- ---
- order: 1
- parent:
- title: State Sync
- order: 4
- ---
- State sync allows new nodes to rapidly bootstrap and join the network by discovering, fetching,
- and restoring state machine snapshots. For more information, see the [state sync ABCI section](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/spec/abci/abci.html#state-sync)).
- The state sync reactor has two main responsibilities:
- * Serving state machine snapshots taken by the local ABCI application to new nodes joining the
- network.
- * Discovering existing snapshots and fetching snapshot chunks for an empty local application
- being bootstrapped.
- The state sync process for bootstrapping a new node is described in detail in the section linked
- above. While technically part of the reactor (see `statesync/syncer.go` and related components),
- this document will only cover the P2P reactor component.
- For details on the ABCI methods and data types, see the [ABCI documentation](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/spec/abci/).
- Information on how to configure state sync is located in the [nodes section](../../nodes/state-sync.md)
- ## State Sync P2P Protocol
- When a new node begin state syncing, it will ask all peers it encounters if it has any
- available snapshots:
- ```go
- type snapshotsRequestMessage struct{}
- ```
- The receiver will query the local ABCI application via `ListSnapshots`, and send a message
- containing snapshot metadata (limited to 4 MB) for each of the 10 most recent snapshots:
- ```go
- type snapshotsResponseMessage struct {
- Height uint64
- Format uint32
- Chunks uint32
- Hash []byte
- Metadata []byte
- }
- ```
- The node running state sync will offer these snapshots to the local ABCI application via
- `OfferSnapshot` ABCI calls, and keep track of which peers contain which snapshots. Once a snapshot
- is accepted, the state syncer will request snapshot chunks from appropriate peers:
- ```go
- type chunkRequestMessage struct {
- Height uint64
- Format uint32
- Index uint32
- }
- ```
- The receiver will load the requested chunk from its local application via `LoadSnapshotChunk`,
- and respond with it (limited to 16 MB):
- ```go
- type chunkResponseMessage struct {
- Height uint64
- Format uint32
- Index uint32
- Chunk []byte
- Missing bool
- }
- ```
- Here, `Missing` is used to signify that the chunk was not found on the peer, since an empty
- chunk is a valid (although unlikely) response.
- The returned chunk is given to the ABCI application via `ApplySnapshotChunk` until the snapshot
- is restored. If a chunk response is not returned within some time, it will be re-requested,
- possibly from a different peer.
- The ABCI application is able to request peer bans and chunk refetching as part of the ABCI protocol.
- If no state sync is in progress (i.e. during normal operation), any unsolicited response messages
- are discarded.