- # Release management scripts
- ## Overview
- The scripts in this folder are used for release management in CircleCI. Although the scripts are fully configurable using input parameters,
- the default settings were modified to accommodate CircleCI execution.
- # Build scripts
- These scripts help during the build process. They prepare the release files.
- ## bump-semver.py
- Bumps the semantic version of the input `--version`. Versions are expected in vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format or vMAJOR.MINOR format.
- In vMAJOR.MINOR format, the result will be patch version 0 of that version, for example `v1.2 -> v1.2.0`.
- In vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format, the result will be a bumped PATCH version, for example `v1.2.3 -> v1.2.4`.
- If the PATCH number contains letters, it is considered a development version, in which case, the result is the non-development version of that number.
- The patch number will not be bumped, only the "-dev" or similar additional text will be removed. For example: `v1.2.6-rc1 -> v1.2.6`.
- ## zip-file.py
- Specialized ZIP command for release management. Special features:
- 1. Uses Python ZIP libaries, so the `zip` command does not need to be installed.
- 1. Can only zip one file.
- 1. Optionally gets file version, Go OS and architecture.
- 1. By default all inputs and output is formatted exactly how CircleCI needs it.
- By default, the command will try to ZIP the file at `build/tendermint_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}`.
- This can be changed with the `--file` input parameter.
- By default, the command will output the ZIP file to `build/tendermint_${CIRCLE_TAG}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.zip`.
- This can be changed with the `--destination` (folder), `--version`, `--goos` and `--goarch` input parameters respectively.
- ## sha-files.py
- Specialized `shasum` command for release management. Special features:
- 1. Reads all ZIP files in the given folder.
- 1. By default all inputs and output is formatted exactly how CircleCI needs it.
- By default, the command will look up all ZIP files in the `build/` folder.
- By default, the command will output results into the `build/SHA256SUMS` file.
- # GitHub management
- Uploading build results to GitHub requires at least these steps:
- 1. Create a new release on GitHub with content
- 2. Upload all binaries to the release
- 3. Publish the release
- The below scripts help with these steps.
- ## github-draft.py
- Creates a GitHub release and fills the content with the CHANGELOG.md link. The version number can be changed by the `--version` parameter.
- By default, the command will use the tendermint/tendermint organization/repo, which can be changed using the `--org` and `--repo` parameters.
- By default, the command will get the version number from the `${CIRCLE_TAG}` variable.
- Returns the GitHub release ID.
- ## github-upload.py
- Upload a file to a GitHub release. The release is defined by the mandatory `--id` (release ID) input parameter.
- By default, the command will upload the file `/tmp/workspace/tendermint_${CIRCLE_TAG}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.zip`. This can be changed by the `--file` input parameter.
- ## github-publish.py
- Publish a GitHub release. The release is defined by the mandatory `--id` (release ID) input parameter.