# This class is responsible for handling all asynchronous Logz.io's # communication import sys import json from time import sleep from datetime import datetime from threading import Thread, enumerate import requests if sys.version[0] == '2': import Queue as queue else: import queue as queue MAX_BULK_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 1 * 1024 * 1024 # 1 MB def backup_logs(logs): timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%Y-%H%M%S") print("Backing up your logs to logzio-failures-{0}.txt".format(timestamp)) with open("logzio-failures-{0}.txt".format(timestamp), "a") as f: f.writelines('\n'.join(logs)) class LogzioSender: def __init__(self, token, url="https://listener.logz.io:8071", logs_drain_timeout=5, debug=False): self.token = token self.url = "{0}/?token={1}".format(url, token) self.logs_drain_timeout = logs_drain_timeout self.debug = debug # Function to see if the main thread is alive self.is_main_thread_active = lambda: any( (i.name == "MainThread") and i.is_alive() for i in enumerate()) # Create a queue to hold logs self.queue = queue.Queue() self.sending_thread = Thread(target=self._drain_queue) self.sending_thread.daemon = False self.sending_thread.name = "logzio-sending-thread" self.sending_thread.start() def append(self, logs_message): # Queue lib is thread safe, no issue here self.queue.put(json.dumps(logs_message)) def flush(self): self._flush_queue() def _debug(self, message): if self.debug: print(str(message)) def _drain_queue(self): last_try = False while not last_try: # If main is exited, we should run one last time and try to remove # all logs if not self.is_main_thread_active(): self._debug( "Identified quit of main thread, sending logs one " "last time") last_try = True try: self._flush_queue() except Exception as e: self._debug( "Unexpected exception while draining queue to Logz.io, " "swallowing. Exception: " + str(e)) if not last_try: sleep(self.logs_drain_timeout) def _flush_queue(self): # Sending logs until queue is empty while not self.queue.empty(): logs_list = self._get_messages_up_to_max_allowed_size() self._debug("Starting to drain " + str(len(logs_list)) + " logs to Logz.io") # Not configurable from the outside sleep_between_retries = 2 number_of_retries = 4 should_backup_to_disk = True headers = {"Content-type": "text/plain"} for current_try in range(number_of_retries): should_retry = False try: response = requests.post( self.url, headers=headers, data='\n'.join(logs_list)) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 400: print("Got 400 code from Logz.io. This means that " "some of your logs are too big, or badly " "formatted. response: {0}".format( response.text)) should_backup_to_disk = False break if response.status_code == 401: print( "You are not authorized with Logz.io! Token " "OK? dropping logs...") should_backup_to_disk = False break else: print( "Got {} while sending logs to Logz.io, " "Try ({}/{}). Response: {}".format( response.status_code, current_try + 1, number_of_retries, response.text)) should_retry = True else: self._debug("Successfully sent bulk of " + str(len(logs_list)) + " logs to Logz.io!") should_backup_to_disk = False break except Exception as e: print("Got exception while sending logs to Logz.io, " "Try ({}/{}). Message: {}".format( current_try + 1, number_of_retries, e)) should_retry = True if should_retry: sleep(sleep_between_retries) sleep_between_retries *= 2 if should_backup_to_disk: # Write to file print("Could not send logs to Logz.io after " + str(number_of_retries) + " tries, backing up to local file system.") backup_logs(logs_list) def _get_messages_up_to_max_allowed_size(self): logs_list = [] current_size = 0 while not self.queue.empty(): current_log = self.queue.get() current_size += sys.getsizeof(current_log) logs_list.append(current_log) if current_size >= MAX_BULK_SIZE_IN_BYTES: break return logs_list