Implementazione open-source del protocollo di Strong Customer Authentication di Poste Italiane, (, lato client.
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2 years ago
  1. [metadata]
  2. name = pyjod
  3. version = attr:pyjod.version
  4. description = Python implementation of PosteID.
  5. long_description =
  6. long_description_content_type = text/markdown
  7. author = Vendetta
  8. author_email =
  9. classifiers =
  10. Development Status :: 1 - Planning
  11. Programming Language :: Python
  12. Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
  13. Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
  14. platforms = any
  15. [options]
  16. packages =
  17. pyjod
  18. install_requires =
  19. xdgappdirs>=1.4
  20. cryptography>=3.3
  21. jwcrypto>=1.3
  22. pathvalidate>=2.5
  23. pyotp>=2.6
  24. requests
  25. setup_requires =
  26. setuptools_scm
  27. [options.extras_require]
  28. qr =
  29. numpy
  30. qrcodeT
  31. [options.entry_points]
  32. console_scripts =
  33. posteid = pyjod.cli:run