- // Modified for Tendermint
- // Originally Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.
- // https://github.com/conformal/btcd/blob/master/LICENSE
- package p2p
- import (
- crand "crypto/rand" // for seeding
- "encoding/binary"
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math"
- "math/rand"
- "net"
- "os"
- "sync"
- "sync/atomic"
- "time"
- . "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/binary"
- )
- /* AddrBook - concurrency safe peer address manager */
- type AddrBook struct {
- filePath string
- mtx sync.Mutex
- rand *rand.Rand
- key [32]byte
- addrIndex map[string]*knownAddress // new & old
- addrNew [newBucketCount]map[string]*knownAddress
- addrOld [oldBucketCount][]*knownAddress
- started int32
- shutdown int32
- wg sync.WaitGroup
- quit chan struct{}
- nOld int
- nNew int
- }
- const (
- // addresses under which the address manager will claim to need more addresses.
- needAddressThreshold = 1000
- // interval used to dump the address cache to disk for future use.
- dumpAddressInterval = time.Minute * 2
- // max addresses in each old address bucket.
- oldBucketSize = 64
- // buckets we split old addresses over.
- oldBucketCount = 64
- // max addresses in each new address bucket.
- newBucketSize = 64
- // buckets that we spread new addresses over.
- newBucketCount = 256
- // old buckets over which an address group will be spread.
- oldBucketsPerGroup = 4
- // new buckets over which an source address group will be spread.
- newBucketsPerGroup = 32
- // buckets a frequently seen new address may end up in.
- newBucketsPerAddress = 4
- // days before which we assume an address has vanished
- // if we have not seen it announced in that long.
- numMissingDays = 30
- // tries without a single success before we assume an address is bad.
- numRetries = 3
- // max failures we will accept without a success before considering an address bad.
- maxFailures = 10
- // days since the last success before we will consider evicting an address.
- minBadDays = 7
- // max addresses that we will send in response to a GetSelection
- getSelectionMax = 2500
- // % of total addresses known that we will share with a call to GetSelection
- getSelectionPercent = 23
- // current version of the on-disk format.
- serializationVersion = 1
- )
- // Use Start to begin processing asynchronous address updates.
- func NewAddrBook(filePath string) *AddrBook {
- am := AddrBook{
- rand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
- quit: make(chan struct{}),
- filePath: filePath,
- }
- am.init()
- return &am
- }
- // When modifying this, don't forget to update loadFromFile()
- func (a *AddrBook) init() {
- a.addrIndex = make(map[string]*knownAddress)
- io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, a.key[:])
- for i := range a.addrNew {
- a.addrNew[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)
- }
- for i := range a.addrOld {
- a.addrOld[i] = make([]*knownAddress, 0, oldBucketSize)
- }
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) Start() {
- if atomic.AddInt32(&a.started, 1) != 1 {
- return
- }
- log.Trace("Starting address manager")
- a.loadFromFile(a.filePath)
- a.wg.Add(1)
- go a.addressHandler()
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) Stop() {
- if atomic.AddInt32(&a.shutdown, 1) != 1 {
- return
- }
- log.Infof("Address manager shutting down")
- close(a.quit)
- a.wg.Wait()
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) AddAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) {
- a.mtx.Lock()
- defer a.mtx.Unlock()
- a.addAddress(addr, src)
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) NeedMoreAddresses() bool {
- return a.Size() < needAddressThreshold
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) Size() int {
- a.mtx.Lock()
- defer a.mtx.Unlock()
- return a.size()
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) size() int {
- return a.nNew + a.nOld
- }
- // Pick an address to connect to with new/old bias.
- func (a *AddrBook) PickAddress(newBias int) *knownAddress {
- a.mtx.Lock()
- defer a.mtx.Unlock()
- if a.nOld == 0 && a.nNew == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- if newBias > 100 {
- newBias = 100
- }
- if newBias < 0 {
- newBias = 0
- }
- // Bias between new and old addresses.
- oldCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nOld)) * (100.0 - float64(newBias))
- newCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nNew)) * float64(newBias)
- if (newCorrelation+oldCorrelation)*a.rand.Float64() < oldCorrelation {
- // pick random Old bucket.
- var bucket []*knownAddress = nil
- for len(bucket) == 0 {
- bucket = a.addrOld[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrOld))]
- }
- // pick a random ka from bucket.
- return bucket[a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))]
- } else {
- // pick random New bucket.
- var bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil
- for len(bucket) == 0 {
- bucket = a.addrNew[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrNew))]
- }
- // pick a random ka from bucket.
- randIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))
- for _, ka := range bucket {
- randIndex--
- if randIndex == 0 {
- return ka
- }
- }
- panic("Should not happen")
- }
- return nil
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) MarkGood(addr *NetAddress) {
- a.mtx.Lock()
- defer a.mtx.Unlock()
- ka := a.addrIndex[addr.String()]
- if ka == nil {
- return
- }
- ka.MarkGood()
- if ka.OldBucket == -1 {
- a.moveToOld(ka)
- }
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) MarkAttempt(addr *NetAddress) {
- a.mtx.Lock()
- defer a.mtx.Unlock()
- ka := a.addrIndex[addr.String()]
- if ka == nil {
- return
- }
- ka.MarkAttempt()
- }
- /* Peer exchange */
- // GetSelection randomly selects some addresses (old & new). Suitable for peer-exchange protocols.
- func (a *AddrBook) GetSelection() []*NetAddress {
- a.mtx.Lock()
- defer a.mtx.Unlock()
- if a.size() == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- allAddr := make([]*NetAddress, a.size())
- i := 0
- for _, v := range a.addrIndex {
- allAddr[i] = v.Addr
- i++
- }
- numAddresses := len(allAddr) * getSelectionPercent / 100
- if numAddresses > getSelectionMax {
- numAddresses = getSelectionMax
- }
- // Fisher-Yates shuffle the array. We only need to do the first
- // `numAddresses' since we are throwing the rest.
- for i := 0; i < numAddresses; i++ {
- // pick a number between current index and the end
- j := rand.Intn(len(allAddr)-i) + i
- allAddr[i], allAddr[j] = allAddr[j], allAddr[i]
- }
- // slice off the limit we are willing to share.
- return allAddr[:numAddresses]
- }
- /* Loading & Saving */
- type addrBookJSON struct {
- Key [32]byte
- AddrNew [newBucketCount][]*knownAddress
- AddrOld [oldBucketCount][]*knownAddress
- NumOld int
- NumNew int
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {
- // turn a.addrNew into an array like a.addrOld
- __addrNew := [newBucketCount][]*knownAddress{}
- for i, newBucket := range a.addrNew {
- var array []*knownAddress = make([]*knownAddress, 0)
- for _, ka := range newBucket {
- array = append(array, ka)
- }
- __addrNew[i] = array
- }
- aJSON := &addrBookJSON{
- Key: a.key,
- AddrNew: __addrNew,
- AddrOld: a.addrOld,
- NumOld: a.nOld,
- NumNew: a.nNew,
- }
- w, err := os.Create(filePath)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error("Error opening file: ", filePath, err)
- return
- }
- enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
- defer w.Close()
- err = enc.Encode(&aJSON)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) {
- // If doesn't exist, do nothing.
- _, err := os.Stat(filePath)
- if os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return
- }
- // Load addrBookJSON{}
- r, err := os.Open(filePath)
- if err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Errorf("%s error opening file: %v", filePath, err))
- }
- defer r.Close()
- aJSON := &addrBookJSON{}
- dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
- err = dec.Decode(aJSON)
- if err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Errorf("error reading %s: %v", filePath, err))
- }
- // Now we need to restore the fields
- // Restore the key
- copy(a.key[:], aJSON.Key[:])
- // Restore .addrNew
- for i, newBucket := range aJSON.AddrNew {
- for _, ka := range newBucket {
- a.addrNew[i][ka.Addr.String()] = ka
- a.addrIndex[ka.Addr.String()] = ka
- }
- }
- // Restore .addrOld
- for i, oldBucket := range aJSON.AddrOld {
- copy(a.addrOld[i], oldBucket)
- for _, ka := range oldBucket {
- a.addrIndex[ka.Addr.String()] = ka
- }
- }
- // Restore simple fields
- a.nNew = aJSON.NumNew
- a.nOld = aJSON.NumOld
- }
- /* Private methods */
- func (a *AddrBook) addressHandler() {
- dumpAddressTicker := time.NewTicker(dumpAddressInterval)
- out:
- for {
- select {
- case <-dumpAddressTicker.C:
- a.saveToFile(a.filePath)
- case <-a.quit:
- break out
- }
- }
- dumpAddressTicker.Stop()
- a.saveToFile(a.filePath)
- a.wg.Done()
- log.Trace("Address handler done")
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) addAddress(addr, src *NetAddress) {
- if !addr.Routable() {
- return
- }
- key := addr.String()
- ka := a.addrIndex[key]
- if ka != nil {
- // Already added
- if ka.OldBucket != -1 {
- return
- }
- if ka.NewRefs == newBucketsPerAddress {
- return
- }
- // The more entries we have, the less likely we are to add more.
- factor := int32(2 * ka.NewRefs)
- if a.rand.Int31n(factor) != 0 {
- return
- }
- } else {
- ka = NewknownAddress(addr, src)
- a.addrIndex[key] = ka
- a.nNew++
- }
- bucket := a.getNewBucket(addr, src)
- // Already exists?
