- ---
- order: 2
- ---
- # Using ABCI-CLI
- To facilitate testing and debugging of ABCI servers and simple apps, we
- built a CLI, the `abci-cli`, for sending ABCI messages from the command
- line.
- ## Install
- Make sure you [have Go installed](https://golang.org/doc/install).
- Next, install the `abci-cli` tool and example applications:
- ```sh
- git clone https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint.git
- cd tendermint
- make install_abci
- ```
- Now run `abci-cli` to see the list of commands:
- ```sh
- Usage:
- abci-cli [command]
- Available Commands:
- batch Run a batch of abci commands against an application
- check_tx Validate a tx
- commit Commit the application state and return the Merkle root hash
- console Start an interactive abci console for multiple commands
- finalize_block Send a set of transactions to the application
- kvstore ABCI demo example
- echo Have the application echo a message
- help Help about any command
- info Get some info about the application
- query Query the application state
- set_option Set an options on the application
- Flags:
- --abci string socket or grpc (default "socket")
- --address string address of application socket (default "tcp://")
- -h, --help help for abci-cli
- -v, --verbose print the command and results as if it were a console session
- Use "abci-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- ```
- ## KVStore - First Example
- The `abci-cli` tool lets us send ABCI messages to our application, to
- help build and debug them.
- The most important messages are `finalize_block`, `check_tx`, and `commit`,
- but there are others for convenience, configuration, and information
- purposes.
- We'll start a kvstore application, which was installed at the same time
- as `abci-cli` above. The kvstore just stores transactions in a merkle
- tree.
- Its code can be found
- [here](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/abci/cmd/abci-cli/abci-cli.go)
- and looks like:
- ```go
- func cmdKVStore(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
- logger := log.NewTMLogger(log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stdout))
- // Create the application - in memory or persisted to disk
- var app types.Application
- if flagPersist == "" {
- app = kvstore.NewKVStoreApplication()
- } else {
- app = kvstore.NewPersistentKVStoreApplication(flagPersist)
- app.(*kvstore.PersistentKVStoreApplication).SetLogger(logger.With("module", "kvstore"))
- }
- // Start the listener
- srv, err := server.NewServer(flagAddrD, flagAbci, app)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Stop upon receiving SIGTERM or CTRL-C.
- ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
- defer cancel()
- srv.SetLogger(logger.With("module", "abci-server"))
- if err := srv.Start(ctx); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Run until shutdown.
- <-ctx.Done()
- srv.Wait()
- }
- ```
- Start by running:
- ```sh
- abci-cli kvstore
- ```
- And in another terminal, run
- ```sh
- abci-cli echo hello
- abci-cli info
- ```
- You'll see something like:
- ```sh
- -> data: hello
- -> data.hex: 68656C6C6F
- ```
- and:
- ```sh
- -> data: {"size":0}
- -> data.hex: 7B2273697A65223A307D
- ```
- An ABCI application must provide two things:
- - a socket server
- - a handler for ABCI messages
- When we run the `abci-cli` tool we open a new connection to the
- application's socket server, send the given ABCI message, and wait for a
- response.
- The server may be generic for a particular language, and we provide a
- [reference implementation in
- Golang](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/tree/master/abci/server). See the
- [list of other ABCI implementations](https://github.com/tendermint/awesome#ecosystem) for servers in
- other languages.
- The handler is specific to the application, and may be arbitrary, so
- long as it is deterministic and conforms to the ABCI interface
- specification.
- So when we run `abci-cli info`, we open a new connection to the ABCI
- server, which calls the `Info()` method on the application, which tells
- us the number of transactions in our Merkle tree.
- Now, since every command opens a new connection, we provide the
- `abci-cli console` and `abci-cli batch` commands, to allow multiple ABCI
- messages to be sent over a single connection.
- Running `abci-cli console` should drop you in an interactive console for
- speaking ABCI messages to your application.
- Try running these commands:
- ```sh
- > echo hello
- -> code: OK
- -> data: hello
- -> data.hex: 0x68656C6C6F
- > info
- -> code: OK
- -> data: {"size":0}
- -> data.hex: 0x7B2273697A65223A307D
- > commit
- -> code: OK
- -> data.hex: 0x0000000000000000
- > finalize_block "abc"
- -> code: OK
- > info
- -> code: OK
- -> data: {"size":1}
- -> data.hex: 0x7B2273697A65223A317D
- > commit
- -> code: OK
- -> data.hex: 0x0200000000000000
- > query "abc"
- -> code: OK
- -> log: exists
- -> height: 2
- -> value: abc
- -> value.hex: 616263
- > finalize_block "def=xyz"
- -> code: OK
- > commit
- -> code: OK
- -> data.hex: 0x0400000000000000
- > query "def"
- -> code: OK
- -> log: exists
- -> height: 3
- -> value: xyz
- -> value.hex: 78797A
- ```
- Note that if we do `finalize_block "abc"` it will store `(abc, abc)`, but if
- we do `finalize_block "abc=efg"` it will store `(abc, efg)`.
- Similarly, you could put the commands in a file and run
- `abci-cli --verbose batch < myfile`.
- ## Bounties
- Want to write an app in your favorite language?! We'd be happy
- to add you to our [ecosystem](https://github.com/tendermint/awesome#ecosystem)!
- See [funding](https://github.com/interchainio/funding) opportunities from the
- [Interchain Foundation](https://interchain.io/) for implementations in new languages and more.
- The `abci-cli` is designed strictly for testing and debugging. In a real
- deployment, the role of sending messages is taken by Tendermint, which
- connects to the app using three separate connections, each with its own
- pattern of messages.
- For examples of running an ABCI app with
- Tendermint, see the [getting started guide](./getting-started.md).
- Next is the ABCI specification.