- -------------------------- MODULE Lightclient_003_draft ----------------------------
- (**
- * A state-machine specification of the lite client, following the English spec:
- *
- * https://github.com/informalsystems/tendermint-rs/blob/master/docs/spec/lightclient/verification.md
- *)
- EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets
- \* the parameters of Light Client
- (* an index of the block header that the light client trusts by social consensus *)
- (* an index of the block header that the light client tries to verify *)
- (* the period within which the validators are trusted *)
- (* is primary correct? *)
- (* a pair <<a, b>> that limits that ratio of faulty validator in the blockchain
- from above (exclusive). Tendermint security model prescribes 1 / 3. *)
- VARIABLES (* see TypeOK below for the variable types *)
- state, (* the current state of the light client *)
- nextHeight, (* the next height to explore by the light client *)
- nprobes (* the lite client iteration, or the number of block tests *)
- (* the light store *)
- fetchedLightBlocks, (* a function from heights to LightBlocks *)
- lightBlockStatus, (* a function from heights to block statuses *)
- latestVerified (* the latest verified block *)
- (* the variables of the lite client *)
- lcvars == <<state, nextHeight, fetchedLightBlocks, lightBlockStatus, latestVerified>>
- (* the light client previous state components, used for monitoring *)
- prevVerified,
- prevCurrent,
- prevNow,
- prevVerdict
- InitMonitor(verified, current, now, verdict) ==
- /\ prevVerified = verified
- /\ prevCurrent = current
- /\ prevNow = now
- /\ prevVerdict = verdict
- NextMonitor(verified, current, now, verdict) ==
- /\ prevVerified' = verified
- /\ prevCurrent' = current
- /\ prevNow' = now
- /\ prevVerdict' = verdict
- (******************* Blockchain instance ***********************************)
- \* the parameters that are propagated into Blockchain
- AllNodes
- (* a set of all nodes that can act as validators (correct and faulty) *)
- \* the state variables of Blockchain, see Blockchain.tla for the details
- VARIABLES now, blockchain, Faulty
- \* All the variables of Blockchain. For some reason, BC!vars does not work
- bcvars == <<now, blockchain, Faulty>>
- (* Create an instance of Blockchain.
- We could write EXTENDS Blockchain, but then all the constants and state variables
- would be hidden inside the Blockchain module.
- *)
- BC == INSTANCE Blockchain_003_draft WITH
- now <- now, blockchain <- blockchain, Faulty <- Faulty
- (************************** Lite client ************************************)
- (* the heights on which the light client is working *)
- (* the control states of the lite client *)
- States == { "working", "finishedSuccess", "finishedFailure" }
- (**
- Check the precondition of ValidAndVerified.
- *)
- ValidAndVerifiedPre(trusted, untrusted) ==
- LET thdr == trusted.header
- uhdr == untrusted.header
- IN
- /\ BC!InTrustingPeriod(thdr)
- /\ thdr.height < uhdr.height
- \* the trusted block has been created earlier (no drift here)
- /\ thdr.time < uhdr.time
- \* the untrusted block is not from the future
- /\ uhdr.time < now
- /\ untrusted.Commits \subseteq uhdr.VS
- /\ LET TP == Cardinality(uhdr.VS)
- SP == Cardinality(untrusted.Commits)
- IN
- 3 * SP > 2 * TP
- /\ thdr.height + 1 = uhdr.height => thdr.NextVS = uhdr.VS
- (* As we do not have explicit hashes we ignore these three checks of the English spec:
- 1. "trusted.Commit is a commit is for the header trusted.Header,
- i.e. it contains the correct hash of the header".
- 2. untrusted.Validators = hash(untrusted.Header.Validators)
- 3. untrusted.NextValidators = hash(untrusted.Header.NextValidators)
- *)
- (**
- * Check that the commits in an untrusted block form 1/3 of the next validators
- * in a trusted header.
- *)
- SignedByOneThirdOfTrusted(trusted, untrusted) ==
- LET TP == Cardinality(trusted.header.NextVS)
- SP == Cardinality(untrusted.Commits \intersect trusted.header.NextVS)
- IN
- 3 * SP > TP
- (**
- Check, whether an untrusted block is valid and verifiable w.r.t. a trusted header.
- *)
- ValidAndVerified(trusted, untrusted) ==
- IF ~ValidAndVerifiedPre(trusted, untrusted)
- ELSE IF ~BC!InTrustingPeriod(untrusted.header)
- (* We leave the following test for the documentation purposes.
- The implementation should do this test, as signature verification may be slow.
- In the TLA+ specification, ValidAndVerified happens in no time.
- *)
- ELSE IF untrusted.header.height = trusted.header.height + 1
- \/ SignedByOneThirdOfTrusted(trusted, untrusted)
- (*
- Initial states of the light client.
