#include int D = 0; // Pointer Divinità in array int I = 0; // Pointer Insulto in array int agender = 0; // Variable to select non-gendered insults int Gender = 1; // Variable to store gender int ratio = 1; // Ratio between gendered/non-gendered insults unsigned int strlength = 1; // Variable to store Length of individual insult String Riga1 = "A"; // String to print for Divinità String Riga2 = "B"; // String to print for insult char *DivinitaF[] = { "Madonna", "Eva", "Maria", "Maria Benedetta", "MadonnaImpestata", "Madre Teresa", "Porcamadonna", "Maria Maledetta", }; char *DivinitaM[] = { "Dio", "Giuseppe", "San Giuseppe", "Gesu'", "Cristo", "Papa Francesco", "Papa Nazingher", "Gesu' Cristo", "DioBestia", "Iddio", "Padre Eterno", "Porcoddio", "Dio Serpente", "Giuda", "Porco il Clero", "Adamo", }; char *InsultiFM[] = {"Sparata", "Arrestata", "Smerdata", "Porca", "Stronza", "Galeotta", "Merdosa", "Lurida", "Mafiosa", "Ladra", "Carbonizzata", "Sciolta", "Sudicia", "Assassina", "Sotterrata", "Scoppiata", "Ingessata", "Pietrificata", "Diavola", "Lupa", "Incazzata", "Inviperita", "Marcia", "Infangata" "Scatenata", "Piena", "Avvelenata", "Sbronza", "Radioattiva", "Pisana", "Cogliona", "Velenosa", "Ammazzata", "Fascista Appesa", "Lebbrosa", "Drogata", "Smutandata", "Catafratta", "Pisana", "Infangata", "Asfaltata", "Scivolata", "Inchiodata", "Decaffeinata", "Slurdata", "Viscida", "Gonfia", "Nana", }; char *InsultiA[] = { "Cane", "A Pedali", "C'ho Fame!", "Chepppalle!", "In croce", "con la diarrea", "Terrorista", "Camorrista", "Infame", "In fiamme", "Fascista", "Boia", "Frittata", "Biscia", "in Carriola", "Missile", "Serpente", "Maiale", "Autostoppista", "Lontra", "Merda", "Verme", "Infame", "Agghiacciante", "Cinghiale", "Camorrista", "Atomo", "Bengala", }; int DFSize = sizeof(DivinitaF) / sizeof(DivinitaF[0]); // Automatically calculate size of arrays based on string lenght int DMSize = sizeof(DivinitaM) / sizeof(DivinitaM[0]); int IFMSize = sizeof(InsultiFM) / sizeof(InsultiFM[0]); int IASize = sizeof(InsultiA) / sizeof(InsultiA[0]); // LCD pins <--> Arduino pins const int RS = 11, EN = 12, D4 = 2, D5 = 3, D6 = 4, D7 = 5; LiquidCrystal lcd(RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7); void setup() { ratio = 100*IFMSize/(IFMSize + IASize); //(The smallest IASize, the slimmenst the chance to pick from corresponding array) // Setup LCD and print boot messages once lcd.begin(16, 2); // set up number of columns and rows lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // move cursor to (0, 0) lcd.print("GeneratoreRandom"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // move cursor to (0, 1) lcd.print("Di Bestemmie 1.1"); delay(5000); lcd.clear(); // Clear LCD before re-draw lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // move cursor to (0, 0) lcd.print("by AulaStud"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // move cursor to (0, 1) lcd.print("2022"); delay(2000); } void loop() { lcd.clear(); // Clear LCD at every cycle Gender = random(1, 3); // Randomly pick F/M as 1 or 2. generate from 1 to n+1 where n is the desired maximum if (Gender == 1) { // Check what group has been picked (F/M) D = random(1, DFSize); // Randomply pick string in array; from 1 to n+1 where n is the desired maximum Riga1 = DivinitaF[D]; // Fill lines that will be printed to LCD } else if (Gender == 2) { // Check what group has been picked (F/M) D = random(1, DMSize); Riga1 = DivinitaM[D]; // Fill lines that will be printed to LCD } agender = random(1, 101); if (agender < ratio) { // Extra option to pick Non-gendered insults I = random(1, IASize); Riga2 = InsultiA[I]; // Fill lines that will be printed to LCD } else { // else pick insult and change gender I = random(1, IFMSize); Riga2 = InsultiFM[I]; // Fill lines that will be printed to LCD } lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // move cursor to (0, 0) lcd.print(Riga1); // Print Line1 lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // move cursor to (0, 1) lcd.print(Riga2); // Print Line2 if (Gender == 2 && agender >= ratio) { strlength = Riga2.length() - 1; // get length of current insult string lcd.setCursor(strlength, 1); // move cursor to end of insult lcd.print("o"); // print final letter over end of line2 to change F to M } delay(5000); // Delay 5s before next cycle agender = 3; // Reset variable Riga1 = ""; // Clear strings, or characters will overlap sometimes Riga2 = ""; }