- if _, ok := a.addrNew[bucket][key]; ok {
- return
- }
- // Enforce max addresses.
- if len(a.addrNew[bucket]) > newBucketSize {
- log.Tracef("new bucket is full, expiring old ")
- a.expireNew(bucket)
- }
- // Add to new bucket.
- ka.NewRefs++
- a.addrNew[bucket][key] = ka
- log.Tracef("Added new address %s for a total of %d addresses", addr, a.nOld+a.nNew)
- }
- // Make space in the new buckets by expiring the really bad entries.
- // If no bad entries are available we look at a few and remove the oldest.
- func (a *AddrBook) expireNew(bucket int) {
- var oldest *knownAddress
- for k, v := range a.addrNew[bucket] {
- // If an entry is bad, throw it away
- if v.IsBad() {
- log.Tracef("expiring bad address %v", k)
- delete(a.addrNew[bucket], k)
- v.NewRefs--
- if v.NewRefs == 0 {
- a.nNew--
- delete(a.addrIndex, k)
- }
- return
- }
- // or, keep track of the oldest entry
- if oldest == nil {
- oldest = v
- } else if v.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt.Time) {
- oldest = v
- }
- }
- // If we haven't thrown out a bad entry, throw out the oldest entry
- if oldest != nil {
- key := oldest.Addr.String()
- log.Tracef("expiring oldest address %v", key)
- delete(a.addrNew[bucket], key)
- oldest.NewRefs--
- if oldest.NewRefs == 0 {
- a.nNew--
- delete(a.addrIndex, key)
- }
- }
- }
- func (a *AddrBook) moveToOld(ka *knownAddress) {
- // Remove from all new buckets.
- // Remember one of those new buckets.
- addrKey := ka.Addr.String()
- freedBucket := -1
- for i := range a.addrNew {
- // we check for existance so we can record the first one
- if _, ok := a.addrNew[i][addrKey]; ok {
- delete(a.addrNew[i], addrKey)
- ka.NewRefs--
- if freedBucket == -1 {
- freedBucket = i
- }
- }
- }
- a.nNew--
- if freedBucket == -1 {
- panic("Expected to find addr in at least one new bucket")
- }
- oldBucket := a.getOldBucket(ka.Addr)
- // If room in oldBucket, put it in.
- if len(a.addrOld[oldBucket]) < oldBucketSize {
- ka.OldBucket = Int16(oldBucket)
- a.addrOld[oldBucket] = append(a.addrOld[oldBucket], ka)
- a.nOld++
- return
- }
- // No room, we have to evict something else.
- rmkaIndex := a.pickOld(oldBucket)
- rmka := a.addrOld[oldBucket][rmkaIndex]
- // Find a new bucket to put rmka in.
- newBucket := a.getNewBucket(rmka.Addr, rmka.Src)
- if len(a.addrNew[newBucket]) >= newBucketSize {
- newBucket = freedBucket
- }
- // Replace with ka in list.
- ka.OldBucket = Int16(oldBucket)
- a.addrOld[oldBucket][rmkaIndex] = ka
- rmka.OldBucket = -1
- // Put rmka into new bucket
- rmkey := rmka.Addr.String()
- log.Tracef("Replacing %s with %s in old", rmkey, addrKey)
- a.addrNew[newBucket][rmkey] = rmka
- rmka.NewRefs++
- a.nNew++
- }
- // Returns the index in old bucket of oldest entry.
- func (a *AddrBook) pickOld(bucket int) int {
- var oldest *knownAddress
- var oldestIndex int
- for i, ka := range a.addrOld[bucket] {
- if oldest == nil || ka.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt.Time) {
- oldest = ka
- oldestIndex = i
- }
- }
- return oldestIndex
- }
- // doublesha256(key + sourcegroup +
- // int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_source_group) % num_new_buckes
- func (a *AddrBook) getNewBucket(addr, src *NetAddress) int {
- data1 := []byte{}
- data1 = append(data1, a.key[:]...)
- data1 = append(data1, []byte(GroupKey(addr))...)
- data1 = append(data1, []byte(GroupKey(src))...)
- hash1 := DoubleSha256(data1)
- hash64 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash1)
- hash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup
- var hashbuf [8]byte
- binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)
- data2 := []byte{}
- data2 = append(data2, a.key[:]...)
- data2 = append(data2, GroupKey(src)...)
- data2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)
- hash2 := DoubleSha256(data2)
- return int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)
- }
- // doublesha256(key + group + truncate_to_64bits(doublesha256(key + addr))%buckets_per_group) % num_buckets
- func (a *AddrBook) getOldBucket(addr *NetAddress) int {
- data1 := []byte{}
- data1 = append(data1, a.key[:]...)
