You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
4.0 KiB

import json
import re
import pathlib
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from moodle_dl.moodle_connector.request_helper import RequestHelper
from moodle_dl.moodle_connector.first_contact_handler import FirstContactHandler
from moodle_dl.moodle_connector.sso_token_receiver import extract_token
def get_cds(c):
regex = '^B\d+ \((B\d+)\) -.*'
m = re.match(regex, c.fullname)
if m:
return m.groups(0)[0]
def normalize_name(email, namestring):
mailuser, domain = email.split('@')
allnames = namestring.lower().split(' ')
if domain == '':
firstname, lastname = mailuser.split('.')
firstname = " ".join([ n.capitalize() for n in allnames if n in firstname ])
lastname = " ".join([ n.capitalize() for n in allnames if n in lastname ])
return firstname, lastname
if len(allnames) == 2:
firstname = namestring[1].capitalize()
lastname = namestring[0].capitalize()
return firstname, lastname
return "", " ".join([a.capitalize() for a in allnames])
def is_student(u):
roleids = [r['roleid'] for r in u['roles']]
return (5 in roleids and not u['email'].endswith(''))
class MailListDownloader():
def __init__(self, url):
self.token, self.secret_token = extract_token(url)
self.rh = RequestHelper('', token=self.token)
self.fch = FirstContactHandler(self.rh)
def course_emails(self, courseid):
users_raw = self.rh.post_REST('core_enrol_get_enrolled_users', dict(courseid=courseid))
users = list()
skipped = 0
for u in users_raw:
if not 'fullname' in u:
print(f'Malformed record u={u}')
if not 'email' in u:
skipped += 1
#print(f"Skipping {u['fullname']}, no available email.")
if not is_student(u):
skipped += 1
#print(f"Skipping {u['fullname']}, not a student.")
firstname, lastname = normalize_name(u['email'], u['fullname'])
users.append(dict(firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname, email=u['email']))
print(f"\t{len(users)} found, {skipped} skipped.")
return users
def course_list(self):
userid, version = self.fch.fetch_userid_and_version()
courses = self.fch.fetch_courses(userid)
return [ dict(,cds=get_cds(c),fullname=c.fullname) for c in courses ]
def download_from_new_courses(self, path):
path = pathlib.Path(path)
downloaded_file = path.with_suffix('.downloaded.json')
database_file = path.with_suffix('.db.hdf')
if downloaded_file.is_file():
with as f:
downloaded = json.load(f)
downloaded = []
if database_file.is_file():
db = pd.read_hdf(database_file, 'emails')
db = pd.DataFrame()
db['cds'] = []
db['firstname'] = []
db['lastname'] = []
db['email'] = []
for c in tqdm(self.course_list()):
old_len = len(db)
if c['cds'] and not c['cid'] in downloaded:
print(f"Downloading {c['fullname']}")
cid = c['cid']
cds = c['cds']
emails = self.course_emails(cid)
emails = pd.DataFrame(emails)
emails['cds'] = cds
db = pd.concat([db, emails]).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
new_len = len(db)
new = new_len - old_len
duplicates = len(emails) - new
print(f"\t{new_len-old_len} new, {duplicates} duplicates.")
with'w') as f:
json.dump(downloaded, f)
db.to_hdf(database_file, key='emails')
return db