", nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataNewBlockHeader{}, "tendermint/event/NewBlockHeader", nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataTx{}, "tendermint/event/Tx", nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataRoundState{}, "tendermint/event/RoundState", nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataNewRound{}, "tendermint/event/NewRound", nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataCompleteProposal{}, "tendermint/event/CompleteProposal", nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataVote{}, "tendermint/event/Vote", nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataProposalHeartbeat{}, "tendermint/event/ProposalHeartbeat", nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataValidatorSetUpdates{}, "tendermint/event/ValidatorSetUpdates", nil)
- cdc.RegisterConcrete(EventDataString(""), "tendermint/event/ProposalString", nil)
- }
- // Most event messages are basic types (a block, a transaction)
- // but some (an input to a call tx or a receive) are more exotic
- type EventDataNewBlock struct {
- Block *Block `json:"block"`
- }
- // light weight event for benchmarking
- type EventDataNewBlockHeader struct {
- Header Header `json:"header"`
- }
- // All txs fire EventDataTx
- type EventDataTx struct {
- TxResult
- }
- type EventDataProposalHeartbeat struct {
- Heartbeat *Heartbeat
- }
- // NOTE: This goes into the replay WAL
- type EventDataRoundState struct {
- Height int64 `json:"height"`
- Round int `json:"round"`
- Step string `json:"step"`
- // private, not exposed to websockets
- RoundState interface{} `json:"-"`
- }
- type ValidatorInfo struct {
- Address Address `json:"address"`
- Index int `json:"index"`
- }
- type EventDataNewRound struct {
- Height int64 `json:"height"`
- Round int `json:"round"`
- Step string `json:"step"`
- Proposer ValidatorInfo `json:"proposer"`
- }
- type EventDataCompleteProposal struct {
- Height int64 `json:"height"`
- Round int `json:"round"`
- Step string `json:"step"`
- BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"`
- }
- type EventDataVote struct {
- Vote *Vote
- }
- type EventDataString string
- type EventDataValidatorSetUpdates struct {
- ValidatorUpdates []*Validator `json:"validator_updates"`
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- const (
- // EventTypeKey is a reserved key, used to specify event type in tags.
- EventTypeKey = "tm.event"
- // TxHashKey is a reserved key, used to specify transaction's hash.
- // see EventBus#PublishEventTx
- TxHashKey = "tx.hash"
- // TxHeightKey is a reserved key, used to specify transaction block's height.
- // see EventBus#PublishEventTx
- TxHeightKey = "tx.height"
- )
- var (
- EventQueryCompleteProposal = QueryForEvent(EventCompleteProposal)
- EventQueryLock = QueryForEvent(EventLock)
- EventQueryNewBlock = QueryForEvent(EventNewBlock)
- EventQueryNewBlockHeader = QueryForEvent(EventNewBlockHeader)
- EventQueryNewRound = QueryForEvent(EventNewRound)
- EventQueryNewRoundStep = QueryForEvent(EventNewRoundStep)
- EventQueryPolka = QueryForEvent(EventPolka)
- EventQueryProposalHeartbeat = QueryForEvent(EventProposalHeartbeat)
- EventQueryRelock = QueryForEvent(EventRelock)
- EventQueryTimeoutPropose = QueryForEvent(EventTimeoutPropose)
- EventQueryTimeoutWait = QueryForEvent(EventTimeoutWait)
- EventQueryTx = QueryForEvent(EventTx)
- EventQueryUnlock = QueryForEvent(EventUnlock)
- EventQueryValidatorSetUpdates = QueryForEvent(EventValidatorSetUpdates)
- EventQueryValidBlock = QueryForEvent(EventValidBlock)
- EventQueryVote = QueryForEvent(EventVote)
- )
- func EventQueryTxFor(tx Tx) tmpubsub.Query {
- return tmquery.MustParse(fmt.Sprintf("%s='%s' AND %s='%X'", EventTypeKey, EventTx, TxHashKey, tx.Hash()))
- }
- func QueryForEvent(eventType string) tmpubsub.Query {
- return tmquery.MustParse(fmt.Sprintf("%s='%s'", EventTypeKey, eventType))
- }
- // BlockEventPublisher publishes all block related events
- type BlockEventPublisher interface {
- PublishEventNewBlock(block EventDataNewBlock) error
- PublishEventNewBlockHeader(header EventDataNewBlockHeader) error
- PublishEventTx(EventDataTx) error
- PublishEventValidatorSetUpdates(EventDataValidatorSetUpdates) error
- }
- type TxEventPublisher interface {
- PublishEventTx(EventDataTx) error
- }