Controller basato su attiny45, un relé e un FET per il compressore del frigorifero usato che abbiamo preso per l'aulastud nel '23.
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// Hi! Barb here: this is a quick and dirty implementation of a refrigeration compressor + evaporator fan(s) controller.
// I wrote this code to run it on an attiny45 that I was able to solder on the back of a 5V relay inside the refrigerator's
// control panel. This code relies on an external thermostat already doing its work and is not meant to manage internal
// temperature. It is written to make sure the compressor can get a minimum rest-time between cycles as to not overheat.
// This relay and attiny are connected in series with the main thermost's relay, so that they only function when it's calling.
// With this in mind, we assume the thermostat has just called for cooling every time the attiny is booted and leave the
// compressor running. After a set period of s (timerMAX) the compressor is switched off.
// In order to aid thermal transfer and maximize COP while using butane as refrigerant, the system needs to have a higher
// average temperature. Due to this reason, a fan is fitted between the fridge and freezer compartments to move air between
// the two. The fan is turned on after fanStartDelay to prevent rapid heating of the freezer and turned back on when the
// timer hits fanStopAdvance to allow for further freezer sub-cooling.
// Last updated: 05/03/24
bool disable = 0; // bool to store compressor disable status
int timer = 0; // active countdown timer, between timerMax and 0
const int timerMAX = 1500; // (countdown in seconds)
int relayPin = 0; // compressor relay output pin (active LOW)
int fanPin = 1; // fan MOSFET output pin (active HIGH)
const int fanStartDelay = 60; // fan turn-on delay in seconds
const int fanStopAdvance = 30; // fan turn-off advance in seconds (before the compressor stops, allows to sub-cool the freezer)
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// firstly, we initialize the needed outputs
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(fanPin, OUTPUT);
// then we set them low to keep the compressor on and the fans off at boot
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(fanPin, LOW);
// lastly, we set the timer at maximum so that the loop starts counting down
timer = timerMAX;
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
// fan control logic:
// only enable fans after the compressor has been running for a while
if (timer == (timerMAX - fanStartDelay) && disable == 0) {
// enable fan(s) after set delay if the compressor is not disabled
digitalWrite(fanPin, HIGH);
else if (timer == fanStopAdvance && disable == 0) {
// disable when we are about to stop the compressor
digitalWrite(fanPin, LOW);
else {
// do nothing
// compressor control logic
if (timer > 0 && disable == 0) {
// when compressor is active, countdown moves at 1s/cycle
else if (timer > 0 && disable == 1) {
// when compressor is off, countdown moves at (1/5)s/cycle (5 times faster!)
timer = timer - 5;
else if (timer == 0) {
// reset countdown timer to max once 0 is reached
timer = timerMAX;
// relay control logic: warning! LOW = active!
if (disable == 0) {
disable = 1;
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
else if (disable == 1) {
disable = 0;
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
else {
// protect against underflow or bitflip: if no condition applies, reset to safe values
timer = 0;
disable = 0;
digitalWrite(fanPin, LOW);
// now wait 1s so that we can roughly count time using the timer variable
// this is a stopping delay, kinda bad, but we don't have any inputs, hence it shouldn't matter!