- data1 = append(data1, []byte(addr.String())...)
- hash1 := DoubleSha256(data1)
- hash64 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash1)
- hash64 %= oldBucketsPerGroup
- var hashbuf [8]byte
- binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)
- data2 := []byte{}
- data2 = append(data2, a.key[:]...)
- data2 = append(data2, GroupKey(addr)...)
- data2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)
- hash2 := DoubleSha256(data2)
- return int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(hash2) % oldBucketCount)
- }
- // Return a string representing the network group of this address.
- // This is the /16 for IPv6, the /32 (/36 for he.net) for IPv6, the string
- // "local" for a local address and the string "unroutable for an unroutable
- // address.
- func GroupKey(na *NetAddress) string {
- if na.Local() {
- return "local"
- }
- if !na.Routable() {
- return "unroutable"
- }
- if ipv4 := na.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil {
- return (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()
- }
- if na.RFC6145() || na.RFC6052() {
- // last four bytes are the ip address
- ip := net.IP(na.IP[12:16])
- return (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()
- }
- if na.RFC3964() {
- ip := net.IP(na.IP[2:7])
- return (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()
- }
- if na.RFC4380() {
- // teredo tunnels have the last 4 bytes as the v4 address XOR
- // 0xff.
- ip := net.IP(make([]byte, 4))
- for i, byte := range na.IP[12:16] {
- ip[i] = byte ^ 0xff
- }
- return (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()
- }
- // OK, so now we know ourselves to be a IPv6 address.
- // bitcoind uses /32 for everything, except for Hurricane Electric's
- // (he.net) IP range, which it uses /36 for.
- bits := 32
- heNet := &net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP("2001:470::"),
- Mask: net.CIDRMask(32, 128)}
- if heNet.Contains(na.IP) {
- bits = 36
- }
- return (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(bits, 128)}).String()
- }
- /*
- knownAddress
- tracks information about a known network address that is used
- to determine how viable an address is.
- */
- type knownAddress struct {
- Addr *NetAddress
- Src *NetAddress
- Attempts UInt32
- LastAttempt Time
- LastSuccess Time
- NewRefs UInt16
- OldBucket Int16
- }
- func NewknownAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) *knownAddress {
- return &knownAddress{
- Addr: addr,
- Src: src,
- OldBucket: -1,
- LastAttempt: Time{time.Now()},
- Attempts: 0,
- }
- }
- func ReadknownAddress(r io.Reader) *knownAddress {
- return &knownAddress{
- Addr: ReadNetAddress(r),
- Src: ReadNetAddress(r),
- Attempts: ReadUInt32(r),
- LastAttempt: ReadTime(r),
- LastSuccess: ReadTime(r),
- NewRefs: ReadUInt16(r),
- OldBucket: ReadInt16(r),
- }
- }
- func (ka *knownAddress) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
- n, err = WriteOnto(ka.Addr, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteOnto(ka.Src, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteOnto(ka.Attempts, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteOnto(ka.LastAttempt, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteOnto(ka.LastSuccess, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteOnto(ka.NewRefs, w, n, err)
- n, err = WriteOnto(ka.OldBucket, w, n, err)
- return
- }
- func (ka *knownAddress) MarkAttempt() {
- now := Time{time.Now()}
- ka.LastAttempt = now
- ka.Attempts += 1
- }
- func (ka *knownAddress) MarkGood() {
- now := Time{time.Now()}
- ka.LastAttempt = now
- ka.Attempts = 0
- ka.LastSuccess = now
- }
- /*
- An address is bad if the address in question has not been tried in the last
- minute and meets one of the following criteria:
- 1) It claims to be from the future
- 2) It hasn't been seen in over a month
- 3) It has failed at least three times and never succeeded
- 4) It has failed ten times in the last week
- All addresses that meet these criteria are assumed to be worthless and not
- worth keeping hold of.
- */
- func (ka *knownAddress) IsBad() bool {
- // Has been attempted in the last minute --> good
- if ka.LastAttempt.Before(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)) {
- return false
- }
- // Over a month old?
- if ka.LastAttempt.After(time.Now().Add(-1 * numMissingDays * time.Hour * 24)) {
- return true
- }
- // Never succeeded?
- if ka.LastSuccess.IsZero() && ka.Attempts >= numRetries {
- return true
- }
- // Hasn't succeeded in too long?
- if ka.LastSuccess.Before(time.Now().Add(-1*minBadDays*time.Hour*24)) &&
- ka.Attempts >= maxFailures {
- return true
- }
- return false
- }