- Initially, only the trusted light block is present.
- *)
- LCInit ==
- /\ state = "working"
- /\ nextHeight = TARGET_HEIGHT
- /\ nprobes = 0 \* no tests have been done so far
- /\ LET trustedBlock == blockchain[TRUSTED_HEIGHT]
- trustedLightBlock == [header |-> trustedBlock, Commits |-> AllNodes]
- IN
- \* initially, fetchedLightBlocks is a function of one element, i.e., TRUSTED_HEIGHT
- /\ fetchedLightBlocks = [h \in {TRUSTED_HEIGHT} |-> trustedLightBlock]
- \* initially, lightBlockStatus is a function of one element, i.e., TRUSTED_HEIGHT
- /\ lightBlockStatus = [h \in {TRUSTED_HEIGHT} |-> "StateVerified"]
- \* the latest verified block the the trusted block
- /\ latestVerified = trustedLightBlock
- /\ InitMonitor(trustedLightBlock, trustedLightBlock, now, "SUCCESS")
- \* block should contain a copy of the block from the reference chain, with a matching commit
- CopyLightBlockFromChain(block, height) ==
- LET ref == blockchain[height]
- lastCommit ==
- THEN blockchain[height + 1].lastCommit
- \* for the ultimate block, which we never use, as ULTIMATE_HEIGHT = TARGET_HEIGHT + 1
- ELSE blockchain[height].VS
- IN
- block = [header |-> ref, Commits |-> lastCommit]
- \* Either the primary is correct and the block comes from the reference chain,
- \* or the block is produced by a faulty primary.
- \*
- \* [LCV-FUNC-FETCH.1::TLA.1]
- FetchLightBlockInto(block, height) ==
- THEN CopyLightBlockFromChain(block, height)
- ELSE BC!IsLightBlockAllowedByDigitalSignatures(height, block)
- \* add a block into the light store
- \*
- LightStoreUpdateBlocks(lightBlocks, block) ==
- LET ht == block.header.height IN
- [h \in DOMAIN lightBlocks \union {ht} |->
- IF h = ht THEN block ELSE lightBlocks[h]]
- \* update the state of a light block
- \*
- LightStoreUpdateStates(statuses, ht, blockState) ==
- [h \in DOMAIN statuses \union {ht} |->
- IF h = ht THEN blockState ELSE statuses[h]]
- \* Check, whether newHeight is a possible next height for the light client.
- \*
- CanScheduleTo(newHeight, pLatestVerified, pNextHeight, pTargetHeight) ==
- LET ht == pLatestVerified.header.height IN
- \/ /\ ht = pNextHeight
- /\ ht < pTargetHeight
- /\ pNextHeight < newHeight
- /\ newHeight <= pTargetHeight
- \/ /\ ht < pNextHeight
- /\ ht < pTargetHeight
- /\ ht < newHeight
- /\ newHeight < pNextHeight
- \/ /\ ht = pTargetHeight
- /\ newHeight = pTargetHeight
- \* The loop of VerifyToTarget.
- \*
- VerifyToTargetLoop ==
- \* the loop condition is true
- /\ latestVerified.header.height < TARGET_HEIGHT
- \* pick a light block, which will be constrained later
- /\ \E current \in BC!LightBlocks:
- \* Get next LightBlock for verification
- /\ IF nextHeight \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks
- THEN \* copy the block from the light store
- /\ current = fetchedLightBlocks[nextHeight]
- /\ UNCHANGED fetchedLightBlocks
- ELSE \* retrieve a light block and save it in the light store
- /\ FetchLightBlockInto(current, nextHeight)
- /\ fetchedLightBlocks' = LightStoreUpdateBlocks(fetchedLightBlocks, current)
- \* Record that one more probe has been done (for complexity and model checking)
- /\ nprobes' = nprobes + 1
- \* Verify the current block
- /\ LET verdict == ValidAndVerified(latestVerified, current) IN
- NextMonitor(latestVerified, current, now, verdict) /\
- \* Decide whether/how to continue
- CASE verdict = "SUCCESS" ->
- /\ lightBlockStatus' = LightStoreUpdateStates(lightBlockStatus, nextHeight, "StateVerified")
- /\ latestVerified' = current
- /\ state' =
- IF latestVerified'.header.height < TARGET_HEIGHT
- THEN "working"
- ELSE "finishedSuccess"
- /\ \E newHeight \in HEIGHTS:
- /\ CanScheduleTo(newHeight, current, nextHeight, TARGET_HEIGHT)
- /\ nextHeight' = newHeight
- [] verdict = "NOT_ENOUGH_TRUST" ->
- (*
- do nothing: the light block current passed validation, but the validator
- set is too different to verify it. We keep the state of
- current at StateUnverified. For a later iteration, Schedule
- might decide to try verification of that light block again.
