Logging handler to send logs to your OpenSearch cluster with bulk SSL. Forked from https://github.com/logzio/logzio-python-handler
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  1. import sys
  2. import json
  3. import logging
  4. import datetime
  5. import traceback
  6. import logging.handlers
  7. from .sender import LogzioSender
  8. from .exceptions import LogzioException
  9. class ExtraFieldsLogFilter(logging.Filter):
  10. def __init__(self, extra: dict, *args, **kwargs):
  11. super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  12. self.extra = extra
  13. def filter(self, record):
  14. record.__dict__.update(self.extra)
  15. return True
  16. class LogzioHandler(logging.Handler):
  17. def __init__(self,
  18. token,
  19. logzio_type="python",
  20. logs_drain_timeout=3,
  21. url="https://listener.logz.io:8071",
  22. debug=False,
  23. backup_logs=True,
  24. network_timeout=10.0,
  25. retries_no=4,
  26. retry_timeout=2,
  27. add_context=False):
  28. if not token:
  29. raise LogzioException('Logz.io Token must be provided')
  30. self.logzio_type = logzio_type
  31. if add_context:
  32. try:
  33. from opentelemetry.instrumentation.logging import LoggingInstrumentor
  34. LoggingInstrumentor().instrument(set_logging_format=True)
  35. except ImportError:
  36. print("""Can't add trace context.
  37. OpenTelemetry logging optional package isn't installed.
  38. Please install the following package:
  39. pip install 'logzio-python-handler[opentelemetry-logging]'""")
  40. self.logzio_sender = LogzioSender(
  41. token=token,
  42. url=url,
  43. logs_drain_timeout=logs_drain_timeout,
  44. debug=debug,
  45. backup_logs=backup_logs,
  46. network_timeout=network_timeout,
  47. number_of_retries=retries_no,
  48. retry_timeout=retry_timeout)
  49. logging.Handler.__init__(self)
  50. def __del__(self):
  51. del self.logzio_sender
  52. def extra_fields(self, message):
  53. not_allowed_keys = (
  54. 'args', 'asctime', 'created', 'exc_info', 'stack_info', 'exc_text',
  55. 'filename', 'funcName', 'levelname', 'levelno', 'lineno', 'module',
  56. 'msecs', 'msecs', 'message', 'msg', 'name', 'pathname', 'process',
  57. 'processName', 'relativeCreated', 'thread', 'threadName')
  58. if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
  59. # long and basestring don't exist in py3 so, NOQA
  60. var_type = (basestring, bool, dict, float, # NOQA
  61. int, long, list, type(None)) # NOQA
  62. else:
  63. var_type = (str, bool, dict, float, int, list, type(None))
  64. extra_fields = {}
  65. for key, value in message.__dict__.items():
  66. if key not in not_allowed_keys:
  67. if isinstance(value, var_type):
  68. extra_fields[key] = value
  69. else:
  70. extra_fields[key] = repr(value)
  71. return extra_fields
  72. def flush(self):
  73. self.logzio_sender.flush()
  74. def format(self, record):
  75. message = super(LogzioHandler, self).format(record)
  76. try:
  77. if record.exc_info:
  78. message = message.split("\n")[0] # only keep the original formatted message part
  79. return json.loads(message)
  80. except (TypeError, ValueError):
  81. return message
  82. def format_exception(self, exc_info):
  83. return '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))
  84. def format_message(self, message):
  85. now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
  86. timestamp = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + \
  87. '.%03d' % (now.microsecond / 1000) + 'Z'
  88. return_json = {
  89. 'logger': message.name,
  90. 'line_number': message.lineno,
  91. 'path_name': message.pathname,
  92. 'log_level': message.levelname,
  93. 'type': self.logzio_type,
  94. 'message': message.getMessage(),
  95. '@timestamp': timestamp
  96. }
  97. if message.exc_info:
  98. return_json['exception'] = self.format_exception(message.exc_info)
  99. # # We want to ignore default logging formatting on exceptions
  100. # # As we handle those differently directly into exception field
  101. formatted_message = self.format(message)
  102. # Exception with multiple fields, apply them to log json.
  103. if isinstance(formatted_message, dict):
  104. return_json.update(formatted_message)
  105. # No exception, apply default formatted message
  106. elif not message.exc_info:
  107. return_json['message'] = formatted_message
  108. return_json.update(self.extra_fields(message))
  109. return return_json
  110. def emit(self, record):
  111. self.logzio_sender.append(self.format_message(record))