- # Light client attacks
- We define a light client attack as detection of conflicting headers for a given height that can be verified
- starting from the trusted light block. A light client attack is defined in the context of interactions of
- light client with two peers. One of the peers (called primary) defines a trace of verified light blocks
- (primary trace) that are being checked against trace of the other peer (called witness) that we call
- witness trace.
- A light client attack is defined by the primary and witness traces
- that have a common root (the same trusted light block for a common height) but forms
- conflicting branches (end of traces is for the same height but with different headers).
- Note that conflicting branches could be arbitrarily big as branches continue to diverge after
- a bifurcation point. We propose an approach that allows us to define a valid light client attack
- only with a common light block and a single conflicting light block. We rely on the fact that
- we assume that the primary is under suspicion (therefore not trusted) and that the witness plays
- support role to detect and process an attack (therefore trusted). Therefore, once a light client
- detects an attack, it needs to send to a witness only missing data (common height
- and conflicting light block) as it has its trace. Keeping light client attack data of constant size
- saves bandwidth and reduces an attack surface. As we will explain below, although in the context of
- light client core
- [verification](https://github.com/informalsystems/tendermint-rs/tree/master/docs/spec/lightclient/verification)
- the roles of primary and witness are clearly defined,
- in case of the attack, we run the same attack detection procedure twice where the roles are swapped.
- The rationale is that the light client does not know what peer is correct (on a right main branch)
- so it tries to create and submit an attack evidence to both peers.
- Light client attack evidence consists of a conflicting light block and a common height.
- ```go
- type LightClientAttackEvidence struct {
- ConflictingBlock LightBlock
- CommonHeight int64
- }
- ```
- Full node can validate a light client attack evidence by executing the following procedure:
- ```go
- func IsValid(lcaEvidence LightClientAttackEvidence, bc Blockchain) boolean {
- commonBlock = GetLightBlock(bc, lcaEvidence.CommonHeight)
- if commonBlock == nil return false
- // Note that trustingPeriod in ValidAndVerified is set to UNBONDING_PERIOD
- verdict = ValidAndVerified(commonBlock, lcaEvidence.ConflictingBlock)
- conflictingHeight = lcaEvidence.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height
- return verdict == OK and bc[conflictingHeight].Header != lcaEvidence.ConflictingBlock.Header
- }
- ```
- ## Light client attack creation
- Given a trusted light block `trusted`, a light node executes the bisection algorithm to verify header
- `untrusted` at some height `h`. If the bisection algorithm succeeds, then the header `untrusted` is verified.
- Headers that are downloaded as part of the bisection algorithm are stored in a store and they are also in
- the verified state. Therefore, after the bisection algorithm successfully terminates we have a trace of
- the light blocks ([] LightBlock) we obtained from the primary that we call primary trace.
- ### Primary trace
- The following invariant holds for the primary trace:
- - Given a `trusted` light block, target height `h`, and `primary_trace` ([] LightBlock):
- *primary_trace[0] == trusted* and *primary_trace[len(primary_trace)-1].Height == h* and
- successive light blocks are passing light client verification logic.
- ### Witness with a conflicting header
- The verified header at height `h` is cross-checked with every witness as part of
- [detection](https://github.com/informalsystems/tendermint-rs/tree/master/docs/spec/lightclient/detection).
- If a witness returns the conflicting header at the height `h` the following procedure is executed to verify
- if the conflicting header comes from the valid trace and if that's the case to create an attack evidence:
- #### Helper functions
- We assume the following helper functions:
- ```go
- // Returns trace of verified light blocks starting from rootHeight and ending with targetHeight.
- Trace(lightStore LightStore, rootHeight int64, targetHeight int64) LightBlock[]
- // Returns validator set for the given height
- GetValidators(bc Blockchain, height int64) Validator[]
- // Returns validator set for the given height
- GetValidators(bc Blockchain, height int64) Validator[]
- // Return validator addresses for the given validators
- GetAddresses(vals Validator[]) ValidatorAddress[]
- ```
- ```go
- func DetectLightClientAttacks(primary PeerID,
- primary_trace []LightBlock,
- witness PeerID) (LightClientAttackEvidence, LightClientAttackEvidence) {
- primary_lca_evidence, witness_trace = DetectLightClientAttack(primary_trace, witness)
- witness_lca_evidence = nil
- if witness_trace != nil {
- witness_lca_evidence, _ = DetectLightClientAttack(witness_trace, primary)
- }
- return primary_lca_evidence, witness_lca_evidence
- }
- func DetectLightClientAttack(trace []LightBlock, peer PeerID) (LightClientAttackEvidence, []LightBlock) {
- lightStore = new LightStore().Update(trace[0], StateTrusted)
- for i in 1..len(trace)-1 {
- lightStore, result = VerifyToTarget(peer, lightStore, trace[i].Header.Height)
- if result == ResultFailure then return (nil, nil)
- current = lightStore.Get(trace[i].Header.Height)
- // if obtained header is the same as in the trace we continue with a next height
- if current.Header == trace[i].Header continue
- // we have identified a conflicting header
- commonBlock = trace[i-1]
- conflictingBlock = trace[i]
- return (LightClientAttackEvidence { conflictingBlock, commonBlock.Header.Height },
- Trace(lightStore, trace[i-1].Header.Height, trace[i].Header.Height))
- }
- return (nil, nil)
- }
- ```
- ## Evidence handling
- As part of on chain evidence handling, full nodes identifies misbehaving processes and informs
- the application, so they can be slashed. Note that only bonded validators should
- be reported to the application. There are three types of attacks that can be executed against
- Tendermint light client:
- - lunatic attack
- - equivocation attack and
- - amnesia attack.