- *)
- /\ lightBlockStatus' = LightStoreUpdateStates(lightBlockStatus, nextHeight, "StateUnverified")
- /\ \E newHeight \in HEIGHTS:
- /\ CanScheduleTo(newHeight, latestVerified, nextHeight, TARGET_HEIGHT)
- /\ nextHeight' = newHeight
- /\ UNCHANGED <<latestVerified, state>>
- [] OTHER ->
- \* verdict is some error code
- /\ lightBlockStatus' = LightStoreUpdateStates(lightBlockStatus, nextHeight, "StateFailed")
- /\ state' = "finishedFailure"
- /\ UNCHANGED <<latestVerified, nextHeight>>
- \* The terminating condition of VerifyToTarget.
- \*
- VerifyToTargetDone ==
- /\ latestVerified.header.height >= TARGET_HEIGHT
- /\ state' = "finishedSuccess"
- /\ UNCHANGED <<nextHeight, nprobes, fetchedLightBlocks, lightBlockStatus, latestVerified>>
- /\ UNCHANGED <<prevVerified, prevCurrent, prevNow, prevVerdict>>
- (********************* Lite client + Blockchain *******************)
- Init ==
- \* the blockchain is initialized immediately to the ULTIMATE_HEIGHT
- /\ BC!InitToHeight(FAULTY_RATIO)
- \* the light client starts
- /\ LCInit
- (*
- The system step is very simple.
- The light client is either executing VerifyToTarget, or it has terminated.
- (In the latter case, a model checker reports a deadlock.)
- Simultaneously, the global clock may advance.
- *)
- Next ==
- /\ state = "working"
- /\ VerifyToTargetLoop \/ VerifyToTargetDone
- /\ BC!AdvanceTime \* the global clock is advanced by zero or more time units
- (************************* Types ******************************************)
- TypeOK ==
- /\ state \in States
- /\ nextHeight \in HEIGHTS
- /\ latestVerified \in BC!LightBlocks
- /\ fetchedLightBlocks \in [HS -> BC!LightBlocks]
- /\ lightBlockStatus
- \in [HS -> {"StateVerified", "StateUnverified", "StateFailed"}]
- (************************* Properties ******************************************)
- (* The properties to check *)
- \* this invariant candidate is false
- NeverFinish ==
- state = "working"
- \* this invariant candidate is false
- NeverFinishNegative ==
- state /= "finishedFailure"
- \* This invariant holds true, when the primary is correct.
- \* This invariant candidate is false when the primary is faulty.
- NeverFinishNegativeWhenTrusted ==
- (*(minTrustedHeight <= TRUSTED_HEIGHT)*)
- BC!InTrustingPeriod(blockchain[TRUSTED_HEIGHT])
- => state /= "finishedFailure"
- \* this invariant candidate is false
- NeverFinishPositive ==
- state /= "finishedSuccess"
- (**
- Correctness states that all the obtained headers are exactly like in the blockchain.
- It is always the case that every verified header in LightStore was generated by
- an instance of Tendermint consensus.
- *)
- CorrectnessInv ==
- \A h \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- lightBlockStatus[h] = "StateVerified" =>
- fetchedLightBlocks[h].header = blockchain[h]
- (**
- *)
- NoTrustOnFaultyBlockInv ==
- (state = "finishedSuccess"
- /\ fetchedLightBlocks[TARGET_HEIGHT].header = blockchain[TARGET_HEIGHT])
- => CorrectnessInv
- (**
- Check that the sequence of the headers in storedLightBlocks satisfies ValidAndVerified = "SUCCESS" pairwise
- This property is easily violated, whenever a header cannot be trusted anymore.
- *)
- StoredHeadersAreVerifiedInv ==
- state = "finishedSuccess"
- =>
- \A lh, rh \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks: \* for every pair of different stored headers
- \/ lh >= rh
- \* either there is a header between them
- \/ \E mh \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- lh < mh /\ mh < rh
- \* or we can verify the right one using the left one
- \/ "SUCCESS" = ValidAndVerified(fetchedLightBlocks[lh], fetchedLightBlocks[rh])
- \* An improved version of StoredHeadersAreSound, assuming that a header may be not trusted.
- \* This invariant candidate is also violated,
- \* as there may be some unverified blocks left in the middle.
