- package addrbook
- import (
- "encoding/json"
- "os"
- cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
- )
- /* Loading & Saving */
- type addrBookJSON struct {
- Key string
- Addrs []*knownAddress
- }
- func (a *addrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {
- a.Logger.Info("Saving AddrBook to file", "size", a.Size())
- a.mtx.Lock()
- defer a.mtx.Unlock()
- // Compile Addrs
- addrs := []*knownAddress{}
- for _, ka := range a.addrLookup {
- addrs = append(addrs, ka)
- }
- aJSON := &addrBookJSON{
- Key: a.key,
- Addrs: addrs,
- }
- jsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(aJSON, "", "\t")
- if err != nil {
- a.Logger.Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file", "err", err)
- return
- }
- err = cmn.WriteFileAtomic(filePath, jsonBytes, 0644)
- if err != nil {
- a.Logger.Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file", "file", filePath, "err", err)
- }
- }
- // Returns false if file does not exist.
- // cmn.Panics if file is corrupt.
- func (a *addrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) bool {
- // If doesn't exist, do nothing.
- _, err := os.Stat(filePath)
- if os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return false
- }
- // Load addrBookJSON{}
- r, err := os.Open(filePath)
- if err != nil {
- cmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error opening file %s: %v", filePath, err))
- }
- defer r.Close() // nolint: errcheck
- aJSON := &addrBookJSON{}
- dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
- err = dec.Decode(aJSON)
- if err != nil {
- cmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error reading file %s: %v", filePath, err))
- }
- // Restore all the fields...
- // Restore the key
- a.key = aJSON.Key
- // Restore .bucketsNew & .bucketsOld
- for _, ka := range aJSON.Addrs {
- for _, bucketIndex := range ka.Buckets {
- bucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIndex)
- bucket[ka.Addr.String()] = ka
- }
- a.addrLookup[ka.ID()] = ka
- if ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {
- a.nNew++
- } else {
- a.nOld++
- }
- }
- return true
- }