- We now specify the evidence handling logic.
- ```go
- func detectMisbehavingProcesses(lcAttackEvidence LightClientAttackEvidence, bc Blockchain) []ValidatorAddress {
- assume IsValid(lcaEvidence, bc)
- // lunatic light client attack
- if !isValidBlock(current.Header, conflictingBlock.Header) {
- conflictingCommit = lcAttackEvidence.ConflictingBlock.Commit
- bondedValidators = GetNextValidators(bc, lcAttackEvidence.CommonHeight)
- return getSigners(conflictingCommit) intersection GetAddresses(bondedValidators)
- // equivocation light client attack
- } else if current.Header.Round == conflictingBlock.Header.Round {
- conflictingCommit = lcAttackEvidence.ConflictingBlock.Commit
- trustedCommit = bc[conflictingBlock.Header.Height+1].LastCommit
- return getSigners(trustedCommit) intersection getSigners(conflictingCommit)
- // amnesia light client attack
- } else {
- HandleAmnesiaAttackEvidence(lcAttackEvidence, bc)
- }
- }
- // Block validity in this context is defined by the trusted header.
- func isValidBlock(trusted Header, conflicting Header) boolean {
- return trusted.ValidatorsHash == conflicting.ValidatorsHash and
- trusted.NextValidatorsHash == conflicting.NextValidatorsHash and
- trusted.ConsensusHash == conflicting.ConsensusHash and
- trusted.AppHash == conflicting.AppHash and
- trusted.LastResultsHash == conflicting.LastResultsHash
- }
- func getSigners(commit Commit) []ValidatorAddress {
- signers = []ValidatorAddress
- for (i, commitSig) in commit.Signatures {
- if commitSig.BlockIDFlag == BlockIDFlagCommit {
- signers.append(commitSig.ValidatorAddress)
- }
- }
- return signers
- }
- ```
- Note that amnesia attack evidence handling involves more complex processing, i.e., cannot be
- defined simply on amnesia attack evidence. We explain in the following section a protocol
- for handling amnesia attack evidence.
- ### Amnesia attack evidence handling
- Detecting faulty processes in case of the amnesia attack is more complex and cannot be inferred
- purely based on attack evidence data. In this case, in order to detect misbehaving processes we need
- access to votes processes sent/received during the conflicting height. Therefore, amnesia handling assumes that
- validators persist all votes received and sent during multi-round heights (as amnesia attack
- is only possible in heights that executes over multiple rounds, i.e., commit round > 0).
- To simplify description of the algorithm we assume existence of the trusted oracle called monitor that will
- drive the algorithm and output faulty processes at the end. Monitor can be implemented in a
- distributed setting as on-chain module. The algorithm works as follows:
- 1) Monitor sends votesets request to validators of the conflicting height. Validators
- are expected to send their votesets within predefined timeout.
- 2) Upon receiving votesets request, validators send their votesets to a monitor.
- 2) Validators which have not sent its votesets within timeout are considered faulty.
- 3) The preprocessing of the votesets is done. That means that the received votesets are analyzed
- and each vote (valid) sent by process p is added to the voteset of the sender p. This phase ensures that
- votes sent by faulty processes observed by at least one correct validator cannot be excluded from the analysis.
- 4) Votesets of every validator are analyzed independently to decide whether the validator is correct or faulty.
- A faulty validators is the one where at least one of those invalid transitions is found:
- - More than one PREVOTE message is sent in a round
- - More than one PRECOMMIT message is sent in a round
- - PRECOMMIT message is sent without receiving +2/3 of voting-power equivalent
- appropriate PREVOTE messages
- - PREVOTE message is sent for the value V’ in round r’ and the PRECOMMIT message had
- been sent for the value V in round r by the same process (r’ > r) and there are no
- +2/3 of voting-power equivalent PREVOTE(vr, V’) messages (vr ≥ 0 and vr > r and vr < r’)
- as the justification for sending PREVOTE(r’, V’)