- StoredHeadersAreVerifiedOrNotTrustedInv ==
- state = "finishedSuccess"
- =>
- \A lh, rh \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks: \* for every pair of different stored headers
- \/ lh >= rh
- \* either there is a header between them
- \/ \E mh \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- lh < mh /\ mh < rh
- \* or we can verify the right one using the left one
- \/ "SUCCESS" = ValidAndVerified(fetchedLightBlocks[lh], fetchedLightBlocks[rh])
- \* or the left header is outside the trusting period, so no guarantees
- \/ ~BC!InTrustingPeriod(fetchedLightBlocks[lh].header)
- (**
- * An improved version of StoredHeadersAreSoundOrNotTrusted,
- * checking the property only for the verified headers.
- * This invariant holds true.
- *)
- ProofOfChainOfTrustInv ==
- state = "finishedSuccess"
- =>
- \A lh, rh \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- \* for every pair of stored headers that have been verified
- \/ lh >= rh
- \/ lightBlockStatus[lh] = "StateUnverified"
- \/ lightBlockStatus[rh] = "StateUnverified"
- \* either there is a header between them
- \/ \E mh \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- lh < mh /\ mh < rh /\ lightBlockStatus[mh] = "StateVerified"
- \* or the left header is outside the trusting period, so no guarantees
- \/ ~(BC!InTrustingPeriod(fetchedLightBlocks[lh].header))
- \* or we can verify the right one using the left one
- \/ "SUCCESS" = ValidAndVerified(fetchedLightBlocks[lh], fetchedLightBlocks[rh])
- (**
- * When the light client terminates, there are no failed blocks. (Otherwise, someone lied to us.)
- *)
- NoFailedBlocksOnSuccessInv ==
- state = "finishedSuccess" =>
- \A h \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- lightBlockStatus[h] /= "StateFailed"
- \* This property states that whenever the light client finishes with a positive outcome,
- \* the trusted header is still within the trusting period.
- \* We expect this property to be violated. And Apalache shows us a counterexample.
- PositiveBeforeTrustedHeaderExpires ==
- (state = "finishedSuccess") => BC!InTrustingPeriod(blockchain[TRUSTED_HEIGHT])
- \* If the primary is correct and the initial trusted block has not expired,
- \* then whenever the algorithm terminates, it reports "success"
- CorrectPrimaryAndTimeliness ==
- (BC!InTrustingPeriod(blockchain[TRUSTED_HEIGHT])
- /\ state /= "working" /\ IS_PRIMARY_CORRECT) =>
- state = "finishedSuccess"
- (**
- If the primary is correct and there is a trusted block that has not expired,
- then whenever the algorithm terminates, it reports "success".
- *)
- SuccessOnCorrectPrimaryAndChainOfTrust ==
- (\E h \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- lightBlockStatus[h] = "StateVerified" /\ BC!InTrustingPeriod(blockchain[h])
- /\ state /= "working" /\ IS_PRIMARY_CORRECT) =>
- state = "finishedSuccess"
- \* Lite Client Completeness: If header h was correctly generated by an instance
- \* of Tendermint consensus (and its age is less than the trusting period),
- \* then the lite client should eventually set trust(h) to true.
- \*
- \* Note that Completeness assumes that the lite client communicates with a correct full node.
- \*
- \* We decompose completeness into Termination (liveness) and Precision (safety).
- \* Once again, Precision is an inverse version of the safety property in Completeness,
- \* as A => B is logically equivalent to ~B => ~A.
- PrecisionInv ==
- (state = "finishedFailure")
- => \/ ~BC!InTrustingPeriod(blockchain[TRUSTED_HEIGHT]) \* outside of the trusting period
- \/ \E h \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- LET lightBlock == fetchedLightBlocks[h] IN
- \* the full node lied to the lite client about the block header
- \/ lightBlock.header /= blockchain[h]
- \* the full node lied to the lite client about the commits
- \/ lightBlock.Commits /= lightBlock.header.VS
- \* the old invariant that was found to be buggy by TLC
- PrecisionBuggyInv ==
- (state = "finishedFailure")
- => \/ ~BC!InTrustingPeriod(blockchain[TRUSTED_HEIGHT]) \* outside of the trusting period
- \/ \E h \in DOMAIN fetchedLightBlocks:
- LET lightBlock == fetchedLightBlocks[h] IN
- \* the full node lied to the lite client about the block header
- lightBlock.header /= blockchain[h]
- \* the worst complexity
- Complexity ==
- state /= "working" =>
- (2 * nprobes <= N * (N - 1))
- (*
- We omit termination, as the algorithm deadlocks in the end.
- So termination can be demonstrated by finding a deadlock.
- Of course, one has to analyze the deadlocked state and see that
- the algorithm has indeed terminated there.
- *)
- =============================================================================
- \* Modification History
- \* Last modified Fri Jun 26 12:08:28 CEST 2020 by igor
- \* Created Wed Oct 02 16:39:42 CEST 2019 by igor